I am liking this topic, so I will start.
Told a certain Lady in a restarted top league a story today.
Once long ago in another life, I placed 10 innocent lil Golems in a hammie. Along comes a certain rather savage froggie and turned my 10 golems into pixie dust with her enorme horde. I built a memorial to my golems there as I could not find even a tiny bone to bury, and we had an enormously good laugh in pm's.
Moral of the story: the savage froggie and I are still friends since that day, and so are many of her league mates.
the soul of mellowness said:
I will tell the story when I was little and my impression of dogs.
I remember when I was little my grandmother took me to her brother's house. At that time, there was a big becgie dog and it was very fierce every time I came it was barking loudly, i had to flee to the upper floor. The funny thing is that it did not know to go up the stairs. So I safely hid on it but when I came down it stood up stairs and growled.
I'm afraid of it more than hate it and its name is very sweet. "Cotton"
It's clear that its name is not like it!
and the game connection?
Alright, storytime! Giggity giggity. Didn't think I had an interesting one, since I'm a boring player and not often involved with drama, but I was telling a friend about this one about an hour ago and realized I could share it here, if I made it anonymous for the other parties, like Jaywalker did with his story. (Thanks, man! I almost forgot to give you credit. *hits self*)
Now, the serendipitous tale of how I ended up in a top league. For a time, anyway.
I was in a good league for several months, but strongly disliked a thing there, although I held my peace until a fateful night. I don't remember it. I was completely and utterly blackout drunk, but was informed, both by correspondence left in my message box and from a few of my former league mates, of what had occurred, that I had spewed a whole slew of outright abuse at the thing I disliked. I was justifiably booted out. In the morning, all I felt was amusement at apparently having been able to still type and string together any coherent words in order to insult, and distress for one of my big toes, which I had managed to rip the nail off of, as well as being covered in bruises from whatever I had gotten up to before returning home to begin my chatbox maltreatment. I never did recover my watch and wonder what became of it. *squints, then clears throat*
Moving on.
Shortly after, I was offered a spot in the league of someone I had known since I started playing, who I had some misgivings about due to their ruthless, immoral tactics that I had witnessed personally and terrible rumors I'd heard in the past, but they'd always been nice to me, and I didn't have any preference of where I went. I was basically a hermit that only interacted with my league mates, although I've had to branch out a bit recently. So, I joined. Silly, stupid me.
Everything was going quite well, really, until one evening after work. Had been a tiring day, but I was in a pleasant mood until I realized that my internet was screwed six ways to Sunday, yet limping along with sporatic connection. There was a league quest for raiding and I had planned to knock it out of the park. So, I'm frustrated and troubleshooting and shaking my fists at how the game is responding, and halfway paying attention to the chatbox. At first. Then I noticed that the marshal is harping on our newest member, peppering them with questions and subtle insults, and obviously very, very intoxicated, and that hostility is transferred onto myself when I ask what is going on here. As the "newbie" joined when I normally logged in, the marshal was convinced that the castle was mine and I was attempting to set up to spy on the league. Nonsensical, as why would I do that when I could easily spy without creating another account, but drunken minds are rarely logical. I'm annoyed at having such an accusation leveled against me, but more concerned with resolving my internet problem, and having had gone on more than my fair share of alcohol-fueled tirades, I don't take it personally. I deny the false charge and they become increasingly belligerent. Eventually, I simply ignore them and they are enraged by that, and it's not long before I am kicked out of a league for the second time in little over a week. Fine, and when they send a message saying to never come back, I respond that I won't with a mocking smilie. :) I saw it as divine retribution, given how I had caused my previous expulsion.
Through all of that, the newbie had been coming to my defense and left soon after I was booted. I sent a PM saying that I was sorry they were treated that way and, if they were interested, perhaps we could go join a different league together. In return, they asked if they could tell me a secret, and I'm thinking, "Oh dear Gods, I know where this is going.", as I could understand the suspicion of my former marshal; they had not sounded like someone new to the game.Turns out they were a spy. For one of the top leagues.
So, my entry into that league was thus secured.
Moral of the story? Coincidences are awesome! And while things might seem to happen for a reason, such as my being removed from a league due to no fault of my own and subjected to behavior similar to what had led to my termination in another, for which I was at fault, I was ultimately rewarded by chance. THANK YOU, LADY LUCK. Woo!
The basic mechanics of BGs is the same for SF and Soldiers Inc.This world is smaller than stormfall.
games connect people.
We have always gone beyond our imagination.
Recently, I noticed that BG needs to meet some requirements to receive rewards.
So the reward will probably not be on a level, is it different from Soldiers Inc!?
You have been thinking too much.