Am I allowed to write in black color?
Juglar del Viento forbade me to use the color black to write my messages, under the pretext that it's not very legible. In the rules of the forum, it is not written that it is forbidden to use the color black or that it is forbidden to use a color not very readable to write.
Personally, I like writing in black because it rests my mind. I find it very strange to write with the color white. Moreover, on the vast majority of popular websites, it is the black color that is used to write. So I find this decision that Juglar del Viento wanted to impose on me very strange.
Furthermore, in the name of respect for freedoms on the Internet, and given that no forum rule prohibits the use of the color black, I think be entitled to use the color black. I would like confirmation from a member of the team that I can use the black color without fear of retaliation from Juglar del Viento.
In addition, Juglar del Viento spoke to me to the imperative, and gave me orders, unrelated to the rules of the forum.
Thanks for your attention.