Hunting Giants
Hey my band just released our first EP! Check it out for free:!/
Hey my band just released our first EP! Check it out for free:!/
I think you should read my blog.
I say a lot of things that are true, and that could make lyrics.
I think I'm as smart as Albert Einstein.
For exemple, I say:
L'humain ne vit pas pour le bien.
L'humain vit par amour de la vie.
Which means:
The human does not live for good.
The human lives for the sake of life.
You can find my blog at this address:
Good luck.
PS: I think you should upload your videos on YouTube.
Hello, my Lords!
Wow, that's a really good content! I went ahead and checked both blog posts. First, I really enjoyed the music, because that's the type of music I usually listen to. The quality of the sound is amazing! Brave New World is an amazing song, as well as the others on the album.
Also, I liked the Chevaucheur's (ERWAN) blog! Social Science and the other topics that you raise are truly interesting and touching. The only thing is that I had to use the Google Translate option, as I'm not that good at French. However, I understood the general idea, and I find it very interesting!
Keep up the good work!!!