Haaaa, Haaaaaa.... Ha!
The distance between rewards gained from time and effort spent vs coining, is just to big. And the gap never decrease, it just keep increase with any new "feature" that get added to the game that is basiclly just a new drain to throw cash in. My spent time and effort can't compete on the same level as a coiner. I could spent my entire army in a tournament just to have a coiner do the same, revive his army and send it again. And the end reward does by no mean measure up to the loss the player did on get to it. hows that for sucker punch.
Spending money on a game who's gravity does more to push me away rather than pull me in, is just... a big no no. Other mmos and online games get my money because, catering better and I get value for money and TIME spent. And in the games I play no one with a big wallet can get ahead by spending without put in time and effort.
Plant players ass's in the seats and entertain them Plarium failed big with.... the secret beind success is not to push as many people through your doors and rob them for as much as you can while they pass through, but to retain players to have them stick around for more... the long time spending..... Plarium games today is as much worthwhile to spend on as ENRON stock shares....
I'm on teamspeak almost every day, shooting the breeze and playing some games with friends. Plarium exluded, Plarium is more like login twice a day, and spend 10 mins a day put away some troops that came out of a queue that stetching months long... the joy and excitement... Actually I spend more time on the forums here than in the game itself.... the relation with stormfall atm, feel like the last stretch of a bad marriage filled with abuse.