Hamlet collection mechanics now allow players to keep them non-stop or easily hand them off to a leaguemate. Example I have 1 hour left on my hamlet and I send in a hamlet collection speed champion which completes the hamlet. I refresh rush my troops home and take the replacement hamlet that spawns. This mechanic is allowing the same players to sit in them non-stop and made the hamlet game a place to be avoided by 95% of the server.
Suggestion: After a hamlet is collected wait a random amount of time from 30 minutes to a few hours before the replacement hamlet is created. This would add some variety to who holds hamlets and make it a viable part of the game for more players vice a few select players that hold them 24/7.
Thanks for your consideration,
Hamlet collection mechanics now allow players to keep them non-stop or easily hand them off to a leaguemate. Example I have 1 hour left on my hamlet and I send in a hamlet collection speed champion which completes the hamlet. I refresh rush my troops home and take the replacement hamlet that spawns. This mechanic is allowing the same players to sit in them non-stop and made the hamlet game a place to be avoided by 95% of the server.
Suggestion: After a hamlet is collected wait a random amount of time from 30 minutes to a few hours before the replacement hamlet is created. This would add some variety to who holds hamlets and make it a viable part of the game for more players vice a few select players that hold them 24/7.
Thanks for your consideration,
As for now, we are not planning to make any changes to this feature. It works as it should.
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