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a few suggestions from a playera few suggestions from a player

Get Stormfall: Age Of War

a few suggestions from a player

Dec 24, 2020, 03:4412/24/20

a few suggestions from a player

Some solid suggestions from a long time player

- CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS!!! (non-attacking/staple/ or a new, perhaps "rudolph/grinch/yeti" that would be similiar to a "red fire dragon" 

- Hold 1 hamlet and receive +5% to training, and I believe there was no cap on this, outside of your personal hamlet capture cap.  - This event with the upcoming app x2 for hamlet tournament is sure to make players happy

- I really would like to see more builds (i.e. soulstone generation building/mine) - as a very heavy coiner, I understand how new players will struggle immensely to get SS's. This would also be good for us to place inside the SH castle layout

- Create a feature inside the champion tab, that would allow for the leveling/ranking up champions in a faster/quick 1 button motion. (something like a feature you select to automatically consume 1/2/3 star champs to level/rank to decrease time used in clicking, adding and upgrading one at a time. More quality of life update for the more busy folk

- New champion similiar to Brigadier - but it would be aimed at improving build times on classic units (all that aren't SH units excluding spirits)

- Allow beast riders ability to intercept FB's over wardens, if the Beast Rider skill is activated - I think the way the ability reads now and how it works is a little misleading, as the beast riders with 100% success, will always work AFTER any spirit wardens

- Allow for a "Sketch building/drawing" - engineering hut, or something that would allow us inside our castle to build and upgrade, a structure that worked to make sketches (10 per hour at level 1, up to maybe 50 per hour at level 10? - this would be similiar to the building, "House of unity" a huge ivnestment for a solid/long term reward. The number of sketches produced could be made to anything really - just have that ability for the F2P playerbase to help with newer accounts

- increase champion sacrifice slot to 10, from 5 - QoL change (make it easier/quicker to level up)

- allow us to use champion orbs from lower levels to create a higher level one, similiar to how the Crystal system works.

- Add a new dragon stone type structure for the SH castle layout - it could work similiar to the original Lost Arts, and would generate bonuses exclusive to that castle

- New champion (SH BG) - I ask only as the SS shortage is real when boosting, I have to buy packs for SS's- This will not be popular among a majority of the player base but would help with everyone who is running them. This would not cause any imbalance on a PvP front as it's solely related to SH BG. Less units lost = more BG's cleared = more troops we can revive while we get SS's

- add 1/2 more slots for castle champions (95% of the game uses the same 3 def/spy/gold-iron) on the main castle, by adding one more - we would be able to mix in a keeper and priestess for gold/food and iron/food. This would only provide resource boost and really would not break anything. Leave SH castle side alone.

- a building, that would act as an infirmary - for fallen champions - SH castle side, reduce time stunned by x/y/z % at x/y/z level

- add the option for a "generic" castle layout - that would only affect the perimeter and not improvements inside. This would allow newer players to optimally design their castle in a more conventional manner instead of having all the gates/towers on 1 side. They could still do this though, but the generic castle layout feature would really be nice for newer people. 

- PvE events on the server - either league based, or solo based or both - similiar to many other games. A villian (Balur) to pop up or his minions on the map in multiple locations. We would have a tournament to conincide with and the rewards from the tournament could be anything - but we would have "increased chances" to win units / rescue units / liberate them, get relics at an icnreased rate, or even small amounts of DE. This would give leagues with no beacons access to DE even in small amounts. There is potential for abuse here, but it could be limited by so many attacks per day? Something I would really like to see content wise.

*** This is a lot - but I truly feel most if not all these suggestions would only help the game/newer player base. Very little of above would break the game completely in my opinion from a mechanic standpoint. These would only allow for us to have some cosmetic changes, ability to use all of your units more realistically and create new buildings/events/content :) - thanks for any feedback. ***
