Wrath of Weor Suggestions and sharing Battle Reports
Why do you not get your sorcery spell back if someone activates a weor shield after the spell has been sent? I know you get troops back, but how come the sorcery spell does not return to your inventory? And if they activate a weor shield then how come you can't recall the sorcery spell? Just a suggestion that if a sorcery spell fails because the player activated a weor shield AFTER the spell was sent, you should receive the sorcery spell back.
Additionally, I know there are limits on how many sorcery spells an account can send, but frankly this odes little to mitigate the power of players with multiple (10+) accounts. So, there should also be a limit to the amount of sorcery spells a player can receive in each time period, similar to the limit in amount of resources a player can receive.
Additionally, it would be nice to be able to send battle reports as a 'message' between people. I know some of them show up in herald, but not all of them do and not everyone has access to everyone else's herald. It would be nice to be able to send battle reports as in game messages or attachments to messages (similar to the way oberon sends the leaderboard after an event as an attachment to the message).