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Searching for Castles

Searching for Castles

Mar 21, 2020, 10:0603/21/20

Searching for Castles

Hi... dont know about you all but searching for the next victim or looking for trouble is a pain in the uhmmm yeah, why not have a button to press to go to next nearest castle with a setting for active or inactive castles hero castles and League castles,  and so on,  death or royalty would be faster and Plarium would love the more Action i would think more could would be spent. 

So instead of searching the lands thats yawning, ust hit the button and it takes you on the map to the next nearest castle, players would find one another faster and dont need to waist hours in searching for fresh meat...
Mar 23, 2020, 01:1103/23/20

I think active / inactive would make raiding a little too easy. One of the skills of good raiding is being able to identify the difference between active and inactive castles from the info that is already available in the game.

But being more easily able to find people to attack makes a lot of sense.

There are some mechanics already where you can see a list of enemy league targets already in the game (the Start a battle menu if you haven't noticed it before). Maybe they could tweak that menu to make it more user definable e.g. allow you to choose a league rather than just show leagues your league is up against in an event. 
AlinaCommunity Manager
Mar 23, 2020, 13:5203/23/20
nightwolf said:

Hi... dont know about you all but searching for the next victim or looking for trouble is a pain in the uhmmm yeah, why not have a button to press to go to next nearest castle with a setting for active or inactive castles hero castles and League castles,  and so on,  death or royalty would be faster and Plarium would love the more Action i would think more could would be spent. 

So instead of searching the lands thats yawning, ust hit the button and it takes you on the map to the next nearest castle, players would find one another faster and dont need to waist hours in searching for fresh meat...
Hello! Thanks for this suggestion! Could you please specify how you see it? Where would you like to see the button? A screenshot for the visualization would be nice, too. Cheers!
Mar 25, 2020, 14:2303/25/20
HI somehere near the coords section you type in you hit the button and it auto takes you to the next nearest castle each time you hit the button. 
AlinaCommunity Manager
Mar 27, 2020, 15:1903/27/20
nightwolf said:

HI somehere near the coords section you type in you hit the button and it auto takes you to the next nearest castle each time you hit the button. 
Hello! Thanks for your reply! Your suggestion sounds nice at first, but then I had a thought that the button would take you to one Castle, however, if you search manually, you'll be able to choose between several Castles. Isn't it more convenient? 
Jun 3, 2021, 05:4406/03/21

i have suggested a distance filter to the warriors tab of leagues. As it is they are only listed by rank. By distance would at least give you the closest castle of a certian league to attack.