Hamlets for players above level 100
I can genuinely say that you guys are ignoring this thing, I mean why not create different hamlet tiers for players above level 100? And don't give the arguement of techincal difficulties please, it's not a new concept, you only need to implement what's already in the game.
Literally many players who aren't coiners give up the game due to this thing. So should I say that you guys are ignoring this coz it'll impact your source of money??
Thousands of players have only 15-16 jeweller/vampire hamlet to fight for, literally it's so stupid. And even those 15-16 hamlets are dominated by 4-5 players, YES ONLY 4-5 players, what are other players supposed to do? Play those stupid tournaments where there's no potential of ever surpassing other strong players? Oh, please don't give me that reply, you need to act smart, please, no.. No matter what we do, tournaments will never give more output than what we invest. Only thing I like from tournament point of view is brawls, other than that, everything is utterly useless. Ofc, I love the game but sigh you guys are killing it day by day.
Hamlets are such important element of the game but you guys have killed it for players above level 100 because you know if you make it same as for low level players, your earning will decrease, stingy plarium.
Forgive my rude words but facts are facts.