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Allow 10 Day stoneheart boost to be effective for Weorian Troop buildsAllow 10 Day stoneheart boost to be effective for Weorian Troop builds

Get Stormfall: Age Of War

Allow 10 Day stoneheart boost to be effective for Weorian Troop builds

Feb 9, 2023, 16:0502/09/23

Allow 10 Day stoneheart boost to be effective for Weorian Troop builds

There has got to be a way to extend the meter that shows the time required build weorian Troops Instead of having us trickle in our Hourly and 1 day boosts and  refreahing it  two or three times. 

Extend the  build time allowance Que to 12 days 

I'm sure  this  would add  incentive for  Players to do the Weroian Battleground's event  if they think they will be able  to build the  troops. 

Because after players  complete all the  stoneheart buildings they will need a use for future 10 Day Boost they will aquire in the game's events.  

Forget Me NotCommunity Manager
Feb 9, 2023, 16:2502/09/23

Thanks for your suggestion, Wes.

We will forward it to the team.

Feb 17, 2023, 15:2502/17/23


As you can see the  time shown only goes at max I think 6 -7 Days  but in order to build all the  units a  player must use 1 day boost to be able  build all the  units  this event allows  for. In my opinion the  total  build time  required  should  be  shown  rather  then cutting it off in 4 days 19Hours 


As you Can see after applying Idols a player must boost units to build all the  units that can be produced But  as the  build que doesn't allow for a Ten day stoneheart boost they can not be used I'm betting it would  require about  2 ten Day boost and  maybe  a bit  more  to use all of the Idols even after maxing out the  build time in the Weorian Stronghold 


As  the Idol amounts  increase during advancement in the event I am sure if allowed ten day boost  would be an easy fit if the  devs would allow the  build que more room. 


This Castle  here still has more  battlegrounds to complete that will add ten more  days of  required  boost tiime  before all battlegrounds are completed 

Feb 21, 2023, 13:2702/21/23
Wesley Pringle


As you can see the  time shown only goes at max I think 6 -7 Days  but in order to build all the  units a  player must use 1 day boost to be able  build all the  units  this event allows  for. In my opinion the  total  build time  required  should  be  shown  rather  then cutting it off in 4 days 19Hours 


As you Can see after applying Idols a player must boost units to build all the  units that can be produced But  as the  build que doesn't allow for a Ten day stoneheart boost they can not be used I'm betting it would  require about  2 ten Day boost and  maybe  a bit  more  to use all of the Idols even after maxing out the  build time in the Weorian Stronghold 


As  the Idol amounts  increase during advancement in the event I am sure if allowed ten day boost  would be an easy fit if the  devs would allow the  build que more room. 


This Castle  here still has more  battlegrounds to complete that will add ten more  days of  required  boost tiime  before all battlegrounds are completed 

Thank you for the detailed explanation and screenshots, Wesley! The team will take your suggestion into consideration.