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Your Suggestions - 4

Apr 12, 2018, 09:2804/12/18

Your Suggestions - 4

How to submit your suggestion

You can share your ideas and suggestions in this topic. Please follow these simple rules:

1. Check the thread with declined suggestions here.

If your suggestion has already been declined by our developers, please do not post it.

2. Check this topic for similar suggestions.

If you find that your suggestion has already been expressed by another player and the Community Manager responded, please do not post it.

3. Write a short summary of your suggestion in 5-20 words. Next, add any details to give us a better understanding of what you would like to see in the game.

4. Be precise and concise.

5. You are welcome to discuss other players’ suggestions, but please follow our Forum rules and be polite.

Our Community Managers will comment on your suggestions in this topic.

Please do not create new topics for your suggestions in other threads.

Apr 12, 2018, 14:4804/12/18

Thanks for starting a new Suggestion Thread.  Let's see how large this thread gets after ( 1 ) month.  Maybe start naming the threads:

Under the Suggestion Thread make one called :


And put these under it :

          Your Suggestions - May 2018

          Your Suggestions - June 2018

          Your Suggestions - July 2018


A better timeline of Suggestions, easier to navigate  

Apr 12, 2018, 19:4404/12/18

ssumm1 said:

Thanks for starting a new Suggestion Thread.  Let's see how large this thread gets after ( 1 ) month.  Maybe start naming the threads:

Under the Suggestion Thread make one called :


And put these under it :

          Your Suggestions - May 2018

          Your Suggestions - June 2018

          Your Suggestions - July 2018


A better timeline of Suggestions, easier to navigate  

time stamps that hard to see? :p

Apr 13, 2018, 08:4304/13/18

ssumm1 said:

Thanks for starting a new Suggestion Thread.  Let's see how large this thread gets after ( 1 ) month.  Maybe start naming the threads:

Under the Suggestion Thread make one called :


And put these under it :

          Your Suggestions - May 2018

          Your Suggestions - June 2018

          Your Suggestions - July 2018


A better timeline of Suggestions, easier to navigate  

Hello :) I really like your suggestion, but at the moment we can't create Threads inside threads. Though our Forum devs are working on this feature and as I know it should be added in the near future.

Once it becomes possible, I will make this update.

For now, let's see how many suggestions we will get for one month. Maybe, we will create a new thread once per quarter. 
Apr 16, 2018, 06:0004/16/18
Apr 16, 2018, 06:02(edited)

Could fireballs be able to damage walls for a period of time to lower castle defense bonus? Maybe deduct 100 castle defense bonus per fireball and you would get back like guards would get back up after getting knocked down.

Maybe it would put some spice back into game. Interested what others would think, if its a good ideal.
Apr 16, 2018, 08:5604/16/18
cat in the hat said:

Could fireballs be able to damage walls for a period of time to lower castle defense bonus? Maybe deduct 100 castle defense bonus per fireball and you would get back like guards would get back up after getting knocked down.

Maybe it would put some spice back into game. Interested what others would think, if its a good ideal.
I think using fireballs should come with a drawback, your units get fatigued and have less strength for a time period after using them. Or other penalities. Or can't recall units to your catacombs for a time period, or can't use boosters to sped up army etc. 
Apr 16, 2018, 10:1104/16/18

cat in the hat said:

Could fireballs be able to damage walls for a period of time to lower castle defense bonus? Maybe deduct 100 castle defense bonus per fireball and you would get back like guards would get back up after getting knocked down.

Maybe it would put some spice back into game. Interested what others would think, if its a good ideal.

Hello :)

Castle Defense Bonus doesn't work against Fireballs. So, I don't think it would be fair if it would be opposite and Fireballs would decrease the Defense Bonus.
Apr 17, 2018, 15:1804/17/18
Apr 17, 2018, 15:19(edited)

cat in the hat said:

Could fireballs be able to damage walls for a period of time to lower castle defense bonus? Maybe deduct 100 castle defense bonus per fireball and you would get back like guards would get back up after getting knocked down.

Maybe it would put some spice back into game. Interested what others would think, if its a good ideal.

So the people who abuse fireballs already can have a better chance to successfully hit your castle?

Just askin :))  Not the best idea IMO
Apr 17, 2018, 16:0404/17/18
Apr 17, 2018, 16:06(edited)

At this point in the game there are a lot of items we receive that we cannot use anymore 

ie: crystal coffers, skull runes, dragon points, at some point moon coins etc

how about letting us exchange them for something useful like medals, sketches, paragon points, amulets, resources etc 

help the non spenders have an opportunity to advance some to be able to compete with the spenders in the game

also move locked threads below current threads
Apr 17, 2018, 21:2904/17/18

Jezebel said:

At this point in the game there are a lot of items we receive that we cannot use anymore 

ie: crystal coffers, skull runes, dragon points, at some point moon coins etc

how about letting us exchange them for something useful like medals, sketches, paragon points, amulets, resources etc 

help the non spenders have an opportunity to advance some to be able to compete with the spenders in the game

also move locked threads below current threads

they cant do that, you know balance.... bank balance :p

Apr 18, 2018, 08:3004/18/18

Jezebel said:

At this point in the game there are a lot of items we receive that we cannot use anymore 

ie: crystal coffers, skull runes, dragon points, at some point moon coins etc

how about letting us exchange them for something useful like medals, sketches, paragon points, amulets, resources etc 

help the non spenders have an opportunity to advance some to be able to compete with the spenders in the game

also move locked threads below current threads

Hello, Lady Jezebel! 

Haven't seen you for quite a long time and it's nice to see you again!

I receive the suggestions from players regarding unused Items from time to time. As you might know, on FB players can sell them for Resources already, but not for the other Items. 

I will discuss this question with devs once again. I know they're planning to add some Items like Medals to Reward for the Tournaments. Will see whether they will consider adding a feature to exchange unused Items for them.
Apr 19, 2018, 09:1204/19/18
Apr 19, 2018, 09:15(edited)
HAve to bother you again, because I dont think you understood my request last time. Concerning dragon arts. There are two types of dragon arts that person can activate. One type is free, the other needs dragon marks. So the request is: is there a possibility to activate more than one dragon art at a time which you need dragon marks for (arcane dragon arts). The second request, if the first one is not possible, then maybe, can you add opportunity to cancel this 3 hr waiting time and be able to change which dragon arts are activated without having to wait for 3 hrs.
Apr 20, 2018, 09:3804/20/18

kakkmartin said:

HAve to bother you again, because I dont think you understood my request last time. Concerning dragon arts. There are two types of dragon arts that person can activate. One type is free, the other needs dragon marks. So the request is: is there a possibility to activate more than one dragon art at a time which you need dragon marks for (arcane dragon arts). The second request, if the first one is not possible, then maybe, can you add opportunity to cancel this 3 hr waiting time and be able to change which dragon arts are activated without having to wait for 3 hrs.

Hello, my Lord :)

Thanks for this additional clarification! Now I got your suggestion pretty well.

The thing is that Dragon Arts you activate depend a lot on the strategy you're using. Devs added the limitations you're talking about for you to plan what Dragon Art you will need. That's why you can't activate more than one Arcane Dragon Art per time and can't cancel Dragon Arts you already activated.

These features are the essential ones in terms of balance and devs won't change it as it will lead to the global changes of the feature balance itself.
Apr 21, 2018, 02:2204/21/18
Alina Phoenix said:

kakkmartin said:

HAve to bother you again, because I dont think you understood my request last time. Concerning dragon arts. There are two types of dragon arts that person can activate. One type is free, the other needs dragon marks. So the request is: is there a possibility to activate more than one dragon art at a time which you need dragon marks for (arcane dragon arts). The second request, if the first one is not possible, then maybe, can you add opportunity to cancel this 3 hr waiting time and be able to change which dragon arts are activated without having to wait for 3 hrs.

Hello, my Lord :)

Thanks for this additional clarification! Now I got your suggestion pretty well.

The thing is that Dragon Arts you activate depend a lot on the strategy you're using. Devs added the limitations you're talking about for you to plan what Dragon Art you will need. That's why you can't activate more than one Arcane Dragon Art per time and can't cancel Dragon Arts you already activated.

These features are the essential ones in terms of balance and devs won't change it as it will lead to the global changes of the feature balance itself.
Would make more sense, to just activate it, and it will stay active until you change it. And when you want to change it, it should come with a debuff so it take a good while before you can activate the changes. 
Apr 25, 2018, 09:2704/25/18
Apr 25, 2018, 09:54(edited)

Bonjour à tous,

Je vois deux gros problèmes sur le gameplay du jeu.


D'abord, le jeu est très simple.
Il y a une chaîne alimentaire en 4 maillons, comme vous pouvez le voir ici:

Ça rend le jeu très simple, et ça finit par être ennuyeux.
Mon avis, c'est qu'il faut élargir le gameplay, et créer de nouvelles unités qui sortiraient de cette chaîne.

On pourrait par exemple créer de nouvelles classes d'unités, par exemple les gnomes, qui auraient une défense excellente contre l'infanterie et la cavalerie.
Et on en profiterait pour ré-hausser la puissance de la cavalerie et de l'infanterie.

On pourrait aussi créer des classes hybrides, de même qu'il existe des créatures hybrides.

Le minotaure est une créature mi-homme mi-taureau.

Le sphinx est une créature avec une partie humaine, une partie lion et une partie oiseau.

Elle n'appartient ni totalement au bestiaire ni totalement à l'infanterie/cavalerie.

C'est une créature hybride.

C'est ça qui devrait exister dans le jeu.

Les écarts sont énormes entre l'infanterie et le bestiaire, et des races intermédiaires seraient quelque chose de positif je pense.

Une autre classe qui pourrait être créée, ce sont les magiciens.

On pourrait trouver dans cette classe les elfes et les sorcières.


Un autre élément, c'est la vraisemblance.

Est-ce normal que des unités sachent très bien attaquer, mais soient incapables de se défendre?


Est-ce normal que sur la carte globale, les armées se croisent mais ne se combattent pas?

Non, il y a un manque de vraisemblance important.

Est-ce normal qu'une armée, à peine arrivée sur place, soit déjà capable de protéger une forteresse ou un château?


Est-ce normal qu'une armée continue d'exister alors que la quantité de nourriture produite dans les fermes est insuffisante?


Et c'est dommage parce que ça enlève de l'intérêt au jeu.

Pour qu'il puisse y avoir un réel enjeu stratégique, notamment autour des ressources, il y a besoin qu'un souci soit prêté à la vraisemblance.

May 3, 2018, 11:5905/03/18

I think it would be nice if we could use beacons as a kind of outpost where we could 1.) store offence and deffence troups in something like catacombs and 2.) easily could use deff troups which are stationed at beacons to send as support to others beacons without making the long way round to first send them to castle and than send them to another beacon and 3.) use off troups which are stationed at the beacon to directly attack another beacon in the neighborhood. 

This would upvalue the beacons, especially the holding of beacons which are near by each other.

May 3, 2018, 13:0805/03/18

Salut Seigneur Erwan !

Comme toujours, je tiens à te remercier de tes commentaires ! Je sais que tu es très passionné du jeu et que tu veux le rendre plus intéressant et excitant.

Revenons à tes suggestions :

1. Ajout de nouvelles unités dans le jeu.

Bien que tu aies montré la chaîne alimentaire assez simple, chaque type d'unité peut être utilisé par différents joueurs de différentes manières en fonction de leur stratégie. De plus, les unités que tu choisis dépendent également des actions pour lesquelles tu les utilises. Par exemple, certaines unités sont bonnes pour les Champs de bataille tandis que d'autres sont meilleures pour les attaques ou les défenses.

Tu as peut-être entendu parler que sur les serveurs FB, les développeurs ont ajouté un nouveau type d'unités - les Champions. Il est à 90 % probable que ce type d'unités sera ajouté sur les serveurs de dans le futur. Cela donc rendra la Chaîne Alimentaire plus intéressante :)

Quant aux autres nouvelles unités, les développeurs n'ont pas l'intention de les ajouter dans un avenir proche, car ils se concentrent essentiellement sur la transportation du jeu vers le nouveau moteur :)

2. Est-il normal que les unités sachent très bien attaquer, mais ne puissent pas se défendre ?

En effet, toutes les unités offensives ont également des statistiques défensives :

Ainsi, ils peuvent se défendre et c'est une fois de plus la question de ton utilisation des Unités :)

3. Est-il normal que sur la carte globale, les armées se croisent, mais ne s'entretuent pas ?

Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec toi à ce sujet. Ce serait génial si nous pouvions voir de vrais combats sur la carte. Mais pour le moment, il n'est pas possible d'ajouter cette fonctionnalité à cause des limites de la technologie Flash. Pourtant, une fois que le jeu est déplacé vers le nouveau moteur, il serait possible d'ajouter cette fonctionnalité dans le jeu.

4. Est-il normal qu'une armée qui vient d'arriver sur place, soit déjà en mesure de protéger une forteresse ou un château ?

Pourquoi pas ? Comment, selon toi, cela devrait-il fonctionner alors ?

5. Est-il normal qu'une armée continue d'exister lorsque la quantité de nourriture produite dans les fermes est insuffisante ?

Bien que nous essayions de rendre le jeu aussi réel et vraisemblable que possible, c'est toujours le jeu et beaucoup de choses qui existent dans le jeu n'existent pas dans la vraie vie.

Cette limite a été supprimée conformément aux requêtes des joueurs et il n'est pas prévu de la rajouter.

6. Quant à l'article sur wikipedia, il a été créé par un autre joueur basé sur son expérience et cela ne signifie pas que toutes les informations qui y sont données sont correctes à 100 %. "

Hello, Lord Erwan!

As always, thanks a lot for your suggestions! I know you're very passionate about the game and want to make it more interesting and exciting. 

Let's move to your suggestions:

1. Add new Units to the game.

Though you showed the Food chain quite simple, each type of Units can be used by different players in different ways based on their strategy. Plus, Units you choose depend on the actions you are using them for as well. For example, some Units are good for BGs while others are better to use for attack or defend.

You might hear that on FB servers devs added the absolutely new type of Units - Champions. There is 90% probability this type of Units will be added to servers in the future as well. So, it will make Food Chain more interesting :)

As for other new Units, devs don't have any plans to add them in the near future as they're focused on moving the game to the new engine :)

2. Is it normal for units to know how to attack very well, but not be able to defend themselves?

Actually, all offensive Units have defensive stats as well:

So, they can defend itself and it's once again the question of your usage of Units :)

3. Is it normal that on the global map, armies cross but do not fight each other?

Here I agree with you. It would be great if we could see the real fights on the Map. But at the moment, it's not possible to add this feature due to Flash technology limitations. Still, once the game is moved to the new engine, it would be more possible to add this feature to the game.

4. Is it normal that an army, just arrived on the spot, is already able to protect a fortress or a castle?

Why not? How do you think it should work then?

5. Is it normal for an army to continue to exist when the amount of food produced on farms is insufficient?

Though we try to make the game as real and likelihood as possible, it's still the game and many things that exist in the game don't exist in the real life.

This limit was removed per players' requests and there are no any plans to add it back.

6. As for the article on wiki, it was created by another player based on his experience and it doesn't mean that all information given there is 100% accurate. 

May 3, 2018, 13:2305/03/18

Feuerengel Marschall said:

I think it would be nice if we could use beacons as a kind of outpost where we could 1.) store offence and deffence troups in something like catacombs and 2.) easily could use deff troups which are stationed at beacons to send as support to others beacons without making the long way round to first send them to castle and than send them to another beacon and 3.) use off troups which are stationed at the beacon to directly attack another beacon in the neighborhood. 

This would upvalue the beacons, especially the holding of beacons which are near by each other.

Hello, my Lord!

At the moment, due to Flash player technology limitations, you can't send Units from one location (like Beacons, Fortresses, Castles of other Lords) to another location. You should send them to Castle first and only then send to another place :(

May 5, 2018, 20:5105/05/18

Another suggestion for the Fireball abuse that is rampant in the game.

Can you please make it so that if we are fireballed and the person automatically put up a weor's protection afterwards that the person who is fireballed can retaliate (much like with castles under the pink bubble if they have been inactive for a while - we can retaliate on them if we are hit)

There are players who fireball 10 times and automatically put up a weor's protection to avoid retaliation.

IDC if they fireball me but I want to be able to retaliate against them - there are some who do it DAILY and there is no recourse to take if they are always protected from retaliation
May 5, 2018, 21:5505/05/18

Jezebel said:

Another suggestion for the Fireball abuse that is rampant in the game.

Can you please make it so that if we are fireballed and the person automatically put up a weor's protection afterwards that the person who is fireballed can retaliate (much like with castles under the pink bubble if they have been inactive for a while - we can retaliate on them if we are hit)

There are players who fireball 10 times and automatically put up a weor's protection to avoid retaliation.

IDC if they fireball me but I want to be able to retaliate against them - there are some who do it DAILY and there is no recourse to take if they are always protected from retaliation


This is a brilliant idea! BRILLIANT. I demand that it is implemented immediately!
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