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Monthly Developers' Feedback: November 2018

Monthly Developers' Feedback: November 2018

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Dec 7, 2018, 10:0512/07/18

Monthly Developers' Feedback: November 2018

November Feedback

1. Improve loading of the game. 

Devs' Answer:

In December devs plan to add to the game the list of improvements and optimizations that should significantly increase the loading of the game and decrease the number of lags.

2. There are too many bugs.

Devs' Answer:

In December devs will make an update aimed at bugfix only. It won't fix absolutely all bugs in the game, but a huge part of them.

3. Players can't send Offensive Guardian to liberate a City from the siege.

Devs' Answer:

Devs plan to fix it at the end of December and give players an opportunity to send Offensive Guardian for the City's liberation.

4. Give players an option to place Improvement Buildings to a special store in case their City is fully built.

Devs' Answer:

Good idea. We will add it in the list of the future features.

5. Add a feature that will allow Hegemon to decide who from their Coalition can delete inactive players.

Devs' Answer:

Accepted. Will add in the future.

6. Block Reinforcements from some players to avoit spamming.

Devs' Answer:

Will consider for future updates.

7. Doesn't choose the maximum number of Units available for revive in the Infirmary:

Devs' Answer:

Approved. Will add to one of the future updates.

Dec 7, 2018, 10:5412/07/18
very good Alina 
Dec 7, 2018, 13:1712/07/18
Saetta said:

very good Alina 
Dec 8, 2018, 03:0212/08/18
Outstanding.   Much thanks for this.
Dec 8, 2018, 13:2312/08/18
Dec 8, 2018, 13:24(edited)

Alina Phoenix said:

6. Block Reinforcements from some players to avoit spamming.

Devs' Answer:

Will consider for future updates.

Would be useful if we could have settings, maybe in embassy folder (?)

[ ✓ ] receive reinforcements only from coalition members and friends

[ ✓ ] do not receive reinforcements from blocked list

Some people send reinforcements to enemies to get feedback who atacks them, how often and if they defend. 

Dec 8, 2018, 18:0112/08/18

Ana ☕ said:

Alina Phoenix said:

6. Block Reinforcements from some players to avoit spamming.

Devs' Answer:

Will consider for future updates.

Would be useful if we could have settings, maybe in embassy folder (?)

[ ✓ ] receive reinforcements only from coalition members and friends

[ ✓ ] do not receive reinforcements from blocked list

Some people send reinforcements to enemies to get feedback who atacks them, how often and if they defend. 

also they do to make game unplayable and fill quick the 100 informs allowed, so the real informs get lost. it would be good to get also this options

[ ✓ ] block informs of reinforced received 

[ ✓ ] block informs of spies into my city (0% - 5% etc)

actually there is only for attacks, not spy or reinforcements

Dec 9, 2018, 09:2812/09/18
Ana ☕ said:

Alina Phoenix said:

6. Block Reinforcements from some players to avoit spamming.

Devs' Answer:

Will consider for future updates.

Would be useful if we could have settings, maybe in embassy folder (?)

[ ✓ ] receive reinforcements only from coalition members and friends

[ ✓ ] do not receive reinforcements from blocked list

Some people send reinforcements to enemies to get feedback who atacks them, how often and if they defend. 

then sent the reinf home to block it its stupid also like auto unít hidder, new city scheme where you have protection vs assanins, and that troops go directly in akro when they got send home and not stay in the city. thats like playing comp vs. comp and not human vs human. so alina look that plz it get deleted and there we can have more real fights and not troop saving items. also delete the bubble for city and spy protect.
Dec 11, 2018, 11:2912/11/18

hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:

Ana ☕ said:

Alina Phoenix said:

6. Block Reinforcements from some players to avoit spamming.

Devs' Answer:

Will consider for future updates.

Would be useful if we could have settings, maybe in embassy folder (?)

[ ✓ ] receive reinforcements only from coalition members and friends

[ ✓ ] do not receive reinforcements from blocked list

Some people send reinforcements to enemies to get feedback who atacks them, how often and if they defend. 

also they do to make game unplayable and fill quick the 100 informs allowed, so the real informs get lost. it would be good to get also this options

[ ✓ ] block informs of reinforced received 

[ ✓ ] block informs of spies into my city (0% - 5% etc)

actually there is only for attacks, not spy or reinforcements

Yes, I agree with both of you.

Such reinforcements are usually aimed at spamming with unwanted reports that remove the important ones.

Devs already plan to add the additional filters to Reports. It will make them more adjustable and it will be easier to keep the important for you reports.
Dec 11, 2018, 11:3312/11/18


Ana ☕ said:

Alina Phoenix said:

6. Block Reinforcements from some players to avoit spamming.

Devs' Answer:

Will consider for future updates.

Would be useful if we could have settings, maybe in embassy folder (?)

[ ✓ ] receive reinforcements only from coalition members and friends

[ ✓ ] do not receive reinforcements from blocked list

Some people send reinforcements to enemies to get feedback who atacks them, how often and if they defend. 

then sent the reinf home to block it its stupid also like auto unít hidder, new city scheme where you have protection vs assanins, and that troops go directly in akro when they got send home and not stay in the city. thats like playing comp vs. comp and not human vs human. so alina look that plz it get deleted and there we can have more real fights and not troop saving items. also delete the bubble for city and spy protect.

But sending unwanted reinforcements home each time is also time-consuming and not very comfortable.

This feature is not for Units saving. It's more to avoid spamming reports that delete the important reports and the last ones are used to keep the battles going.
Dec 12, 2018, 08:2112/12/18
Alina Phoenix said:


Ana ☕ said:

Alina Phoenix said:

6. Block Reinforcements from some players to avoit spamming.

Devs' Answer:

Will consider for future updates.

Would be useful if we could have settings, maybe in embassy folder (?)

[ ✓ ] receive reinforcements only from coalition members and friends

[ ✓ ] do not receive reinforcements from blocked list

Some people send reinforcements to enemies to get feedback who atacks them, how often and if they defend. 

then sent the reinf home to block it its stupid also like auto unít hidder, new city scheme where you have protection vs assanins, and that troops go directly in akro when they got send home and not stay in the city. thats like playing comp vs. comp and not human vs human. so alina look that plz it get deleted and there we can have more real fights and not troop saving items. also delete the bubble for city and spy protect.

But sending unwanted reinforcements home each time is also time-consuming and not very comfortable.

This feature is not for Units saving. It's more to avoid spamming reports that delete the important reports and the last ones are used to keep the battles going.
sry its a war game and enemies want also to know what happens there, and you will take 1 more kind of strategic. its better to delete auto unit hidder and bubble to save city (city protect) cause they are taking the enemies the kind to kill troops and thats worst. its better when human must look for that then the comp. and you will have more fights and mor killed troops.
Dec 13, 2018, 23:5012/13/18

MM Kaiserso...

If they remove "bubbles" and auto unit hiders ... essentially all the abilities for small accounts to protect themselves from the over powering bully accounts (that enjoy the buildings that hide their new production) they will never grow.

They would have no reason to play sparta - (believe it or not they do not just play so they can be annihilated by huge accounts that are afraid to fight each other and want to prey on weak new players)

With out new players - you have no game as all the old guard are quitting over issues and we need new blood in here.

We need to think about what is best for the game instead of ways we can abuse the benefits that come with high level accounts.

Dec 13, 2018, 23:5212/13/18

Rather that that - why not make some sort of filter that keeps accounts fighting accounts of their own strength - similar to what we see in emporium ?

This would remove any need to delete protection for low level accounts .... and promote people playing sparta. 
Dec 14, 2018, 08:4412/14/18

Theokoles said:

MM Kaiserso...

If they remove "bubbles" and auto unit hiders ... essentially all the abilities for small accounts to protect themselves from the over powering bully accounts (that enjoy the buildings that hide their new production) they will never grow.

They would have no reason to play sparta - (believe it or not they do not just play so they can be annihilated by huge accounts that are afraid to fight each other and want to prey on weak new players)

With out new players - you have no game as all the old guard are quitting over issues and we need new blood in here.

We need to think about what is best for the game instead of ways we can abuse the benefits that come with high level accounts.

lol who has bubbles and new city schemes? only the coiners not the small player thats stupid what you wanna tell me. only with money you get prefers and protects. return the game back to the roots like in beginning, all this protects you get with money and much drachmas are only for coiners not for other players and i get also attacked from high level players and then i check them and they have all protects activated so its bullshit for me and many others to invest any time in this game when i cant do anything till his protects fall. also the time eating guardian also the general that coiners upgrade in a day and get a much stronger off and deff then no coiners. plarium is going wrong way i see 3 servers with not more then 500 players playing this game. and if you kill all the alt accounts then wont be left more then 300 players.

Dec 14, 2018, 12:3512/14/18


Each of you is right in your positions. Still, devs won't add a feature that will completely benefit only one Group of players.

We also discussed with them the feature that will divide players in the groups and they will be able to attack only those who belong to this Group.

It won't happen as in this way new players will feel absolutely safe and won't have any motivation to develop faster and move to a more powerful group of players where more powerful players will be able to attack them.

Dec 15, 2018, 13:1612/15/18
Alina Phoenix said:


Each of you is right in your positions. Still, devs won't add a feature that will completely benefit only one Group of players.

We also discussed with them the feature that will divide players in the groups and they will be able to attack only those who belong to this Group.

It won't happen as in this way new players will feel absolutely safe and won't have any motivation to develop faster and move to a more powerful group of players where more powerful players will be able to attack them.

im not sure if that is true!
Dec 17, 2018, 03:3312/17/18

i'v been asking for two years for some kind of communication with developers....declined...declined...declined...ban...ban...ban

you could do it two years ago and save us all time and nervs

anyway,good job plarium  


Dec 17, 2018, 17:2412/17/18

Alina Phoenix said:


Each of you is right in your positions. Still, devs won't add a feature that will completely benefit only one Group of players.

We also discussed with them the feature that will divide players in the groups and they will be able to attack only those who belong to this Group.

It won't happen as in this way new players will feel absolutely safe and won't have any motivation to develop faster and move to a more powerful group of players where more powerful players will be able to attack them.

I honestly cant see that as an issue - we do not force noobs to compete with the level 90+ accounts in tourneys, we dont ask them to fight high levels in emporium,in a segregated level grouping they would only be safe from raids and sieges from high level cities, they would still have to fight it out with people more their own level.(just like the emporium and tourneys)

As for levels - they are something they can not avoid, you get xp for doing anything and at low levels you rank up fast without trying.

What i do see a lot of is new players join sparta, we allow new players in our coalition and help them grow, they make it to about level 40 or 45 and then become a target for high level cities that need res and tourney points, and they get smashed daily by level 80+ cities they have no hope of defending from.

our high level guys defend them, but it is hard as they have no defense bonus in their city and such so we just provide huge pvp tourney points to the aggressor bully coalitions, and i think we bring more raids on them by trying to help.

Then they quit - and we have more level 30 to 45 dead cities.  seen this soooo many times. each could have been a new player in sparta but were chased away by bully groups that are power hungry for pvp points and res.

These new accounts have zero chance of growing with daily attacks that kill all their new production, and steal all their resources. i would not continue to play either.

I honestly would not suggest anyone i know try to join sparta because of this setup - and i love the game more than any i have played.

I appreciate the fact that the devs have considered this. It makes me feel like they actually care, but the conditions for new players is impossible.

Dec 17, 2018, 17:3712/17/18

I suggest the devs speak to some of the play-testers or mods that play sparta - find out how hard it is for a new city still developing to defend from daily attacks of 50,000 horse units.

What it is like to have assassins rain down on the city if say 10 people put large numbers of defenders in a place with no traps or walls.

(assassins now have no use other than hitting low level cities that have not developed traps and walls - to use 100 assassins on a developed city will not even get past the traps that are so cheap and fast to  replace we dont care if we loose them)

Find out from players how impossible it is to build your city and compete in tourneys when you have no troops, no acropolis that can protect new builds, and protect your resources from entire coalitions that share the locations of cities that try to build (i am assuming so they can all get the pvp and tourney rewards)

It is not fun for them and very frustrating to watch from your own city and know you can do nothing to assist them. 

Dec 18, 2018, 12:2612/18/18

Tonaya said:

i'v been asking for two years for some kind of communication with developers....declined...declined...declined...ban...ban...ban

you could do it two years ago and save us all time and nervs

anyway,good job plarium  


Thanks, Tonaya :)

It’s better late than never 

Dec 18, 2018, 12:5812/18/18

Theokoles said:

I suggest the devs speak to some of the play-testers or mods that play sparta - find out how hard it is for a new city still developing to defend from daily attacks of 50,000 horse units.

What it is like to have assassins rain down on the city if say 10 people put large numbers of defenders in a place with no traps or walls.

(assassins now have no use other than hitting low level cities that have not developed traps and walls - to use 100 assassins on a developed city will not even get past the traps that are so cheap and fast to  replace we dont care if we loose them)

Find out from players how impossible it is to build your city and compete in tourneys when you have no troops, no acropolis that can protect new builds, and protect your resources from entire coalitions that share the locations of cities that try to build (i am assuming so they can all get the pvp and tourney rewards)

It is not fun for them and very frustrating to watch from your own city and know you can do nothing to assist them. 

Devs already know that newbies face many challenges while developing their Cities. But they came to play a hardcore war strategy game and it's obvious they need to be ready for Battles, attacks, and raids.

The essential part of the game for newbies is to join a proper Coalition that will not only help to defend but help attacking an enemy and help developing faster explaining what actions newbie needs to do first of all.

I understand it can be hard, but devs won't change this part of the game.
Dec 20, 2018, 04:0612/20/18

Fair enough - it is a hard core strat game (and people would freak if they could no longer farm the noobs or the bot cities)

But i think all the proper coalitions only allow people to join that have millions and millions of troop power and cities of high level to help defend our level 20 capitals - that also give crazy bonuses when we stomp on the low level guys

I dont think it is reasonable to expect new accounts to find a strong coalition to defend them from the top groups that tend to attack low level cities

also - why do we segregate the tourneys and emporium if we feel that new accounts should expect to fight impossible odds?

why not just make these open class as well?

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