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Von Zeus Ausgewählt

Von Zeus Ausgewählt

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Feb 15, 2016, 13:1202/15/16

Von Zeus Ausgewählt

Archon! Interessiert sich eure Koalition für Errungenschaften? Wollt ihr wissen, worauf ihr euch vorbereiten solltet? Die Marathonläufer haben ein Manuskript mit detaillierten Informationen zu allen Errungenschaften gefunden!

Fangen wir mit "Von Zeus Ausgewählt" an! Eure Koalition schließt diese Errungenschaft ab, wenn ihr eine gewisse Anzahl an Level 5 Pantheons erobert und haltet. Lasst uns schauen, wie viele Pantheons eure Koalition halten muss, um die Errungenschaft "Von Zeus Ausgewählt" auf Level 10 zu schaffen und welche Boni dies außerdem bringt:

Level 1 - haltet 1 Pantheon (Koalitionsbonus +1%; Einflusspunkte: 1,350)

Level 2 - haltet 2 Pantheons (Koalitionsbonus +2%; Einflusspunkte: 2,700)

Level 3 - haltet 3 Pantheons (Koalitionsbonus +3%; Einflusspunkte: 4,050)

Level 4 - haltet 4 Pantheons (Koalitionsbonus +4%; Einflusspunkte: 5,400)

Level 5 - haltet 5 Pantheons (Koalitionsbonus +5%; Einflusspunkte: 1,350; +3% Verteidigung für alle Einheiten und 1 Schriftrolle der Weisheit für alle Koalitionsmitglieder)

Level 6 - haltet 6 Pantheons (Koalitionsbonus +6%; Einflusspunkte: 8,100; 1 Schriftrolle der Weisheit für alle Koalitionsmitglieder)

Level 7 - haltet 7 Pantheons (Koalitionsbonus +7%; Einflusspunkte: 9,450; 1 Schriftrolle der Weisheit für alle Koalitionsmitglieder)

Level 8 - haltet 8 Pantheons (Koalitionsbonus +8%; Einflusspunkte: 10,800; 1 Schriftrolle der Weisheit für alle Koalitionsmitglieder)

Level 9 - haltet 9 Pantheons (Koalitionsbonus +9%; Einflusspunkte: 12,150; 1 Schriftrolle der Weisheit für alle Koalitionsmitglieder)

Level 10 - haltet 10 Pantheons (Koalitionsbonus +10%; Einflusspunkte: 13,500; +5% Verteidigung für alle Einheiten und 1 Schriftrolle der Weisheit für alle Koalitionsmitglieder)

Sep 29, 2017, 18:0009/29/17
Eine wirklich gute Errungenschaft, die durch den Deff Bonus sogar einen spielerischen Mehrwert hat. Daumen Hoch. 
Mar 16, 2022, 07:1103/16/22
Mar 21, 2022, 11:36(edited)

Nice information, valuable and excellent design, as share good stuff with good ideas and concepts, lots of great information and inspiration. 

Mar 17, 2022, 07:1403/17/22
Mar 21, 2022, 11:36(edited)

I desire title is the most appealing phase of this unique put up. 


Mar 19, 2022, 05:1103/19/22
Mar 21, 2022, 11:37(edited)

The account holder is allowed access if they input the correct login information. If any account holder loses or forgets their password, follow these instructions. After three incorrect password attempts, your account will be suspended.

Mar 23, 2022, 14:2303/23/22
Aug 9, 2022, 21:02(edited)

When you are struck with such a tragedy; all you need to do is click on ‘Forgot password’ that’s there right below the login section. 

Jul 19, 2022, 12:4707/19/22
Dec 12, 2022, 08:03(edited)

Thank you. Your example didn't work for me but I managed to fix it, which was basically the same thing! 

Sep 26, 2023, 10:0909/26/23
Sep 26, 2023, 10:10(edited)

I'm grateful. Although I was unable to repair your example, which was essentially the same thing, I managed to do so! 

Oct 26, 2023, 06:1810/26/23

RapidFS is one the fastest US-based financial services established in 2003. RapidFS also helps its customers and guides various financial services, including payment cards, OnDemand, Disbursements services, and many more. 

Oct 27, 2023, 06:3610/27/23

MyCardStatement is a virtual p latform using which people can manage their finances in a better way. It is one of the best platforms for people who have credit cards. Moreover, you can access MyCardStatement’s website with any of your devices, and the screen size won’t matter much. Hence, you may use your desktop, computer, smartphone, or tablet without a problem. 

Oct 27, 2023, 07:3310/27/23

MyFiosGateway helps its clie nts by providing a quantum gateway to share different multimedia files inside the local network, including movies, videos, images, videos, and much more. Verizon FiOS is one of the biggest internet service providers, which also helps you with the service of FIO quantum gateway. Also, it is a different kind of router from all the existing ones. 

Oct 27, 2023, 08:3510/27/23

Caregiver Connect serves as a compre hensive platform that understands the unique needs and struggles faced by caregivers across different contexts. Whether you are a family caregiver, a professional caregiver, or a healthcare provider, this portal offers a wealth of resources, tools, and a supportive community to enhance your caregiving journey. 

Oct 27, 2023, 09:0810/27/23

MaryKayInTouch is a virtual po rtal that provides users assistance for the smooth functioning of their businesses. Using MaryKayInTouch, users can get the information anytime they want and guidance from the Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants. With the beneficial services lent by MaryKayInTouch, the users ca rry their Mary Kay business efficiently and convincingly. All you have to do is to enter your zip code, and you will easily get a Consultant at your service. 

Oct 27, 2023, 09:3710/27/23

TellPopeyes is a surve y conducted by Popeyes Restaurant chain. A survey is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get real feedback from the customer and that’s why is the best place for it. In this article, we will write about how the TellPopeyes Survey wor ks and how to take it at 

Oct 27, 2023, 09:5610/27/23

Dashboard Anywhere can be used by th e workers working at the Chrysler Login portal. It can be accessed by them to know about details along with the functions of the online platform of Chrysler and the Dashboard Anywhere. With Dashboard Anywhere, the users can ac cess it anywhere and time. 

Oct 30, 2023, 08:3810/30/23

Myhealthonline’s online portal h as been designed to connect millions of patients with their doctors, specialists, and physicians all over the United States of America. The patients can register on myhealthonline and locate th e doctors close to them easily. Moreover, using myhealthonline, users can fix appointments with a particular physician using this portal.  

Oct 30, 2023, 09:3810/30/23

MyFedLoan is the l eading student loan service in the US, which is officially authorized by the Department of Education.  

Oct 30, 2023, 10:3810/30/23

The Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings company was established in 1978. The company’s headquarters is situated in Burlington, North Carolina. They operate a clinical laboratory with the ideal situation to provide their patients with the finest standard of healthcare. MyLabCorp  creates diagnostic treatments targeted at today’s issues and is mainly dedicated to helping people improve their lives. 

Oct 30, 2023, 10:5910/30/23

DMVNow  is an online portal which is specifically designed for business purposes. Its services are widely consumed by dealerships, fuel tax clients, rental car companies, driving schools, other government agencies, local governments and charities.