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Beta tester

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Feb 26, 2018, 13:4002/26/18

Beta tester

For me this is not an ideal way to play, it is good to have the option to turn on or off.

The graphics are nice but slow. Some profile pictures do not load and I am not comfortable with it.

In fact I do not think I would use it when raiding or seizing a city because it would fail my judgement reaction.

Thank you Plarium for the testing privilege.

I have sent in many print screens of defects but not responses back or ultimately drachma.

This would be for players who are on site for xerxes playing only I am guessing.

Feb 26, 2018, 16:1202/26/18

Hello, MTM. A lot of those issues seem like that could be caused by the engine overloaded or conflicting with Flash Player. Please make sure you have disabled the Flash Player plugin in your browser and see if it works any better. 

And the Beta Test is not yet finished, you will not get your Drachma reward until that is done.

Mar 5, 2018, 07:3303/05/18
Mar 5, 2018, 07:35(edited)

Dimitri Molchanov said:

Hello, MTM. A lot of those issues seem like that could be caused by the engine overloaded or conflicting with Flash Player. Please make sure you have disabled the Flash Player plugin in your browser and see if it works any better. 

And the Beta Test is not yet finished, you will not get your Drachma reward until that is done.


I was not volunteering into the "beta-testing" - plarium shoved it on me. Does it mean I will not get any drachmas for 3+ days of torture? 

One Modertor said he cannot guarantee any compensation. Pretty much Plarium way: guaranteed pain, but no remedy. 

Mar 5, 2018, 09:2803/05/18
sparta56560 said:


I was not volunteering into the "beta-testing" - plarium shoved it on me. Does it mean I will not get any drachmas for 3+ days of torture? 

One Modertor said he cannot guarantee any compensation. Pretty much Plarium way: guaranteed pain, but no remedy. 

I have responded to this point in more detail in the thread that you created. To shorten it, we are slowly working on moving the game to the new engine, so this is not forcing you into anything, this is preparing the game for a wide-scale update and you just happen to be in the first large group to be moved.
Sep 25, 2022, 13:4509/25/22

Marius, hello I am happy to return play on the Beta -testing.

all issues resolved this current platform is ok as well.