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Regular updates from Plarium on Beta testing bugs found, fixed, added functionality or changes made.

Regular updates from Plarium on Beta testing bugs found, fixed, added functionality or changes made.

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Feb 23, 2018, 22:1202/23/18

Regular updates from Plarium on Beta testing bugs found, fixed, added functionality or changes made.

Hi All,

Like a number of Beta Testers I've spent hours finding and reporting bugs via the correct report form. To date if received no feedback about any issues that I've found, requests for more details or notification that the issues have been resolved.

Given that there's a lot going on during this testing phase, i'd like to suggest that Plarium starts providing regular updates to the community testers. That way there's no need for us to search all the Forum posts or have individual emails sent to us. This will help all of us know what's already been reported and fixed so that we can retest or verify that the fix has worked.

These updates should include some or all of the following, A timeline for Beta Testing, planned code drops on to the Beta server, number of Bugs found, Bugs fixed, enhancements added and any suggested work-a-rounds. This information, should be update on 1 web page and a message and link put in the 'News' pop-up to alert us that there's been new info posted 'Update 1 or 23/02/18'.

These are just my thoughts to help keep us engaged in this process.

Cheers Rohan

Feb 26, 2018, 09:5402/26/18
Hello, Rohan. I understand the desire to be kept apprised of the situation and news regarding the beta test. Unfortunately, getting a detailed log of what has been fixed, implemented and investigated will not be possible to implement at the moment. But I can say that everything is going well, the help of our players has been invaluable and devs are busy fixing the issues that have been reported thus far. 
Mar 22, 2018, 15:5303/22/18
I reported bugs which are still there. Importantly the inability to see when you have repaired a friends tower. I still visit cities to repair towers, but it doesn't show that I have fixed any.
Mar 23, 2018, 10:1303/23/18
rob.dowdall said:

I reported bugs which are still there. Importantly the inability to see when you have repaired a friends tower. I still visit cities to repair towers, but it doesn't show that I have fixed any.
Hello, Rob. I am sorry to say that regular updates on the bugs are unlikely to be possible at the moment, but we are going to work on that. The bug that you are referring to is being worked on as well. It will not be fixed in March, but we are hoping it will not take much longer.