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Strange things happens or not just a simple alt but a Plarium's employ alt?Strange things happens or not just a simple alt but a Plarium's employ alt?

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Strange things happens or not just a simple alt but a Plarium's employ alt?

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Dec 21, 2017, 22:4712/21/17

Strange things happens or not just a simple alt but a Plarium's employ alt?

Three weeks ago I raid an inactive city for max 100 k resources. A week after this player finally wasnt inactive but active. Since this time I had some bully messages but that doesnt annoyed me. Its a war game so people txt you some scary messages behind the anonymity.  

How can a small fish scary the tiger shark? I dont even pay any attention.

Finally yesterday this person relocate next to my city, he tried a failed spy attempt and sent me 3 PAs. Waiting finish my raid I had otw and I put City protection for 8 hours. 3 more PAs follow by him but my city protection save me. Then he put his city protection. All of that happens about 21:15 UTC. 

I put my alarm in 7:30 hours from the time he put his city protection and when time arrives I made a nice capuccino and I was waiting finish his city protection to have a visit to his city. Finally I find out this person he put 24 h City protection.. My alarm again and I suspend my visit for the next 16 hours. 

15h 30 m later and I m still here waiting his City Protection finish. Checking his city I find this mysterious thing. 

The guy he still got his city protection but all his towers are down. Why if he has a city protection his towers and his Hermes are down? Everyone knows if you log in and your city been raided, your towers get to construction. This guy when he put his City Protection was active, Means his towers must be up or in construction mode.

I couldnt believe it. I reset the game and same thing. City protection and towers down, His 24 h city protection finish an hour ago but the guy still has City Protection and towers down. 

Is any one can explain that to me?

Please I aspect an answer. 


Dec 21, 2017, 23:4012/21/17
Dec 21, 2017, 23:42(edited)

does he has a "sapper" decor? 

 if not = no autorepairs

Dec 22, 2017, 00:1012/22/17

true, so that the towers are fixed alone you need to have at least one statue of sapper and I in the video do not see any.

very weird player or someone got you "mania" lol

Dec 22, 2017, 03:2812/22/17
I don't have the answer u r looking for but wanted to air my thoughts along the same line....the part about the nasty msgs people send to "scare" you. What I don't understand is when people get all twisted and nasty when you break a few of their sieges or raid their city. Its like,"Hello! It is a game built around these actions!" I had this one guy msg me like five times to stop "attacking" him...when the locations he had sieged were bot cities. Does anyone else find this absurd?
Dec 22, 2017, 09:0412/22/17
Because I m running for Raid Rankings I m trying to avoid troubles and silly wars and sold the problem...When a problem start I m always asking and the option of the other side... Without my pol Fokeas knows it, I sent a jav to Yury as a reinforcment a week ago,  watching daily his city... I confirm that my jav is still alive without been killed... The mysterious thing is that his Hermes and his towers is always down and not only the last 36 hours as Fokeas things but whole previous week... First time I ve seen a player without fixed his towers or Hermes... His army been monitoring from Fokeas and looks strange for a player lvl 74 has this kind of army without fixing towers and Hermes...  
Dec 22, 2017, 09:1712/22/17
I haven't seen any Sappers in the City - based on what we have been shown - so indeed, no auto repairs when the player logs in. 
Dec 22, 2017, 12:4412/22/17
I get what Dorieas is saying.  Hermes is down and city protection is on.  Forget the sappers, any login will automatically build hermes to level 1.  The only way this happened is if someone was able to penetrate the city protection somehow
Dec 22, 2017, 15:4912/22/17
Dec 22, 2017, 15:55(edited)

Drag-Theseus said:

How do you know he used 24hrs protection.. he maybe used 8hrs protection few times? Maybe his protection expired and then someone raided him, he put his protection back on and left gamee without clicking on his hermes and towers cause he was in rush?

Plarium maybe make this game a coiner game but strategy still counts. I put my alarm 45 min before Yury's City ptrotection ends. With the finger on the trigger. Ready to sent scouts if any trap lying and after my ponnies. Watching all time the map. He was just half mile away. Yury's city protection still on. 

Two kind of City protection on the game. 8 h and 24 h. Waiting for the next one. With the finger on the trigger. When his city protection ends after 25 h he reload it as fast as he can. 2 hours later start PA me, I had no time for revenge, I put city protection. 5 h later he raid one of my sieges with 2k  horses.  12 h later his towers still down and Hermes down. 

Isnt weird for a lvl 74 player with 2k horses minimum, (who knows what kinf of army hiding in acropolis), 6 lvl1 towers down and I read above Dorieas say since last week all time his towers and Hermes down, (but Daily active,  had PA me or Txting  bullying txts) no pay attention to his city improovments? 

Is him daily in a rush?

Dec 22, 2017, 21:0612/22/17


I get what Dorieas is saying.  Hermes is down and city protection is on.  Forget the sappers, any login will automatically build hermes to level 1.  The only way this happened is if someone was able to penetrate the city protection somehow

That is actually wrong.

If you don't have any sapper and you don't click on the temple of Hermes so you can repair then it will not be repaired!

It's not possible to penetrate a city protection somehow (unless there wasn't any city protection).
Dec 22, 2017, 21:1012/22/17

Fokeas said:

Drag-Theseus said:

How do you know he used 24hrs protection.. he maybe used 8hrs protection few times? Maybe his protection expired and then someone raided him, he put his protection back on and left gamee without clicking on his hermes and towers cause he was in rush?

Plarium maybe make this game a coiner game but strategy still counts. I put my alarm 45 min before Yury's City ptrotection ends. With the finger on the trigger. Ready to sent scouts if any trap lying and after my ponnies. Watching all time the map. He was just half mile away. Yury's city protection still on. 

Two kind of City protection on the game. 8 h and 24 h. Waiting for the next one. With the finger on the trigger. When his city protection ends after 25 h he reload it as fast as he can. 2 hours later start PA me, I had no time for revenge, I put city protection. 5 h later he raid one of my sieges with 2k  horses.  12 h later his towers still down and Hermes down. 

Isnt weird for a lvl 74 player with 2k horses minimum, (who knows what kinf of army hiding in acropolis), 6 lvl1 towers down and I read above Dorieas say since last week all time his towers and Hermes down, (but Daily active,  had PA me or Txting  bullying txts) no pay attention to his city improovments? 

Is him daily in a rush?

Yeah I find it weird that he doesn't fix his Hermes and his towers but still this might be his strategy.

I also find it weird that Dorieas has sent him reinforcements and he hasn't returned them back yet.

Personally I never leave any reinforcement from unknown people guarding my city cause you can never know what their intentions might be. 

Jul 4, 2020, 10:3807/04/20

the player got scared and put his bubble in.

and then he attacked a city, which removed the bubble

the city retaliated, which broke its towers and Hermes.

the player got scared, put his bubble back on, and left without launching the repair of the towers or the Hermes .

scared player, rookie, proud player

Personally, I'm not repairing my Hermes anymore, and if I could take it off, I would.