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"silencing opinions"

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Aug 24, 2021, 15:4608/24/21

"silencing opinions"

"silencing opinions"

As many of you know some time ago I decided to come here to the forum to unleash my complaints, opinions and disagreements about the way they administer the game (clearly the game is in a decadent state) complaints that many other players also come here to express here After having done it, I realized that complaining was something fruitless and tedious, since as you also know, giving opinions here can happen that they ignore you, that they give you vague and meaningless answers, and in the worst case that you shut up, and that's what happened to me

When I identified that complaining was not going to bear any fruit, I took the task of raising some proposals (proposals that were never accepted, like all those raised by players who do not have any weight or value for plarium) I accepted it ... I always knew that nothing of what I can expose, suggest or raise will never be taken into account (I am not one of the spoiled plarium players) but even so I wanted to play my last card and try to make the game more fun and fair, I felt that it was my Obligation as a player and also a duty that I had with myself, I have spent 5 years of my life here trying at least to have a moderately competitive city, and leaving everything after investing some money and time did not seem fair to me

Yesterday they gave me a ban, in which they clarified that they had banned me because I suggested selling my account 


For me these reasons were a makeup, a pretext, I could not believe that just for commenting something like that they were going to ban me, after thinking about the matter and thinking a thousand things, all this seemed to me that the real reasons why they ban me did not It was to insinuate to sell my account, but it was to say what plarium and its employees do not want to hear, because my opinions are uncomfortable, and because I allow myself to speak bluntly (free expression) then at the end of the day I had the enlightenment, and I remembered that in the French forum there was something that could help me to deny and expose the administrators of this forum, or whoever banned me, I remembered that in said forum some time ago someone made a POST TO SELL one of their accounts, Post that to this day is still valid and has been created basically ONE YEAR and that they have never deleted and they have not banned the creator of the post for having done it ... I had the evidence

 In my opinion, the reasons that they gave me were nothing more than fallacies and they obey more to hate, or to that word with R that has not yet disappeared from our history and that is part of our "culture" as a species, and I dare to affirm This, because the player who makes a post to announce the sale of his account, is a recognized coiner and also is European (I am Latin and I made it clear many times)

I clarify that I have nothing against flokossama, I do not know him personally, and I only take him as an example, to expose what happened to me, and to put on the balance how it is that here the punishments that they impose are measured with a fraudulent difference

You will wonder how I can do this post if I have been banned! It turns out that today one of the forum moderators has written to me and told me that they have removed the ban, as if by magic and without my having appealed it, I think that action leaves many things clear, or at least clear for me, plarium and its employees punish whomever they want and invent reasons to do so, is all I can say

now they can ban me again for saying what I think .....


Aug 24, 2021, 16:2608/24/21

wow !!!!! it is really incredible what happens here

Mauro, you have my full support💪

Aug 24, 2021, 16:2708/24/21
Aug 24, 2021, 16:42(edited)

1) I didn't ban you, a different mod did 

2) Someone else requested it be lifted so I did as you have been a valuable contributer to the forums many times. 

3) you were banned for offering your account for sale which is against Plarium Terms and Conditions (again not be me).

4) thank you for the link, I have removed that post as it breaks the forum rules, I wasn't moderating at the time or I would have removed the post back then and warned the player not to post it again.

5) I wont be banning you for this post as OPINIONS are allowed as long as they follow the forum rules, however I am going to be locking this thread as it ALSO breaks the forum rules (just not as badly) 

The Forum Rules can be found here -

the game policies can be found here -

I suggest you re-familiarise yourself with them 

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