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Emporium and Siege limitsEmporium and Siege limits

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Emporium and Siege limits

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May 23, 2017, 01:4905/23/17

Emporium and Siege limits

I know I'm limited to 3 emporiums, and three sieges active, at a time. I've seen players doing 4 emporia at once. Is that a function of level, or does it involve buying an extra ox-cart? If the latter, I can't find it.

As for sieges, I've seen players with a dozen or more. Perhaps all but three are inactive, but if there is a way to increase one's number of active sieges, how does one go about it?

May 23, 2017, 04:0305/23/17
May 23, 2017, 04:09(edited)

Hello Ike.

4 emporium is possible. But we must upgrade the academy skill.  Go to academy. Click.  Go down to the middle right side. Click maximum emporium.  30 scrolls =  maximum level  (+1 emporium).

3 sieges only can give resources at one time. But players sometimes have more. It is a good idea.  If you lose a siege, you have another siege to replace and get resources.  Also  you can use extra sieges for daily mission -liberate city.  I mean, you can take turns with another player to liberate a siege. So you and the other player have extra sieges. You make a  partnership. You take turns to liberate sieges if you have the daily mission. But you must find a player that is ok to do that. 

Good luck
May 23, 2017, 04:3505/23/17


Speaking of partnerships, it brings to mind another question. Is it legal in the game to make a partnership with another player (not an ally, but a friendly neutral player one has found), so that you let each other get PvP intentionally, whether in each other's cities, sieges (putting extra units there, to be attacked and defeated), or emporia?
May 24, 2017, 01:3805/24/17
Thanks... I think... but I still don't have an answer. :)
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 24, 2017, 08:1005/24/17
Ike said:

As for sieges, I've seen players with a dozen or more. Perhaps all but three are inactive, but if there is a way to increase one's number of active sieges, how does one go about it?

No way to do that :)