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Ingratitude is one of the worst things ever

Ingratitude is one of the worst things ever

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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May 17, 2017, 23:1005/17/17

Ingratitude is one of the worst things ever

How can you react if an old friend (who help her in the past several times) and ex teammate pa you cos you raid her farm??? If you was me what you ll do in this case???
May 18, 2017, 00:4005/18/17
I would raid even more of their farms just to spite them. A pa won't get them those resources back
May 18, 2017, 08:0005/18/17
May 18, 2017, 08:01(edited)

I would   waste PA  on  her  only if he have Hermes Temple and because  it's an PVP Warfare  and from respect i will  doing  my dues as normal..and when i need  resources again i will raid her farm adding in time all  her  farms i saw on map in contacts ...and if she   reacts the second time... go all in all cities besiged by her ,because she is an crybaby ...don't like this  type of players also ...

May 18, 2017, 08:1205/18/17

Dracos said:

I would raid even more of their farms just to spite them. A pa won't get them those resources back

Exactly... No pa... Its waste of drahmas... For every pa I ll raid 5 of them members.. To get the max res 500 k... I dont care if they are on the top 50.. Poor them, they set me traps to my possible scouting targets... I hope keep them traps there... Its my favor game... Trapping whole army in a city they want to trap you is the art of Guerilla Warfare... I m not raid them yet as those pvp are poor... In the weekend when comes the x2,2 bonus they ll suffer,,, Propably me too from pas, raids and threatening messages... But I ll be prepared...

May 18, 2017, 08:4705/18/17

Like the dog and the cat... Looks like the dogs are comfused.. They cant sent traps to all of them cities... All ready 300 k res in my bag... 

May 18, 2017, 08:5005/18/17

siege the player and leave 10 or 20 million defence in siege.

when the player breaks it repeat hahaha
May 18, 2017, 09:1205/18/17
May 18, 2017, 09:15(edited)
VodkaRedBull said:

siege the player and leave 10 or 20 million defence in siege.

when the player breaks it repeat hahaha
I do it when the odds are with me... But to do it to one coal rank in the 50 is a risk... To be on the top 50 means that they have a players or players with more then 20 m offencive army... Why to risk my defence??? Senting 15 waves of scouts to the 15 different opposite cities they cant defend both 15 cities... I keep only 3 raids on hand and I sent organise attacks to 3 of them cities and 12 fake raids to another 12... I m planning with boosts both 15 attacks arrived on the same time... They have to choise which cities they ll defend, they cant defend them all... Scouting again 1-3 min before my raids attempt the targets, to all cities I sent my raids, I m sure 100% which one have traps or not... If in my main raids I find traps, and I dont want to risk my offence is always an Instant Recall... Like this I have always 100% success and I give chaos and panic to the opposite site... 
May 18, 2017, 09:4605/18/17

i understand but when they do that it gets personal :)

i gladly use troops for such events haha
May 18, 2017, 10:4505/18/17

All ready the snakes comes out from them net,,, They pa my empty city, they spent a raid without any benefits or pvp with a good size of 300 m army... His arrogance to saw me his strength was an opportunity to monitor his army... His threatening messages I return it succesfully to him... There it ll be the best lesson to my members , to watch step by step, shot by shot a Guerila Warfare... All members been ordered to stay away (keep army and res save from concequences) till the last blow and just watching... It ll be a good opportunity, to give hopes to any non coiner to all of map of Sparta, there a war can be won even if the coins and the odds are against you... 

Time to enjoy the game I love...
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 18, 2017, 12:1105/18/17
Seems like your friendship with that person is overestimated :(
May 18, 2017, 12:1905/18/17
Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Seems like your friendship with that person is overestimated :(
Lol.. Yes... 
May 18, 2017, 18:0405/18/17

clean out ALL their sieges then reinforce their favourite ones with defence so their offence dies when they try to take it back (not siege but reinfoce) they will never know it was you with defence there, make sure you stack it with scouts so they cant spy 

yes I am evil ;)