cbright76 said:
I've activated Skill Discovery Speed, my level is at 50% but it doesn't seem to work. Is there a cap to how many skills you can use with this bonus?
When you activate the Skill Discovery Speed skill ...
... and check the skill currently being upgraded ...
... the "time to complete values" do not change?
I haven't seen that happeining. You are certain the skill isi selected and active?
cbright76 said:
When I active the Skill Discovery Speed, it dosen't work. WHY?
And you have compared the "time to complete" values of the skill currently under upgrade both before and after activation? Does it not change at all or not by the expected amount? I'm just asking again since this is an error that hasn't cropped up before at all.
cbright76 said:
The time does not change at all. I am NOT getting the bonus.
Then please report this to Customer Support, as forum moderators have neither the tools nor the user rights to access player accounts and in-game transactions. Please also supply Customer Support with as exact a report as possible, including a detailed description, a timeline, screenshots if applicable as well as any other details you might have noted.
Thank you, and if you find the time, let us know here how this turned out.
Thread closed. See this thread for further comments.
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