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Eight Elixir types and three slots. How are you coping?Eight Elixir types and three slots. How are you coping?

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Eight Elixir types and three slots. How are you coping?

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May 9, 2017, 17:5905/09/17

Eight Elixir types and three slots. How are you coping?

No matter if you're an offensive or defensive player, you'll still have four elixir types to pick from and only three slots to accommodate them. So which one are you dissing? :-) The Cavalry Elixir since you don't use horsies quite that often, or the Light Infantry one since it boosts only weaker units? Or one of the ones in between?

What is your secret? Let us know! 



May 9, 2017, 18:5105/09/17

as I am mainly an off player all mine are offence based ones 

when I have a full set of Level 13 ones I will update them then 

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 10, 2017, 09:3205/10/17
morteeee said:

as I am mainly an off player all mine are offence based ones 

when I have a full set of Level 13 ones I will update them then 

But the max level is 12.
May 11, 2017, 11:0105/11/17

I would like to know if Elixir bonuses of the same type (fx. defense of light infantry) stacks, or if the highest bonus only is used. 

You could guess that they would stack, but when you examine the values of units in the tool tips you will find that only one elixir bonus is mentioned. So now I don¨t know if they stack or not.

May 11, 2017, 12:2705/11/17

henrik_rothen said:

I would like to know if Elixir bonuses of the same type (fx. defense of light infantry) stacks, or if the highest bonus only is used. 

You could guess that they would stack, but when you examine the values of units in the tool tips you will find that only one elixir bonus is mentioned. So now I don¨t know if they stack or not.


Since you aren't allowed to add the same elixir type, say Def Light Inf., to more than one slot, the issue doesn't arise.
