Tribute calculation?
Hello. Each day we can find some tributes in our city. They are on the right side. Usually some ships and carts with grain, bronze, timber. They are free resources. But can anyone explain the tribute game calculation method? I mean, what determines the tribute amount everyday?
*Is tribute amount based on player level? How many players visit to your city? Something different?
*What determines the tribute amount we can get from coaltion cities? Is there some way to increase coalition city tributes we can get? -Now, only some coailtion cities have tributes I can click. Other cities do not. Usually the number is 3 tributes. But other times the number is 1 or 2. I dont understand why some coaltion cities have tributes, others dont have tributes, some have 3, others have only 1 or 2.
*When I visit ally or friends cities, there are no tributes. I am not sure why. Is it possible to get tributes when we visit ally or friends cities? How?
I read some message from the game about 'weekly tribute rankings'. The best players did very well. But I can't understand how they can get so many tributes. I mean, if daily tributes are limited, coaltion city tributes are limited, ally and friend cities dont give tributes, how do we get that many tributes?
Thank you.