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Apr 27, 2017, 05:4604/27/17


Would be better off a 50% discount on sketches !!!

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 27, 2017, 07:4904/27/17
League of Legends said:

Would be better off a 50% discount on sketches !!!

Unfortunately, we don't know. Right now we don't have such discounts.
Apr 27, 2017, 09:3404/27/17
Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

League of Legends said:

Would be better off a 50% discount on sketches !!!

Unfortunately, we don't know. Right now we don't have such discounts.
You want money - and not only right now :)
Apr 27, 2017, 10:2804/27/17
League of Legends said:

Would be better off a 50% discount on sketches !!!

There is a 30% sketches discount every now and then. That is good too. You save your Drachmas and buy sketches when the 30% discount is on. 
Apr 27, 2017, 18:0304/27/17
Apr 27, 2017, 21:36(edited)

Xena said:

There is a 30% sketches discount every now and then. That is good too. You save your Drachmas and buy sketches when the 30% discount is on. 

There is also a secret way to conjure that 30% discount. Spend your Drachma account to below 7.000 and the next day a sketch offer is sure to appear ;-).

But Shh, don't tell anyone!

Apr 27, 2017, 21:3504/27/17

And a lot of drachma for sketches !!!

We need more discounts to balance the game with the coiners!!!

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 28, 2017, 08:0804/28/17
League of Legends said:

And a lot of drachma for sketches !!!

We need more discounts to balance the game with the coiners!!!

Right now we offer only a 30% discount. According to my information, we're not planning to add more discounts anytime soon.
Apr 28, 2017, 20:3804/28/17

I personally find unfair !!!

Sketches cost a lot of drachmas !!!

There are people who do not use money in the game, and are at a disadvantage with the coiners !!!

The development tournaments have few sketches, and some have no sketches !!!

I know this game is capitalist, but it needs to be a little more fair !!!

May 1, 2017, 22:5505/01/17
League of Legends said:

I personally find unfair !!!

Sketches cost a lot of drachmas !!!

There are people who do not use money in the game, and are at a disadvantage with the coiners !!!

The development tournaments have few sketches, and some have no sketches !!!

I know this game is capitalist, but it needs to be a little more fair !!!

Amen ! Do you think they care ? Even the discounts are just marketing tools and nothing more.
May 2, 2017, 00:5405/02/17
The Irate Penguin said:

Xena said:

There is a 30% sketches discount every now and then. That is good too. You save your Drachmas and buy sketches when the 30% discount is on. 

There is also a secret way to conjure that 30% discount. Spend your Drachma account to below 7.000 and the next day a sketch offer is sure to appear ;-).

But Shh, don't tell anyone!

pinguino, thats called murphy´s law lol
May 2, 2017, 12:1605/02/17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

League of Legends said:

And a lot of drachma for sketches !!!

We need more discounts to balance the game with the coiners!!!

Right now we offer only a 30% discount. According to my information, we're not planning to add more discounts anytime soon.

i think if they apply 50% for sketches,Alyona would have nightmares and couldnt sleep at all

May 2, 2017, 12:1805/02/17
Tonaya said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

League of Legends said:

And a lot of drachma for sketches !!!

We need more discounts to balance the game with the coiners!!!

Right now we offer only a 30% discount. According to my information, we're not planning to add more discounts anytime soon.

i think if they apply 50% for sketches,Alyona would have nightmares and couldnt sleep at all

tonaya doesnt care he is a bigg coiner hahaha 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 3, 2017, 13:0005/03/17
Tonaya said:

i think if they apply 50% for sketches,Alyona would have nightmares and couldnt sleep at all

Why do you think so? 
May 3, 2017, 14:4705/03/17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Tonaya said:

i think if they apply 50% for sketches,Alyona would have nightmares and couldnt sleep at all

Why do you think so? 

from personal experience,i have nightmares as well,no matter what i dream i hear your voice:....Tonaya,All Units have a certain value on PPs. But their value may differ from your expectations.....

could you,please,ask one game developer to came on chat,to prove to us that imperial troops have some value,so poor Tonaya can sleep normally?

ps its easy to conclude,if you dont invite game developer to came on forum and answer to us,that i am right,and that is plariums trick^^


May 3, 2017, 14:4705/03/17

VodkaRedBull said:

Tonaya said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

League of Legends said:

And a lot of drachma for sketches !!!

We need more discounts to balance the game with the coiners!!!

Right now we offer only a 30% discount. According to my information, we're not planning to add more discounts anytime soon.

i think if they apply 50% for sketches,Alyona would have nightmares and couldnt sleep at all

tonaya doesnt care he is a bigg coiner hahaha 

Tonaya is poor :)

Vodka is coiner hehe

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 4, 2017, 11:1905/04/17
Tonaya said:

could you,please,ask one game developer to came on chat,to prove to us that imperial troops have some value,so poor Tonaya can sleep normally?

Why do you need a game developer for that? They don't have accounts on forum anyway :) I give you the info I receive from them.
May 4, 2017, 13:1905/04/17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Tonaya said:

could you,please,ask one game developer to came on chat,to prove to us that imperial troops have some value,so poor Tonaya can sleep normally?

Why do you need a game developer for that? They don't have accounts on forum anyway :) I give you the info I receive from them.

so all in all we are doomed to talk only with you and to believe you no matter what?

didnt i tolded you fairy tale about little Tonaya and Santa Claus?


May 7, 2017, 13:4205/07/17

Drag-Theseus said:

What does ''tolded'' mean ? :)

English is not my  language,i make mistakes,in my posts "tolded" means past time of  telling something...

if i mistake,it would be fair and helpful to send me msg and explain to me if i type wrong,that would do good person and moderator,and not making jokes and being smart.

now you could answer to me:what does mean your first 4 letters in location under your name.....: Location: T.A.R.D    ?


May 7, 2017, 16:1805/07/17

I'm no fan of Plarium,  their endless nonsense, excuses and no-customer service and so don't waste my time on this so-called forum. But how does one make purchases of such items as sketches more fair? As any deal, discount or means of procuring via en event reward only makes it that much easier for those "coiners' and those with more developed cities, agreements and larger armies to also obtain and thus remain even that much further ahead of those who do not and those who only do so when such special deals, discounts and rewards are offered.

For if any of Plarium's hyperbole regarding their supposed concern for fairness and keeping things fun and interesting is to be believed, then the majority of the inane changes and additions to the game to do so were made at the suggestions and requests of those complaining about the unfair advantage that the "coiners" have and have done nothing but give them an even bigger advantage. So be careful what you ask for as Plarium will be more than happy to let you pay for the privilege of upgrading this or that, and then pay again and more dearly when the "coiner" who spent 10-100 times what you did on the same deal to upgrade theirs as well comes knocking at your city's gates.
May 8, 2017, 07:0305/08/17

mgiletly said:

I'm no fan of Plarium,  their endless nonsense, excuses and no-customer service and so don't waste my time on this so-called forum. But how does one make purchases of such items as sketches more fair? As any deal, discount or means of procuring via en event reward only makes it that much easier for those "coiners' and those with more developed cities, agreements and larger armies to also obtain and thus remain even that much further ahead of those who do not and those who only do so when such special deals, discounts and rewards are offered.

For if any of Plarium's hyperbole regarding their supposed concern for fairness and keeping things fun and interesting is to be believed, then the majority of the inane changes and additions to the game to do so were made at the suggestions and requests of those complaining about the unfair advantage that the "coiners" have and have done nothing but give them an even bigger advantage. So be careful what you ask for as Plarium will be more than happy to let you pay for the privilege of upgrading this or that, and then pay again and more dearly when the "coiner" who spent 10-100 times what you did on the same deal to upgrade theirs as well comes knocking at your city's gates.

Even if a coiner does come knocking on your city's gates what's the worst thing he or she can do?

He can destroy the units you have outside acropolis and the ones you have built for the last hours and even take some resources if you haven't spent them but in my opinion that's just it. And also your hermes will be downgraded (if you have one) but nothing more.

Personally I leave a few defensive troops outside my Acropolis just for assassins' attacks. And I spend down as much as I can so if someone comes when I'm not online they get practically nothing! 

And if they raid me or siege me I will just start upgrading my Hermes to level 6 again. 

May 12, 2017, 22:1705/12/17
Xena said:

Even if a coiner does come knocking on your city's gates what's the worst thing he or she can do?

If the coiner is coordinated with plarium staff, he/she can cause a lot of damage. there are moments when your troops are returning from an assignment - and it is not that hard to calculate the arrival time so all that returned gets exterminated.  similarly, if you attack some target with large forces, the coiner can send a lot of "reinforcement" and finish your troops. But even is that doesn't happen, what is a pleasure to play in a rigged game, when your efforts and skills mean nothing, if there are monsters, with very enormous armies of doubtful origin?