Sorry Zsolt, The battle I am referring to was at a Persian Position, all of the troop values were accessible after the battle. It was a level 52.. So no information was hidden, and as I have been reading there is another string of chat going on about this same situation else where.
Regards, Neroif it was an PP they will say that you will get youre reward another time ... but that not happens ...
i lost a lot of troups there also an week ago ..and i got the response that i will be rewarded another day ..but of course ..what i get ..didn't balanced what i lost a day ago .. and the next day :( don't do these position thing mate...
Me for example today i lost doing positions another half of the offence i used to do them ...and stop it's doesn't worth..i had to use money to get my army back :(
kln461c said:
Sorry Zsolt, The battle I am referring to was at a Persian Position, all of the troop values were accessible after the battle. It was a level 52.. So no information was hidden, and as I have been reading there is another string of chat going on about this same situation else where.
Regards, Nero
There is and has been a certain dynamic to play PP's. While no one is forcing you to play them, there is a lot of variables one has to consider.
For me, trying to figure out every Persian Position chart that has been made available is pointless.
As a rule, I build lights and take down the PP after months of attacks-I am up to a level 70-with a lot of level 50's and 60's in the middle. When I did play PP's I won, but my losses were far greater than the payout. I have seen screen shots of people using 1000"s of heavies..or even 1000's of phalanx's and even cavalry-which is absolutely absurd to me.
What is the point of using 1000's of phalanx's to get 500 mounted? What good is your army if you win 500 Agema's and lose 10,000 troops in the process-waiting for another payout?
In the beginning, I played-and then my losses started to pile up-you need lights, heavies and phalanx's to have an army.
For me, as stated, I do not throw anything at a PP other than a light troop. It is much to time consuming to build as it is and I really do not understand the "bank system" as it relates to troop payout.
Troop pay outs are dependent in regards to the individual's troop strength, resources in the city, agreements, scrolls etc.. That is way too many variables to try and calculate. I play for fun, not to sit and mathematically analyze formulas.
I play within a gain/loss ratio-if in one weekend I use 5000 hops to make PVP points in the Emporiums or pan tournaments and win back drachs and troops like 100, 200, or 300 phalanx's then I consider that a win.
I will not sacrifice higher troops in PP's on the premise of a payout that, while it may come..drains your army.
Just my opinion-in the long run, I really don't play PP's as a rule anymore-its more of.."I have some lights to throw at a position..let me make some extra XP points" sort of thinking.
PP's need extra care and time-so it is up to the individual player to research, build and ultimately decide to play PP's.
kln461c said:
I have been keeping track of specific battles both offensive and defensive and have found that the system is cheating the players. It is becoming quite annoying. It seems the system is rigged only to destroy your units and force you to keep spending $$$$. The playing field is far from even. My example is simple: How can a well balanced offensive strength of 735,967 get beat up by a defensive total of 74,980. Even if you were to go with the normal military planning ratio of 3:1 when attacking. The outcome/victory in this case should have been very one sided. Instead it was barely a win and lost half of the offense..? I think it may be time to go back to Total War! Anyone else dealing with the same type of garbage? Nero
Could you please provide us with screenshots? I haven't really understood your example and it seems really weird to me.
Was it a defensive position or an offensive one?
Also could you tell me how you calculated the 74.980 total defense?
Cause something tells me that's wrong for sure. No way a 52 level position has only 74.980 defense in it.
Hey Xena,
I tried to go back to my battle stats roll up and could not find the specific one to screen shot. But I was so bafuttled at the time I wrote and calculated the unit strength's on paper. The numbers don't lie, and I am pretty sure it was a level 52 position.. That's why I threw 735k Offense at it, and the results were a bit strange. No biggie... just asking others out there if they have ID'ed the same type of issue. If an offensive unit attacks a unit in the defense the numbers associated with the units action should determine the outcome correct..? For some strange reason it seems the numbers don't mean much at times... A full house beats a straight every time, but not in this game!!!
Thanx for asking Xena, Nerokln461c said:
Hey Xena,
I tried to go back to my battle stats roll up and could not find the specific one to screen shot. But I was so bafuttled at the time I wrote and calculated the unit strength's on paper. The numbers don't lie, and I am pretty sure it was a level 52 position.. That's why I threw 735k Offense at it, and the results were a bit strange. No biggie... just asking others out there if they have ID'ed the same type of issue. If an offensive unit attacks a unit in the defense the numbers associated with the units action should determine the outcome correct..? For some strange reason it seems the numbers don't mean much at times... A full house beats a straight every time, but not in this game!!!
Thanx for asking Xena,
I'm just trying to help.
PP system is weird, I haven't figured it out myself how it works cause I don't play positions.
So I never really bothered to calculate the units' strength stationed at a position level.
There are charts from time to time in order to calculate how much offense or defense is needed to take down a position.
Haven't got my hands on any of them lately!
But if you could had screenshots to show me I would have helped you figure out a few things by asking my friends who play PP and know these things!
It seems even to this day there is speculation on how it still works, I myself have been able to figure out some of the inter-workings of the system. I have not thought of what Meritus said above about only using light troops, I think its a great idea, in my opinion, I plan to do that from now on, so thanks for the help. Now let's get to some of the meat.
So if you have seen, pps will, in fact, give you lots of resources. this can be used to our advantage. If you choose to attack when your entire resource capacity has been met the position rewards will have no choice but to give you reward in only troops, it will not even try to give you more then the average 100 bronze, grain, and timber. this, in turn, allows us to regain some of that valuable time training.
low levels that have replenished (about lvl 1-30) will not give us more then we attacked with because if it did, it would be the easiest way to farm soldiers and train them at the same time. so when we try and do the highest mission available, we can get a fresh fight, one that will give us more soldiers on the average, as long as we have, enough soldiers. Though don't get me wrong, I don't think ANYONE has found what is considered "enough".
lastly, this is the dumb part, you can only get a "Good Raid" a 1-3 times a day, continuously trying to raid will actually lower your chances of getting you more soldiers.
so taking all in will GREATLY help in your chances of getting booty, heck, my own mother plays this game in her late 50s, she has been able to utilize what I have said better then I can. tbh, I have no idea how she's doing it so well, but somehow she has cracked the system and has 4x as many soldiers as I do.
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