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Raiding and Ports

Raiding and Ports

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Apr 7, 2017, 01:0704/07/17

Raiding and Ports

Another newb question. (I sometimes feel I'll be a newb forever.)

anyway, I've frequently noticed that in giving advice you experienced folks tie the importance of port related upgrading to raiding. I.e., the more you raid, the more important your port/harbor/lighthouse levels are. But I've read through the wiki article on raiding, and it never mentions ports and such. So, why is it important to have high port values if you raid a lot? TIA, as always.
Apr 7, 2017, 05:5004/07/17
Apr 26, 2017, 17:37(edited)

Ike said:

Another newb question. (I sometimes feel I'll be a newb forever.)

anyway, I've frequently noticed that in giving advice you experienced folks tie the importance of port related upgrading to raiding. I.e., the more you raid, the more important your port/harbor/lighthouse levels are. But I've read through the wiki article on raiding, and it never mentions ports and such. So, why is it important to have high port values if you raid a lot? TIA, as always.

Morning' Ike :-)

One single reason makes the port and harbour size important to raids: the galley trick.

If you haven't used it, you can find lots on it by searching this forum or doing a Google or YouTube search ... or reading this blog post. When raiding, one also often comes back with rather lopsided counts of resources, therefore a healthy merchant navy will allow you to quickly trade for what you need, but that's just a perk :-).


PS: The galley trick is also the reason many players, as myself, are frantic to reach the 50k mark, either by upgrading port and harbour or by GPs, but when the 50k mark is reached, these building upgrades become less important.

PPS: I raid for around 700k resources per day and what I don't need I'll usually distribute amongst coalition members (if needed), so there's another reason, albeit a secondary one, for a good galley count, carrying capacity and speed.

PPPS: Don't worry about the newb part, and don't think that players who have been around for well over a year don't still go running for advice to their heges and poles :-) ... just as I rely on my mod coolegues and Plarium when I don't know an answer.

Apr 7, 2017, 07:2104/07/17

I have been playing over 2 years and still ask advice from time to time! :)

Apr 7, 2017, 07:2504/07/17

morteeee said:

I have been playing over 2 years and still ask advice from time to time! :)

It's like the old joke:

"What's the difference between driving a two-wheel- and a four-wheel-drive vehicle?"

"With the four-wheel-drive, you get stuck in less accessible places."

Apr 7, 2017, 07:2804/07/17
LMAO can relate to that one! 
Apr 7, 2017, 18:0504/07/17
Thanks so much! I thought I knew the galley trick because I read about storing resources on your galleys by offering 'bad' deals and have the resources sit there while your granaries and warehouses are full. But having read the blog, I now understand what the galley trick really is. thanks so much!
Apr 9, 2017, 15:3104/09/17
Just to share that your help and advice is put to use, I employed the 'galley trick' for the first time, and successfully. At my level, it only added 7600 to my 50K haul (plus a few of my galleys were out trying to trade articles), but the important thing is that I now know how to use this method of increasing one's raid haul. So once more, thank you all so much!
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 10, 2017, 09:0304/10/17
Ike said:

Just to share that your help and advice is put to use, I employed the 'galley trick' for the first time, and successfully. At my level, it only added 7600 to my 50K haul (plus a few of my galleys were out trying to trade articles), but the important thing is that I now know how to use this method of increasing one's raid haul. So once more, thank you all so much!
One more reason to develop your Galleys ;)
Apr 26, 2017, 16:1604/26/17
does the galley trick ONLY work if one could raid 50k from a particular colony or can it work if the raid amount is less?
Apr 26, 2017, 16:2304/26/17

chakrab said:

does the galley trick ONLY work if one could raid 50k from a particular colony or can it work if the raid amount is less?

I'm not quite sure what you mean. You are allowed to raid a target for up to 50k res within a 7 day period (without any galley trick) so if you stay below that limit, there's really no need to be "tricky" :-)


Apr 26, 2017, 17:0304/26/17

The Irate Penguin said:

chakrab said:

does the galley trick ONLY work if one could raid 50k from a particular colony or can it work if the raid amount is less?

I'm not quite sure what you mean. You are allowed to raid a target for up to 50k res within a 7 day period (without any galley trick) so if you stay below that limit, there's really no need to be "tricky" :-)


ok let me be specific. and i am only talking about the galley trick because it never seem to work for me. :P

suppose a city has 30k resource (forget acropolis). if i send 20k resources to it while i am raiding it, would i get 50k resources in return? or do i only get back 30k resources.

or does it only work for cities with more than 50k resources? so if a city has 75k resources and i send 20k resources, i potentially get back up to 95k resources. 

Apr 26, 2017, 17:2704/26/17

chakrab said:

ok let me be specific. and i am only talking about the galley trick because it never seem to work for me. :P

suppose a city has 30k resource (forget acropolis). if i send 20k resources to it while i am raiding it, would i get 50k resources in return? or do i only get back 30k resources.

or does it only work for cities with more than 50k resources? so if a city has 75k resources and i send 20k resources, i potentially get back up to 95k resources. 

First, the "trick" part is that the city doesn't really receive any resources since the resources you send you need to cancel within 40 sec. or you're out that amount which is not what you want.

Let's try a rule clarification and an example:

The Rules

  1. You are allowed to raid 50k res within a 7 day period.
  2. If you send a city resources then you can raise this amount by the number of res sent, but never more than 100k in total.

An example:

  1. A city has 200k res on stock
  2. You raid the city with sufficient troops able to bring home 100k res.
  3. On return, you notice that they only brought back 50k

That is because no matter how many res the city has nor how much the troops can carry, only 50k are allowed.

A second example:

  1. A city has 200k res on stock
  2. You raid the city with sufficient troops able to bring home 100k res.
  3. BEFORE your troops hit their target, you send the city 20k res.
  4. AFTER your troops raided you recall your galleys with the res you sent,
  5. On the return of your troops, you will notice that they have brought back 70k res.
The important thing to remember is that between steps 3 and 4 you shouldn't dally since you only have 40 secs, after which a recall is not possible, so you would do something like this (with T = time of raid):

  1. T-20 secs - send resources
  2. T = 0 - raid hits home
  3. T+10 secs - cancel the sent resources
Also, do not forget that:

  • You'll never get back more resources than the city has stored outside it's Acropolis
  • You'll never get back more res than your troops are able to carry
  • You'll never get back more than 100k
Does this make it any clearer? I'm not sure :-)


Apr 26, 2017, 18:2104/26/17

Hi. thanks for the detailed explanation. it helps. but my original question is still unanswered. let's take your second example and first point.

1. A city has 200k res on stock

so the city needs to have more than 50k on stock for the trick to work? or if it has 30k in stock, can i recover 50k by sending additional 20k?

Apr 26, 2017, 19:2404/26/17

chakrab said:

Hi. thanks for the detailed explanation. it helps. but my original question is still unanswered. let's take your second example and first point.

1. A city has 200k res on stock

so the city needs to have more than 50k on stock for the trick to work? or if it has 30k in stock, can i recover 50k by sending additional 20k?

Again, remember that you are not really sending the city anything since you will recall these galleys almost immediately. Therefore you will only be able to recover as many resources as the city has (outside the Acropolis). If the city has only 30k res, then that's the max you are getting (with or without any galley trick). If the city has more than 50k you'll get 50k without the galley trick and up to 100k with the galley trick, depending how much you "send" them (of course always assuming you are sending sufficient troops able to carry the wanted amounts)

Apr 26, 2017, 22:2504/26/17

chakrab said:

Hi. thanks for the detailed explanation. it helps. but my original question is still unanswered. let's take your second example and first point.

1. A city has 200k res on stock

so the city needs to have more than 50k on stock for the trick to work? or if it has 30k in stock, can i recover 50k by sending additional 20k?

Assuming that every player has upgraded Acropolis to level 20 then the resources protected are 18K.

It may be less in some ocassions but keep in mind that the limit is 18K.

So look for farms with at least 40-50K of each resource in order to get the maximum from them.

The galley trick depends on your galley capacity. 

For example if your galley capacity is 38K then the maximum you can get from a single raid is 88K of resources (50K from the raid and 38K from your galley capacity).