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About 900 drachmas "disappeared" last 24 hoursAbout 900 drachmas "disappeared" last 24 hours

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About 900 drachmas "disappeared" last 24 hours

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Mar 17, 2017, 00:5303/17/17

About 900 drachmas "disappeared" last 24 hours

About 900 drachmas "disappeared" last 24 hours. Miraculously, about same happened to my friend - and approximately the same amount. Is it only we or others experienced the same? 

Well, also just found out that Plarium closed the "Plarium, remove your spell" topic in this forum department, where a player was, without any success, was asking the Plarium to abandon its hostile routines. Could it (taking stuff away) be another retaliatory move? 
Mar 17, 2017, 01:0603/17/17

Mullenz said:

About 900 drachmas "disappeared" last 24 hours. Miraculously, about same happened to my friend - and approximately the same amount. Is it only we or others experienced the same? 

Well, also just found out that Plarium closed the "Plarium, remove your spell" topic in this forum department, where a player was, without any success, was asking the Plarium to abandon its hostile routines. Could it (taking stuff away) be another retaliatory move? 

Good evening Mullenz:

I know of no case where, for any reason whatsoever, a player loses any Drachmas, resources or other portions of his or her capital except during gameplay, such as resources being lost in a raid. If you are confident that you did not spend these Drachmas inadvertendly , for example to revive troops or for some other purpose, please report this to Customer Support and include any documentation and/or screenshots you may have to corroborate this claim. If you get the chance, please also keep us apprised of the results of your ticket submission in this thread, tyvm!


Mar 17, 2017, 02:5703/17/17
Mar 17, 2017, 03:42(edited)

Thank you for the response, Penguin,

I did not spend a drachma, since I am collecting them for other (than revival) purposes. I am not going to talk to the support, because it has been nothing but waste of time every time I tried. I  sure did not predict my drachamas will "disappear", that is why I had no reason to make screenshot. No doubt, the players averse Plarium will us that as a pretext for doing nothing in order to fix it. 

Another example: after cupe hours after attacking the guy in phylarch, it only opened count down and showed "2 hours  5 mins". 

I am so sick of their shananigans. 

Mar 17, 2017, 06:3103/17/17

Mullenz said:

Thank you for the response, Penguin,

I did not spend a drachma, since I am collecting them for other (than revival) purposes. I am not going to talk to the support, because it has been nothing but waste of time every time I tried. I  sure did not predict my drachamas will "disappear", that is why I had no reason to make screenshot. No doubt, the players averse Plarium will us that as a pretext for doing nothing in order to fix it. 

Another example: after cupe hours after attacking the guy in phylarch, it only opened count down and showed "2 hours  5 mins". 

I am so sick of their shananigans. 

Good morning Mullenz,  

we here at the forum do not have the tools nor the authority to access user accounts, data and logs. My suggestion would be to reconsider and create a support ticket, even with less than complete documentation to back up a claim. Also, you might speak to the other player or players which, as you say, have had similar experiences and ask them to do the same.

The game logs contain AFAIK detailed transaction histories and should show if and which amounts of Drachmas are added or deducted from an account and for which reasons. Assuming for a moment that there is some glitch or bug at work, the number of created support requests regarding one specific issue alone, will usually indicate this.

If you do decide not to pursue this, my suggestion would be to keep records in the coming weeks. Personally, having played MMO's and similar games for decades, have found it useful on occasion to keep track of events by daily screenshots, or at least screenshots taken before and after specific events where I was unsure if the game mechanics were working correctly. Taking screenshots is a matter of a few seconds and can sometimes come in very handy when one later attempts to reconstruct an event.



Mar 21, 2017, 21:2803/21/17

I haven't lost drachmas, but I just had a notification that I had 'failed to raid' a Persian position. The issue being I hadn't launched said raid. The 'raid' used 50 Marauders, 9 hoplites and 15 Mounted Peltasts, all of which I lost. 

How does that happen? I paid good money for those Marauders and never use them except to raid cities that I have scouted, since their combat level is so low. 

Mar 22, 2017, 00:0003/22/17
bad_karma00 said:

I haven't lost drachmas, but I just had a notification that I had 'failed to raid' a Persian position. The issue being I hadn't launched said raid. The 'raid' used 50 Marauders, 9 hoplites and 15 Mounted Peltasts, all of which I lost. 

How does that happen? I paid good money for those Marauders and never use them except to raid cities that I have scouted, since their combat level is so low. 

Did any time, somehow give the details of your account to someone else? Change yr password once again...
Mar 22, 2017, 00:2703/22/17
No, and I was playing at the time it happened. But no, I've never shared that information with anyone. No one  I know personally plays. 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 22, 2017, 09:3003/22/17
bad_karma00 said:

I haven't lost drachmas, but I just had a notification that I had 'failed to raid' a Persian position. The issue being I hadn't launched said raid. The 'raid' used 50 Marauders, 9 hoplites and 15 Mounted Peltasts, all of which I lost. 

How does that happen? I paid good money for those Marauders and never use them except to raid cities that I have scouted, since their combat level is so low. 

Hi! Did you launch any other attacks at that time? You said you were playing when it happened. What exactly did you do in the game back then?
Mar 22, 2017, 17:5403/22/17
Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

bad_karma00 said:

I haven't lost drachmas, but I just had a notification that I had 'failed to raid' a Persian position. The issue being I hadn't launched said raid. The 'raid' used 50 Marauders, 9 hoplites and 15 Mounted Peltasts, all of which I lost. 

How does that happen? I paid good money for those Marauders and never use them except to raid cities that I have scouted, since their combat level is so low. 

Hi! Did you launch any other attacks at that time? You said you were playing when it happened. What exactly did you do in the game back then?
At the time I wasn't doing anything. I had raided a bot city maybe five minutes earlier, and HAD raided a Persian position about the same time, give or take, but at the time this happened I was not taking any action at all. 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 23, 2017, 11:5303/23/17

bad_karma00 said:

At the time I wasn't doing anything. I had raided a bot city maybe five minutes earlier, and HAD raided a Persian position about the same time, give or take, but at the time this happened I was not taking any action at all. 

I think this has to be investigated by Support then. Our games do not send attacks on their own :) 

Mar 23, 2017, 23:1603/23/17

Yeah, that's what support said. But it still happened. Troops sent, killed, in a raid that I didn't send since I was watching the news at the time. 

Anyway, it's a learning experience. No point in complaining about something.

Thanks for replying. 
Mar 24, 2017, 01:3603/24/17

bad_karma00 said:

I haven't lost drachmas, but I just had a notification that I had 'failed to raid' a Persian position. The issue being I hadn't launched said raid. The 'raid' used 50 Marauders, 9 hoplites and 15 Mounted Peltasts, all of which I lost. 

How does that happen? I paid good money for those Marauders and never use them except to raid cities that I have scouted, since their combat level is so low. 

On an off-thought bad_karma00:

Have you recently played either the ...

  • "Battle the Persian Army" or the
  • "Mission Campaigns"

... in the "Quests" list? Especially the latter, that's the one with a storyline, describing some conquest or other quest. Both will trigger Persian Position battles without having to go the classic "Oracle" > "Positions" route, and especially the latter is sufficiently different from a "normal" PP engagement, that it could be mistaken for something else. Since you say that the report returned a "failed to raid", this quest should still be listed.In addition, you could check the "Oracle" > "Missions" tab to see how far along you are in this department.


Mar 24, 2017, 05:2003/24/17

I will do that. But no, I haven't done anything like that in a good while. I did play them when I started out last year, but I've not done it in some time. I hadn't thought of that so I will see if that happened. Or at least try to.

Thanks for the suggestion. 

Apr 6, 2017, 22:3104/06/17
I have lost gold drachmas when troops return from gold fields I thought my memory was going bad but I started writing down my totals I had 324 gold in bank when My 3 x teams returned with 6 gold each my total went down to 322. so their was a loss of 20 gold and I believe I had notices the loss 3 times before
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 7, 2017, 08:2004/07/17
wardog88 said:

I have lost gold drachmas when troops return from gold fields I thought my memory was going bad but I started writing down my totals I had 324 gold in bank when My 3 x teams returned with 6 gold each my total went down to 322. so their was a loss of 20 gold and I believe I had notices the loss 3 times before
So you mean you have lost Drachmas when you collected them from Drachma Emporia? 
Apr 11, 2017, 22:0904/11/17


I have lost about 1000 + drachmas now, because in game I boost at the discount price given, but didn't seem right because were it was only to take 32 drachmas it took 102 every time, only after the 9 time, I was not sure why my drachmas reduced so fast, so did the boots again and then saw what is going on,I took a screen shot of the boots reward at less 

Please advise how you going to fix this?

Apr 11, 2017, 23:1404/11/17

wilmiensteenkamp said:


I have lost about 1000 + drachmas now, because in game I boost at the discount price given, but didn't seem right because were it was only to take 32 drachmas it took 102 every time, only after the 9 time, I was not sure why my drachmas reduced so fast, so did the boots again and then saw what is going on,I took a screen shot of the boots reward at less 

Please advise how you going to fix this?

Hello Archon

All discounts given have a limit, you sure that when you tried the last time, to test, the discount was still active?

If so, please contact our support team, there is nothing we can do about it here, we dont have the tools to investigate.

Here you have the link >

May 10, 2017, 21:1005/10/17
bad_karma00 said:

How does that happen? I paid good money for those Marauders and never use them except to raid cities that I have scouted, since their combat level is so low. 

Apparently not good enough for Plarium, they want you to pay more :)
Jul 17, 2018, 13:4307/17/18

A similar situation occurred for me some time ago, I wrote to the support but they made me report a problem here. out of want, I gave up, but the situation keeps repeating and is quite irritating. I lose drachma all the time, although I do not spend it on anything, because like everybody I collect them for sketches etc. There was no need to make screenshots because no one normally takes pictures of their account status, no one would know that it might disappear, and even if I had it, it would not be a concrete proof. They are small sums ranging from 300 to 500. For example, today it deprived me of 300 drachm, right after I received the prize from the daily task (50 drachmas). And so, in total, I lost a few thousand pieces of drachma.