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Imperial Units - Resource value?

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Mar 3, 2017, 17:5303/03/17

Imperial Units - Resource value?


I want to know the resource values of the following units.

1. Roman units

2. Imperial units

Is there any resource value for them? Is it good to play Persian positions with roman and imperial units?

I need answer, as some of my friends are using imperial units to play Persian positions and i fear they have no resource value like heroes. 

So please answer.

With regards


Mar 3, 2017, 19:2403/03/17
Mar 3, 2017, 19:27(edited)

sarathps04 said:


I want to know the resource values of the following units.

1. Roman units

2. Imperial units

Is there any resource value for them? Is it good to play Persian positions with roman and imperial units?

I need answer, as some of my friends are using imperial units to play Persian positions and i fear they have no resource value like heroes. 

So please answer.

With regards


Hello Archon,

1. My PP experts have shared this info with me. From what they 've told me the Roman units cost twice their value. For example a Legate costs 1950 Denarii so their PP value is twice that 3800 resources per Legate (which makes sense if you think that 1000 Denarii are worth 1000 bronze and 1000 timber). Though they are the strongest defensive units my experts don't really suggest them for PP cause you will need many of them to fill the bank.

2. Imperial Units cost the same as the regular ones. As I have mentioned before according to my sources. So no worries if your friends use them to play positions.

I would advise you not to use Roman units on PP. Imperial units are perfect though!

Hope I have helped you! 

Mar 4, 2017, 02:5203/04/17

Xena said:

sarathps04 said:


I want to know the resource values of the following units.

1. Roman units

2. Imperial units

Is there any resource value for them? Is it good to play Persian positions with roman and imperial units?

I need answer, as some of my friends are using imperial units to play Persian positions and i fear they have no resource value like heroes. 

So please answer.

With regards


Hello Archon,

1. My PP experts have shared this info with me. From what they 've told me the Roman units cost twice their value. For example a Legate costs 1950 Denarii so their PP value is twice that 3800 resources per Legate (which makes sense if you think that 1000 Denarii are worth 1000 bronze and 1000 timber). Though they are the strongest defensive units my experts don't really suggest them for PP cause you will need many of them to fill the bank.

2. Imperial Units cost the same as the regular ones. As I have mentioned before according to my sources. So no worries if your friends use them to play positions.

I would advise you not to use Roman units on PP. Imperial units are perfect though!

Hope I have helped you! 

Thank you.

I need one more clarification. Does an imperial unit and regular unit has same resource value? For example one mounted peltast and imperial mounted peltast? Whether they have same resource value or not?
Mar 4, 2017, 10:4203/04/17
sarathps04 said:

Thank you.

I need one more clarification. Does an imperial unit and regular unit has same resource value? For example one mounted peltast and imperial mounted peltast? Whether they have same resource value or not?
From what I've been told yes one MP and one Imperial MP have the same resource value.
Mar 4, 2017, 11:1903/04/17

Xena said:

sarathps04 said:

Thank you.

I need one more clarification. Does an imperial unit and regular unit has same resource value? For example one mounted peltast and imperial mounted peltast? Whether they have same resource value or not?
From what I've been told yes one MP and one Imperial MP have the same resource value.

Ok, Thank you.

Mar 5, 2017, 18:1003/05/17
Mar 6, 2017, 10:07(edited)

Xena said:

sarathps04 said:


I want to know the resource values of the following units.

1. Roman units

2. Imperial units

Is there any resource value for them? Is it good to play Persian positions with roman and imperial units?

I need answer, as some of my friends are using imperial units to play Persian positions and i fear they have no resource value like heroes. 

So please answer.

With regards


Hello Archon,

1. My PP experts have shared this info with me. From what they 've told me the Roman units cost twice their value. For example a Legate costs 1950 Denarii so their PP value is twice that 3800 resources per Legate (which makes sense if you think that 1000 Denarii are worth 1000 bronze and 1000 timber). Though they are the strongest defensive units my experts don't really suggest them for PP cause you will need many of them to fill the bank.

2. Imperial Units cost the same as the regular ones. As I have mentioned before according to my sources. So no worries if your friends use them to play positions.

I would advise you not to use Roman units on PP. Imperial units are perfect though!

Hope I have helped you! 

xena: 2. Imperial Units cost the same as the regular ones. As I have mentioned before according to my sources. So no worries if your friends use them to play positions.

unnamed sources?

Alyona:12 January, 2017, 10:10 AM UTC

I never said they have the same value, Tonaya. Actually, I have no idea. But I know for sure (from devs) that all Units have a certain value on PPs (I mean above zero of course), but as I said before, their value may differ from your expectations.

my conversation with Alyona,about imperial troops value,you can find here:

Tonaya:here is one tip based on Alyona advices,that all troops have CERTAIN value,why dont you now send those 352 imperial promachos on pp tournament,to see will you get big payout or not >:)

xena: I also don't play positions so I won't send them to Xerxes! 

conversation you can find here:

1.pp system work simply: all troops value count how much they cost to build them with resources

2.imperial troops cant  build with resources

3.imperial troops dont exists in persian calculator

4.i dont talk what some unnamed source told me,i talk from my experience:i lost all imperial troops from missions,imperial agema,imperial promachos,.......on persian positions,i use persian calculator,i count every single troop i send on pp,i wasted all those imperial troops on pp,i didnt got big payout(i did burn last payout+20%),until i didnt burn regular troops,then i got big payout

5.Tonaya claim:imperial troops dont have same value like regular troops!!!

6.i think their value is ZERO,zero resources to build them,zero value

to point one more time,who give you advices about persian position:

xena:  I also don't play positions so I won't send them to Xerxes!

Alyona:I never said they have the same value, Tonaya. Actually, I have no idea. But I know for sure (from devs) that all Units have a certain value on PPs (I mean above zero of course), but as I said before, their value may differ from your expectations

2.moderators dont know pp system,because it is plariums top secret is fb link where you can download persian calculator:

4.when you downloaded it,read info there,and you will found out a lot things about how to play pp

xena: I also don't play positions

xena:Imperial Units cost the same as the regular ones. As I have mentioned before according to my sources. So no worries if your friends use them to play positions


ps i am not back on forum,i just cant stand to see what you are doing,giving advices to other players about something you dont know,dont play,and some unnamed sources told you,keep it for your self,dont teach wrong other players,please.

Tonaya .I.

Mar 5, 2017, 18:2703/05/17

personally  I do not use Champs, Romans, or Imperial units on PP's, i don´t think they have any worth, unless someone can prove it to me that i´m wrong...

Mar 5, 2017, 18:3703/05/17
Mar 5, 2017, 18:38(edited)

Tonaya said:

Xena said:

sarathps04 said:


I want to know the resource values of the following units.

1. Roman units

2. Imperial units

Is there any resource value for them? Is it good to play Persian positions with roman and imperial units?

I need answer, as some of my friends are using imperial units to play Persian positions and i fear they have no resource value like heroes. 

So please answer.

With regards


Hello Archon,

1. My PP experts have shared this info with me. From what they 've told me the Roman units cost twice their value. For example a Legate costs 1950 Denarii so their PP value is twice that 3800 resources per Legate (which makes sense if you think that 1000 Denarii are worth 1000 bronze and 1000 timber). Though they are the strongest defensive units my experts don't really suggest them for PP cause you will need many of them to fill the bank.

2. Imperial Units cost the same as the regular ones. As I have mentioned before according to my sources. So no worries if your friends use them to play positions.

I would advise you not to use Roman units on PP. Imperial units are perfect though!

Hope I have helped you! 

xena: 2. Imperial Units cost the same as the regular ones. As I have mentioned before according to my sources. So no worries if your friends use them to play positions.

unnamed sources?

Alyona:12 January, 2017, 10:10 AM UTC

I never said they have the same value, Tonaya. Actually, I have no idea. But I know for sure (from devs) that all Units have a certain value on PPs (I mean above zero of course), but as I said before, their value may differ from your expectations.

my conversation with Alyona,about imperial troops value,you can find here:

Tonaya:here is one tip based on Alyona advices,that all troops have CERTAIN value,why dont you now send those 352 imperial promachos on pp tournament,to see will you get big payout or not >:)

xena: I also don't play positions so I won't send them to Xerxes! 

conversation you can find here:

1.pp system work simply: all troops value count how much they cost to build them with resources

2.imperial troops cant  build with resources

3.imperial troops dont exists in persian calculator

4.i dont talk what some unnamed source told me,i talk from my experience:i lost all imperial troops from missions,imperial agema,imperial promachos,.......on persian positions,i use persian calculator,i count every single troop i send on pp,i wasted all those imperial troops on pp,i didnt got big payout(i did burn last payout+20%),until i didnt burn regular troops,then i got big payout

5.Tonaya claim:imperial troops dont have same value like regular troops!!!

6.i think their value is ZERO,zero resources to build them,zero value

to point one more time,who give you advices about persian position:

xena:  I also don't play positions so I won't send them to Xerxes!

Alyona:I never said they have the same value, Tonaya. Actually, I have no idea. But I know for sure (from devs) that all Units have a certain value on PPs (I mean above zero of course), but as I said before, their value may differ from your expectations

1.moderators are only regular player who receive 3k drachmas per week,to answer on your questions on forum

2.moderators dont know pp system,because it is plariums top secret is fb link where you can download persian calculator:

4.when you downloaded it,read info there,and you will found out a lot things about how to play pp

xena: I also don't play positions

xena:Imperial Units cost the same as the regular ones. As I have mentioned before according to my sources. So no worries if your friends use them to play positions


ps i am not back on forum,i just cant stand to see what you are doing,giving advices to other players about something you dont know,dont play,and some unnamed sources told you,keep it for your self,dont teach wrong other players,please.

dont try to talk with me,i dont want to talk with any moderator any more.just ask yourself is that 3k drachmas per week,worth to lie in public,you and other moderators can enjoy with this song,it is my msg for all of you,HOW LOW CAN YOU GO:

Tonaya .I.

First of all, just because I don't play positions now doesn't mean I didn't use to play before. And I actually got pretty good payments back when I played. Therefore I will share the things I know with other players and that means I will continue to give advice whether you like it or not.

Second of all, my sources are PP experts. They have studied so many reports and have played Xerxes for so many hours that I trust them with my life about Xerxes. So if they tell me that Imperial troops have the same value as regural troops then I will believe them till I die. 

Thirdly, sorry to be the one to say this to you but obviously you don't know how to play positions. I see eveyday amazing rewards from people who actually know how to play position so don't tell me that you can't get a great payout on Xerxes. You just need to know how the system works and you obviously don't know. I remember though that the last payout you got (the Promachos) was pretty good! So don't tell me you haven't got a pretty good payout yourself cause the troops you got from the level you got them was an amazing payout. Was it luck Tonaya?
You are saying you used regural units to get a big payout. Something tells me you wouldn't fill the bank without those Imperial troops.

In addition, don't use caps again since it's a violation of the Forum rules. Checking them again would be really useful for all of us.
Here are the rules:
To be more specific check this here:

Last but not least, I love that song it's one of my favourites actually but you should consider that the phrase he uses is bidirectional. 

P.S: I'm pretty sure I know more about positions than you do! 

Love and Respect


Mar 5, 2017, 18:4503/05/17
Tonaya said:

Xena said:

sarathps04 said:


I want to know the resource values of the following units.

1. Roman units

2. Imperial units

Is there any resource value for them? Is it good to play Persian positions with roman and imperial units?

I need answer, as some of my friends are using imperial units to play Persian positions and i fear they have no resource value like heroes. 

So please answer.

With regards


Hello Archon,

1. My PP experts have shared this info with me. From what they 've told me the Roman units cost twice their value. For example a Legate costs 1950 Denarii so their PP value is twice that 3800 resources per Legate (which makes sense if you think that 1000 Denarii are worth 1000 bronze and 1000 timber). Though they are the strongest defensive units my experts don't really suggest them for PP cause you will need many of them to fill the bank.

2. Imperial Units cost the same as the regular ones. As I have mentioned before according to my sources. So no worries if your friends use them to play positions.

I would advise you not to use Roman units on PP. Imperial units are perfect though!

Hope I have helped you! 

xena: 2. Imperial Units cost the same as the regular ones. As I have mentioned before according to my sources. So no worries if your friends use them to play positions.

unnamed sources?

Alyona:12 January, 2017, 10:10 AM UTC

I never said they have the same value, Tonaya. Actually, I have no idea. But I know for sure (from devs) that all Units have a certain value on PPs (I mean above zero of course), but as I said before, their value may differ from your expectations.

my conversation with Alyona,about imperial troops value,you can find here:

Tonaya:here is one tip based on Alyona advices,that all troops have CERTAIN value,why dont you now send those 352 imperial promachos on pp tournament,to see will you get big payout or not >:)

xena: I also don't play positions so I won't send them to Xerxes! 

conversation you can find here:

1.pp system work simply: all troops value count how much they cost to build them with resources

2.imperial troops cant  build with resources

3.imperial troops dont exists in persian calculator

4.i dont talk what some unnamed source told me,i talk from my experience:i lost all imperial troops from missions,imperial agema,imperial promachos,.......on persian positions,i use persian calculator,i count every single troop i send on pp,i wasted all those imperial troops on pp,i didnt got big payout(i did burn last payout+20%),until i didnt burn regular troops,then i got big payout

5.Tonaya claim:imperial troops dont have same value like regular troops!!!

6.i think their value is ZERO,zero resources to build them,zero value

to point one more time,who give you advices about persian position:

xena:  I also don't play positions so I won't send them to Xerxes!

Alyona:I never said they have the same value, Tonaya. Actually, I have no idea. But I know for sure (from devs) that all Units have a certain value on PPs (I mean above zero of course), but as I said before, their value may differ from your expectations

1.moderators are only regular player who receive 3k drachmas per week,to answer on your questions on forum

2.moderators dont know pp system,because it is plariums top secret is fb link where you can download persian calculator:

4.when you downloaded it,read info there,and you will found out a lot things about how to play pp

xena: I also don't play positions

xena:Imperial Units cost the same as the regular ones. As I have mentioned before according to my sources. So no worries if your friends use them to play positions


ps i am not back on forum,i just cant stand to see what you are doing,giving advices to other players about something you dont know,dont play,and some unnamed sources told you,keep it for your self,dont teach wrong other players,please.

dont try to talk with me,i dont want to talk with any moderator any more.just ask yourself is that 3k drachmas per week,worth to lie in public,you and other moderators can enjoy with this song,it is my msg for all of you,HOW LOW CAN YOU GO:

Tonaya .I.

Mar 6, 2017, 18:1403/06/17

Hi all

Imperial troops have no value on persian position.

It is from my experiences with persian positions.

Who said they have same value,he is not telling the truth.

Regards Exodus

Mar 6, 2017, 18:4903/06/17
Mar 6, 2017, 18:50(edited)

Hero,Champions,Imperial troops have no value on persians,it is wasting to send them to xerxes.

Roman troops are too cheap for persians,they are not good too,best is troops made with resources,more they cost,more go in bank

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 7, 2017, 09:1103/07/17
fairyflake said:

Hero,Champions,Imperial troops have no value on persians,it is wasting to send them to xerxes.

Roman troops are too cheap for persians,they are not good too,best is troops made with resources,more they cost,more go in bank

All Units have a certain value on PPs ;) But of course it's up to you - whether to use them on PPs or not. Each player should choose the best strategy according to their development plans.
Mar 7, 2017, 10:5103/07/17

Exodus said:

Hi all

Imperial troops have no value on persian position.

It is from my experiences with persian positions.

Who said they have same value,he is not telling the truth.

Regards Exodus

You can't prove that I'm not telling the truth since you can't actually prove that Imperial Units don't have value in PP.

You say it's from your experience and I say it's both from my experience and the experience of many other players who know how to play PP and have got great payouts. So if you want to keep believing that they don't have value I won't even bother trying to change your mind. I'm just saying what I know and what I have personally seen from reports. So believe what you want. 
Mar 7, 2017, 19:5303/07/17

few months ago,i did lost all troops,as i read tonaya's posts,i founded him on map,explained him my situation with pp,he sended me his private email,sended me persian calculator,explained to me how system works,he said not to use imperial troops and champions because they dont have value on pp,we talk by msgs and emails around 10 days,and i did recover my troops,thanks to i think he know a lot about pp,and he helped me,just because he wanted,we are not in same coalition,so he didnt have any reason to waste his time explaining to me anything

Mar 7, 2017, 20:1503/07/17
Alexander said:

few months ago,i did lost all troops,as i read tonaya's posts,i founded him on map,explained him my situation with pp,he sended me his private email,sended me persian calculator,explained to me how system works,he said not to use imperial troops and champions because they dont have value on pp,we talk by msgs and emails around 10 days,and i did recover my troops,thanks to i think he know a lot about pp,and he helped me,just because he wanted,we are not in same coalition,so he didnt have any reason to waste his time explaining to me anything

Yeah the PP system hadn't changed few months ago and there were many players who got great payouts. Good for him that he helped you but he is not the only one who has helped people about PP. Also since I don't know your payout I can't really tell if it was a good one or not. Many believe they know how to play positions when they don't. The most significant is to get a huge payout not just get a payout. Most people who believe they know how to play positions just get a payout. Can you tell the difference? 
Mar 7, 2017, 21:1803/07/17

Xena said:

Exodus said:

Hi all

Imperial troops have no value on persian position.

It is from my experiences with persian positions.

Who said they have same value,he is not telling the truth.

Regards Exodus

You can't prove that I'm not telling the truth since you can't actually prove that Imperial Units don't have value in PP.

You say it's from your experience and I say it's both from my experience and the experience of many other players who know how to play PP and have got great payouts. So if you want to keep believing that they don't have value I won't even bother trying to change your mind. I'm just saying what I know and what I have personally seen from reports. So believe what you want. 

i am not person who like to argue.Just to answer to you

Persian system is based on resource value cost of all troops.

Imperial troops are not build with resources.

In any persian calculator there are no imperial troops and no champion troops,in info in persian calculator latest version which i use,you can read all about persian positions and how to play.

Imperial troops kill persians,but they dont fill the bank.

I have read your posts on this thread,here is what i dont understand: you claim that imperial troops have same value like troops build with resources.

In tonaya post there is a link where community manager say he never said that imperial troops have same value like troops build with resources.


Alyona:12 January, 2017, 10:10 AM UTC

"I never said they have the same value, Tonaya. Actually, I have no idea. But I know for sure (from devs) that all Units have a certain value on PPs (I mean above zero of course), but as I said before, their value may differ from your expectations."

Community Manager dont know their value,but you know? Are you game developer or only a player?

In other post you said you dont play persian positions long time,because you lost 90% of your troops.

You claim they have same value because some one told you they have.

You give advice to SARATHPS04 to use imperial troops on persian position,and when tonaya ask from you to use imperial promacho on persian position,you said you wont use them.

As i read posts on forum,tonaya posts  help'd me to learn how to play persian positions and to get back my troops i lost on persian position,and you said you lost 90% of your troops,it is easy to conclude that you are the one who dont know how to play persian position.

This is not about do you believe what some one else said to you,i dont agree with you about imperial troops value,i explain'd why.

That is why i said that you are not telling the truth.

I think you deceive other players,maybe unwittingly.

I ask why are you  moderator? 

You lost 90% of your troops and you advice others how to play persian positions?

Regards Exodus

Mar 7, 2017, 22:2203/07/17

Exodus said:

i am not person who like to argue.Just to answer to you

Persian system is based on resource value cost of all troops.

Imperial troops are not build with resources.

In any persian calculator there are no imperial troops and no champion troops,in info in persian calculator latest version which i use,you can read all about persian positions and how to play.

Imperial troops kill persians,but they dont fill the bank.

I have read your posts on this thread,here is what i dont understand: you claim that imperial troops have same value like troops build with resources.

In tonaya post there is a link where community manager say he never said that imperial troops have same value like troops build with resources.


Alyona:12 January, 2017, 10:10 AM UTC

"I never said they have the same value, Tonaya. Actually, I have no idea. But I know for sure (from devs) that all Units have a certain value on PPs (I mean above zero of course), but as I said before, their value may differ from your expectations."

Community Manager dont know their value,but you know? Are you game developer or only a player?

In other post you said you dont play persian positions long time,because you lost 90% of your troops.

You claim they have same value because some one told you they have.

You give advice to SARATHPS04 to use imperial troops on persian position,and when tonaya ask from you to use imperial promacho on persian position,you said you wont use them.

As i read posts on forum,tonaya posts  help'd me to learn how to play persian positions and to get back my troops i lost on persian position,and you said you lost 90% of your troops,it is easy to conclude that you are the one who dont know how to play persian position.

This is not about do you believe what some one else said to you,i dont agree with you about imperial troops value,i explain'd why.

That is why i said that you are not telling the truth.

I think you deceive other players,maybe unwittingly.

I ask why are you  moderator? 

You lost 90% of your troops and you advice others how to play persian positions?

Regards Exodus

Since you quoted what Alyona said I will do it once more.

Alyona:12 January, 2017, 10:10 AM UTC

"I never said they have the same value, Tonaya. Actually, I have no idea. But I know for sure (from devs) that all Units have a certain value on PPs (I mean above zero of course), but as I said before, their value may differ from your expectations."

She doesn't agree or disagree with that quote. She says she never claimed they have the same value. That doesn't mean that they don't have the same value. She just can't either confirm or decline if they have the same value or not. You believe they don't fill the bank and therefore they don't have any value but as I said it's your right as it is mine to believe that they do fill the bank and therefore they have the same value as regular troops. Alyona also says that all units value is above zero so there goes the argument of all those that claim they have zero value because they are not built with resources. Community Manager is not at liberty to share such info as far as I know.

Your conclusion that I don't know how to play Xerxes is really mistaken. In another post I said that I lost 90% of my troops to help my coalition get the achievements needed so that we could get the unique logo. I didn't lose my troops on Xerxes as you claim and the only reason I don't play positions is that I don't have the troops needed to fill the bank so that I can get a great payout again (since as I mentioned above I have lost my army to help my coalition). I said I won't use my Imperial Promachos there cause I prefer to kill enemies it's much more enjoyable than playing Xerxes. But that's up to anyone to decide. 

You have your opinion, I have mine. I won't bother to try and change yours. Keep believing what you believe. I'm telling the truth as it has been presented to me from people I trust and have seen them getting great payouts on PP. They have showed me that Imperial Units fill the bank so I will keep saying that they do. You can just ignore my posts if you don't like my answers. 

I don't deceive anyone here. I'm trying to help others and solve their questions. That's why I am a moderator.

Once again I didn't lose my troops on Xerxes so I will continue giving advice to people on how to play positions. Even if you and some others mind that.

Good game to you



Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 9, 2017, 10:1003/09/17

Xena said:

 She just can't either confirm or decline if they have the same value or not. 

Correct. I cannot. First of all, I don't have such information, as I have even never asked I'm not a game developer, so I don't need to know some specific numbers and formulas. 

Also, I don't share any information about PPs, because it's a part of the game that should be discovered by players. 

I can only say that if you have found a strategy that works for you, and for some other players that you taught, it means your understanding of PP mechanics is very close to the way it was designed by our devs. 

Xena may not be a regular Persian raider, but being a member of a big Coalition, she may know some players, who have developed their own strategies and share them with others.

Unfortunately, I will be unable to share any tips beyond what I already said on this forum. However, there are many experienced players around, who are ready to share their knowledge and strategies. You need to remember that it's not an official information and each strategy effectiveness can only be confirmed by your own results. 

Mar 22, 2017, 04:1403/22/17

Tonaya never claim something he is not sure about,or he heard from someone,so i wont speak at all,and you all can see with your own eyes who is right and who is not.

this one is the answer:

you can see,there are all kind of troops,except: hero , champion's and there are no imperial troops .

because it is simply: pp system is based on resources

imperial troops are not build with resources

champion's are not build with resources

heroes are not build with resources

who play pp from 1 hit,blind attacks,he dont use calculator,he cant know any value for any troop.

players,you can believe what you want,or listen to who you want,i just show you value for each troop in game from latest version of persian calculator i have.

i complain more then 6 months to Alyona : why we getting imperial troops as rewards

i ask from Alyona more then 6 months : change back rewards,give us regular promachos,not imperial

imperial troops are little stronger in power then regular troops,so why would i ask million times for regular troops as rewards,if they are weaker then imperial troops?

i am not idiot.

i ask for regular troops as rewards,because imperial troops dont have value as regular troops.

think back,when problems with persian position started for regular players? when they changed pp system and start to give us imperial troops as rewards from tournaments.

you send imperial troops on pp,you kill persians,but you dont fill the bank and you dont get big payout when you should get.

it is the secret,and it is so simply :)

i will post my payouts,the one i did save,i didnt save all.

there you can see my name and my coordinates,so you can know that i play and that i got that payout.

i am not like some others who post some one else's payouts and give advice how you should play.

i am only regular player,i dont work for plarium,i never get anything from plarium(except i was punished 3 times,and i still dont know why).

who ever have problems with pp,and lost a lot troops on pp,send me msg in game and i will send you persian calculator,you can read info there and learn how to play persians.

thats it,i wont talk anymore here,i'll post only in my two threads i have in tavern,so i cant be offtopic anymore.

ps all i said here is from my experience,i did experiment with imperial troops,so i saw the difference between regular troops and imperial troops value,i use persian calculator all the time+i got information that imperial troops have no value on pp from one of the best players here on plarium server,he was number 1 all the time on persian tournaments,he is the one because plarium changed pp system,he was member of number 1 coalition on plarium server,his city is 130+ lvl,his in game nick name starts with A,so who need to know,understood about which player i am talking about.


Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 22, 2017, 09:1603/22/17

Hi, Tonaya! Thanks for sharing your tips with players :)

However, please remember that the spreadsheet you rely on is not official. It was created by players, not Plarium. And most likely the info given there contains some wrong points. Like the point that certain troops have no value on PPs. All troops do. And this is the official information you can rely on.

But please remember that the Unit value may differ from your expectations.

I wish I could tell you more, really. But after months of discussions about PPs, you know very well that this information is classified 
Mar 23, 2017, 07:3003/23/17
Mar 23, 2017, 07:39(edited)

nothing is wrong in my post,you can see value for each troop

simple formula for value of troops is= timber+bronze+grain  needed to build each troop

i am talking about resources value of troops for filling bank on pp,nothing else

Alyona: But please remember that the Unit value may differ from your expectations.

that sentence of yours is etched in my brain,because you said to me around 200 times already.

even in my dreams,you show up and i hear your voice: Tonaya......the Unit value may differ from your expectations.....

it is really simple,i understood you very well: it is not allowed for you to tell us nothing about pp system,your answers are basic:if we attack pp we gonna get something,exp points,some general stuff,some number of persians,and you think it is fun for us,it is not fun to loose troops on persians,it is far away from fun when some player loose all troops that he build for months and years,that is why some players came on forum mad and angry and they ask for help from you and moderators,but you and moderators dont help any one,it is sad,we are all your players,costumers,you should help costumer if you want to have that costumer for some more time,or you gonna loose it,he will delete his account and go to play some other game,but 100% not any plarium game,think about that.

i am not doing this for me,i do this for all players,especially for those who dont know to play persians and who hit position with all troops he have,all offence+champions+imperial troops+10,20,50% power boosters...and after 4,5 high lvl positions they will loose all troops,and when they came on forum asking for some kind of help,no one help them,not you,not other moderators,right? and you find some reason in rules and ban that player from forum.right?that way you are loosing costumers,if you dont see it,i do.

when imperial troops showed up,all players expected that they have same value on pp like regular troops,maybe even more because they are stronger in power then regular troops.i did too,then i saw something is wrong,then i experimented with my own imperial troops,and it was crystal clear that they do not have same value like regular troops.then i count all imperial troops i did burn,and burn that much regular troops,and poof i got big payout.since then i do not use any imperial troops on pp,only regular troops.

Alyona,all your answers on forum about anything about pp is not any kind of help,you just encouraging players to play pp,and soon or a later they will get big payout.

Baselius,post with some help from some game developer,here :

i quote:

18 January, 2017, 5:21 PM UTC

Developer tips: Positions

The system of Positions is a tough nut to crack, but our developers are ready to shed some light on how they work!

Here you go, Archon!

1. All the Units you send to Positions count toward your future reward.

2. It is important that you engage new Positions only after you have defeated the previous ones.

Archon, what is your advice on how to win at Positions?

Leave a comment under this post if you want to learn more about Positions!

i think both statements are not is why:

1. All the Units you send to Positions count toward your future reward. .......= heroes,champion troops do not count for future reward,i think imperial troops as well.

2. It is important that you engage new Positions only after you have defeated the previous ones. .....i play 1 bar system,i always get big payout with 4,5,6 or more unfinished,burned positions,every time.

one more important thing that no one tell to players who ask for help from you,and moderators:there is not only one bank,there are many banks,so if you loose troops in different banks,even if you did return your last big payout+20% interest,you wont get big payout.

banks are:







so if you attack blind positions from different banks,you filling different banks and dont get big payout when you think you should get.

because i am on high lvl pp atm 136-140lvl,if i did burn all positions i have and didnt fill the bank,i buy position discovery item,so i get more positions in that bank and i burn those positions on 1 bar too,and when my bank is finally full+20% interest(i am not sure is it 20 or more,but i always burn more then 20% from last big payout) i got big payout,i even have some my own system with which troops to finish position from which i want payout,to get payout in troops i want.

this about different banks,is not my,it is from moderator from face book page,i can prove it with screenshot,if you question my statements again.

i think it is time,you and moderators to start helping players when they ask for help.moderators are payed with 2-3k drachmas per week,for what they are payed?they should help disappointed players when they ask for help,and not me! Tonaya dont work for plarium,Tonaya didnt ever get anything from plarium,just ban 3 times,because i said to one moderator that that what she claim is not truth.poof,Tonaya banned for 2 weeks.i have never felt that kind of disrespect in my life.i do respect 99% moderators and cm,i do respect Nuno Paiva,he said honestlly:

Nuno Paiva:5 March, 2017, 6:27 PM UTC

personally I do not use Champs, Romans, or Imperial units on PP's, i don´t think they have any worth, unless someone can prove it to me that i´m wrong...

i wont comment the moderator who claim as a truth something what she heard from someone and encouraging players on forum to use imperial troops while she refuse to send her imperial troops when i ask to do it.

this is serious issue,i think it is time that one of game developers to find 5 minutes of his precious time,to came on this forum,and to answer to all of us,plarium's costumers,do imperial troops have same value as regular troops or they dont have.he dont need to tell us what is value of imperial troops,just is it same as regular or not.if his answer is:no,their value is not same as regular troops,then i demand that, moderator who claimed that imperial troops value is same as regular troops(because someone told her so),that moderator dont be moderator any more,it is justice,i dont ask nothing for me,just the truth.

ps if you Alyona,answer to me,like i think you will:sorry Tonaya developers dont visit forum,only cm and moderators do,i will be more then 100% sure that imperial troop value is zero,or something bellow zero as you said,but less then 1 

i dont enjoy to write big post on foreign language at all,my english is only basic,so forgive me if i mistake somewhere.

i hope i didnt brake some rule about forum,and to be banned as i was 3 times,and i dont know even why,i never badmouth,swear,or offend anyone,while i was offended and punished and banned 3 times!

here are some of my payouts,i didnt save all payouts,so all can see that i know to play pp,and not like that moderator said i dont know to play pp at all,some payout are full,some are 2 one after another,some i didnt like i just returned back in pp,some are old because i stop to play pp after changing system,but they are all mine,you can see my in game name,my coordinates:

sometimes after big payout,got on top lvl more troops^^

if anyone need some advice or persian calculator,send me msg,you can see my coordinates in screenshots

now,xena,post some of your payouts

Tonaya is finished with arguing on forum,i'll be in my 2 threads that i have in tavern,see you all and have fun :)
