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Extrem Cash Players ruin the GameExtrem Cash Players ruin the Game

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Extrem Cash Players ruin the Game

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Feb 22, 2017, 17:1702/22/17

Extrem Cash Players ruin the Game

How can you only give these all extremely money players such a game meadow.

Many of you do not buy packages that order their troops directly from the support, and get them delivered to the Acropolis.

The write a wish list to the suppoert, which then says that costs so much and the transfer directly to a bank account the money.

So some come to 500 million or 900 million offensive.

If Plenaruim so far, you can close Sparta in at the latest one year.

Just out-of-the-way the whole thing, which runs so at the time in Sparta.

My 2 Cent

Feb 22, 2017, 18:4102/22/17

Money is not everything archon

This is a strategy game, and I've seen great armies fail. 

Draw your own strategy and get victorious.

Feb 22, 2017, 19:3602/22/17

the bigger they are the harder they fall

this is why you are in a coalition, a well built defence wall can wipe out many an unsuspecting coiner!

I know, I have been part of a few :D 
Feb 22, 2017, 20:4702/22/17

In addition, the 90% free revival was a fraud high 3.

And then still have the impudence to 75% revival still make over Drachmen.So something I call people rip off.

This is no longer a strategy game, it's all about the euro and the dollar.

Feb 23, 2017, 01:2402/23/17

Same old.. "The coiners ruin the game...he's got more troops than me" post!

My apologies, but this is the game "you" decide to play and I mean no disrespect.

 I am, by all accounts in my circles, a "coiner".

Yes, I bought packages-I used to buy 1-2 packages once a week. Now, as most of us have had to do, real life comes before game life. Which translates to "Damn..I got to pay the bills this month".

And that boils down to changing my "game play".

Am I going to go "head to head" with a known adversary with 100-200 million in cavalry alone?

Of course not. You play small. You defend as a coalition! You build as a coalition!

You play within your armies "means". 

You play within your coalitions collective membership.

You "save up your drachmas" like putting money in a bank!

You build lights and heavies to chip away at persian positions.

You build lights and heavies to chip away at  an enemy pan.

There is a gain/loss ratio-In past events, I "deployed" 5000 lights-my return was over 500 phalanxs, and I won some drachs in both  events.

 Could I have gone on? Sure, but at what cost to my army? And ...big surprise, guess what? don't have to play every event, every night!

What do you do when you log in?

If you go on the offensive each and every time you log in -Persians, Emporiums, Pans etc.. well then, you will not have an army. Period. End of Story.

If you can get "over" always attacking someone because...and I hear this cry each and every time "he/she took my siege"..."he/she attacked my emporium"..."he/she scouted my city"-then you will never build an army.

The last cry is..""Why don't I have an army"?

Yes, the game is filled with people who coin-believe me, I "know" people who have confided in me that they have spent in upwards of 10,000-25,000 dollars/euros. And higher amounts as well.

Adapt your game play to the existing conditions-play within your financial "means". Play within your gain/loss ratio and don't worry about the "coiners".

You can still have fun here.

The friendship's that one makes in one's coalition has become just as enjoyable as the game itself.

Wishing you a build time of 60+ days in each troop que and  of course "Good Game" and "Good  Hunting" to you!



Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Feb 23, 2017, 10:0002/23/17
Wildfeuer said:

In addition, the 90% free revival was a fraud high 3.

What do you mean by a fraud? 
Feb 25, 2017, 03:4502/25/17

Ahuu said:

How can you only give these all extremely money players such a game meadow.

Many of you do not buy packages that order their troops directly from the support, and get them delivered to the Acropolis.

The write a wish list to the suppoert, which then says that costs so much and the transfer directly to a bank account the money.

So some come to 500 million or 900 million offensive.

If Plenaruim so far, you can close Sparta in at the latest one year.

Just out-of-the-way the whole thing, which runs so at the time in Sparta.

My 2 Cent

no,no,no,this is a free game,that is what was written...join and play FREE game,you dont need money for playing this game,if you dont believe to me,one special crew will explain to you,just like they explained to me o.O

Mar 1, 2017, 01:5503/01/17
Mar 1, 2017, 02:07(edited)

Wildfeuer said:

In addition, the 90% free revival was a fraud high 3.

And then still have the impudence to 75% revival still make over Drachmen.So something I call people rip off.

This is no longer a strategy game, it's all about the euro and the dollar.

i totally agree with you Wildfeuer

some(newer) players dont even know how much FUN was this game at the beginning,when there was global chat,so we could all talk,no matter where you are on map,when there was colonies,and not emporias,when there were every weekend 1 pvp tournament,with good rewards like 480 REGULAR PROMACHOS or 960 REGULAR THURE(no imperial garbage),and every other weekend pp tournament on old pp system...we had time to build troops for both tournaments,we were sending articles to players from global chat,no matter which coalition was he...then something strange happened in the heads of game decision makers and game developers,i dont know what happened to them,did they fall on their head,did something hit them in the head,or they just got vacuum in their head,but there are nothing smart anymore there...they started to make changes,they changed everything what was good in this game,and changed pp system,4 times,changed colonies to emporias,invented pantheon and capital massacre,famous 90% free revive,first it is not 90% because not all troops go to infirmary,but in truth its 10% taxes from all player MUST be paid to plarium,there are no free will anymore,now its a MUST,...1 thing is in common with all changes,new ways to lost your troops(massacre,capture the flag,new pp system,emporia) and there is only one ANSWER,put money in game and you can compete,to grow,to hold anything.i am trying for a long time here on forum,every day i lost 1,2 hours to write some suggestion,to change back something,i think i am stubborn optimist,and idiot at the same time.

from all that time,i conclude this: it is impossible to change anything,it will be like game developers WANT to be,no matter what.i guess game developers are poor people,and they just need more money...maybe when they are not poor anymore,maybe they will change back the game i like soo much and play 921 day in the raw ?

but i am stubborn person,even if i won 100 million dollars on LOTTO,i wouldnt spend any money on this game,i would rather buy a ticket to fly to Ukraine,to meet them all face by face,so i can give them all Tonaya's feedback about their changes on this addictive game :)

so,i'll stop to complain on forum anymore,and gonna play LOTTO >:)

ps just to save my ears,i didnt threat anyone,it is a big difference if you talk with some one face by face,then writing(useless) letters here for few months,and the only one who read it is cm and few moderators,and after that they just explain to me how everything is actually ok,and i didnt understand nothing good,like i am the only one who complain,and all others are happy ^^ and after they say:hey,Tonaya,look nASA just discovered 7 new planets and "white helmets" got oscar  o.O

is this matrix or 1984?

which pill should we take,red or blue?


Mar 1, 2017, 09:1703/01/17
Spot on, well said
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 1, 2017, 10:1803/01/17

Tonaya said:

Wildfeuer said:

In addition, the 90% free revival was a fraud high 3.

And then still have the impudence to 75% revival still make over Drachmen.So something I call people rip off.

This is no longer a strategy game, it's all about the euro and the dollar.

i totally agree with you Wildfeuer

some(newer) players dont even know how much FUN was this game at the beginning,when there was global chat,so we could all talk,no matter where you are on map,when there was colonies,and not emporias,when there were every weekend 1 pvp tournament,with good rewards like 480 REGULAR PROMACHOS or 960 REGULAR THURE(no imperial garbage),and every other weekend pp tournament on old pp system...we had time to build troops for both tournaments,we were sending articles to players from global chat,no matter which coalition was he...then something strange happened in the heads of game decision makers and game developers,i dont know what happened to them,did they fall on their head,did something hit them in the head,or they just got vacuum in their head,but there are nothing smart anymore there...they started to make changes,they changed everything what was good in this game,and changed pp system,4 times,changed colonies to emporias,invented pantheon and capital massacre,famous 90% free revive,first it is not 90% because not all troops go to infirmary,but in truth its 10% taxes from all player MUST be paid to plarium,there are no free will anymore,now its a MUST,...1 thing is in common with all changes,new ways to lost your troops(massacre,capture the flag,new pp system,emporia) and there is only one ANSWER,put money in game and you can compete,to grow,to hold anything.i am trying for a long time here on forum,every day i lost 1,2 hours to write some suggestion,to change back something,i think i am stubborn optimist,and idiot at the same time.

from all that time,i conclude this: it is impossible to change anything,it will be like game developers WANT to be,no matter what.i guess game developers are poor people,and they just need more money...maybe when they are not poor anymore,maybe they will change back the game i like soo much and play 921 day in the raw ?

but i am stubborn person,even if i won 100 million dollars on LOTTO,i wouldnt spend any money on this game,i would rather buy a ticket to fly to Ukraine,to meet them all face by face,so i can give them all Tonaya's feedback about their changes on this addictive game :)

so,i'll stop to complain on forum anymore,and gonna play LOTTO >:)

ps just to save my ears,i didnt threat anyone,it is a big difference if you talk with some one face by face,then writing(useless) letters here for few months,and the only one who read it is cm and few moderators,and after that they just explain to me how everything is actually ok,and i didnt understand nothing good,like i am the only one who complain,and all others are happy ^^ and after they say:hey,Tonaya,look nASA just discovered 7 new planets and "white helmets" got oscar  o.O

is this matrix or 1984?

which pill should we take,red or blue?


I know things were easier in the past. Some say rewards were bigger, some say PPs were more attractive, etc. But you're playing for almost 3 years now! Imagine how much experience you gained. And I mean not only XP points from battles, but also a deep knowledge of the game. 

Things that seemed to be tough now seem so natural and easy. You've achieved some points that you thought you'd never achieve. You have accumulated knowledge that helps you to solve any issue in the game, you know how to deal with enemies, how to make friends, how to work in a team, how to reach success, how to get the most profit with less efforts, etc. 

If the game was still like 3 years ago, you would start feeling like you know each and every aspect of it, and things that were challenging in the past, would seem boring. It's natural. People always need some fresh emotions and impressions. Not only in real life, but also in online games. 

So the game also needs to evolve. It has to put you in situations where you need to find more solutions for more issues, develop new strategies, etc. That's a part of a game evolution. All players always miss the good old days, and I'm one of that players in many other games, and I also miss the games as they used to be in the past. And it's normal. But the future is always more exciting than the past.