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Denarii troops

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Feb 20, 2017, 01:1002/20/17

Denarii troops

Why are there only two good units (Legate and Evocatus) we can make with Denarii?

The stats for veles and numidians are the same. Gladiators and pikemen are the same. Triarius is nothing special compared to a peltast/cretan, and legionares are the same as golden shields but with a little better defense. Seeing as how I don't choose what offensive troops to make based on being slightly more survivable if they get ambushed. That is nothing special either.

The process to get Denarii takes longer and slows down the production of these lighter units. 

Most veteran players just say they are a waste of time.

I think they should be stronger seeing as how more goes into producing them.

Otherwise, what's the point?
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Feb 20, 2017, 09:5202/20/17
Denarii Units are just one of the options. You need to compare all Unit stats to decide which ones are the best for you :)
Feb 20, 2017, 10:4002/20/17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Denarii Units are just one of the options. You need to compare all Unit stats to decide which ones are the best for you :)

Thats not really an answer is it alyona?

His question basically is these units cost more recources time and effort to get but have lower stats..

Thats not in balance or do you think that that is exactly the balance you guys want it to be?

or perhaps he is not right?

explain a little please instead off just saying well you can do what you want in game nobody forces you to make denari units....

thats really not a nice way of communicating...

Feb 20, 2017, 11:0102/20/17

Legate are way stronger than any other defensive unit (comparing to MP they are much stronger). And one Legate basically costs 1950 timber and 1950 bronze so it's not really that expensive. Yes Denarii takes longer to produce that's a fact. Players who are online often are favoured cause they use the 1 hour Denarii exchange which is the most efficient for when someone is online often. Now that colonies are gone and it's more difficult to collect denarii you just need to be patient. It takes a few days but you can produce much Denarii in order to build Denarii units. 

Feb 22, 2017, 01:2902/22/17

Yes I know all of that. 

I also started that the Legates and Evocatus are good units.

I want to know why the light and heavy infantry variants are not.
Jun 9, 2019, 14:4306/09/19
Where do you go to spend Denarii?  I keep accumulating it, but don't know where to use it.
Jun 9, 2019, 18:3206/09/19

dwd3 said:

Where do you go to spend Denarii?  I keep accumulating it, but don't know where to use it.

friend the denarii is to buy Roman troop, is a troop that is only achieved by signing with GPs but, I would say, is the best against jerjes

amigo los denarios es para comprar tropa romana, es tropa que solo se consigue firmando con GPs pero, yo diria, es la mejor contra jerjes

Jun 9, 2019, 23:2806/09/19
Thank you.  I found where to recruit with Denarii