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Using GPS for Galley UpgradesUsing GPS for Galley Upgrades

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Using GPS for Galley Upgrades

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Dec 19, 2016, 14:1712/19/16

Using GPS for Galley Upgrades

In the GPS tab, there is an option to 'increase galley capacity by 10% excluding harbor bonuses'  - cost 50 GPS.

1) Is the increase permanent, for a limited time, or just for one time? 

2) Can you use more than one at one time?  For example, is it possible to buy 2 and get an increase to  20% (2 x 10%) at one time? 

Thank you.

Dec 19, 2016, 14:3212/19/16

1)It is permanent

2)You can buy up to 10 of them if I remember that right.

Dec 22, 2016, 04:3612/22/16
Yes they are permanent. After you sign all the agreements you use gp for this would be the next thing I would spend them on. 
Dec 22, 2016, 19:2412/22/16
Dec 22, 2016, 19:27(edited)

With port lvl 21 harbor lvl 20 and 500 GPs used on galleys capacity upgrade  your max capacity can be 41000 without dominion on. 

Which means you still need to upgrade harbor to lvl 21 to have 100k raids,

Dec 23, 2016, 08:5712/23/16
Thank you everyone. GPS-galley upgrades would be very worthwhile doing then. 
Dec 26, 2016, 12:5212/26/16

Hi i bought the +10% Galley upgrade with 50 GP's,   but I didnt receive it ?  How do i confirm ?   Thanks 

Dec 26, 2016, 13:4712/26/16

Hello Archon,

they are permanent and one of the best/cheapest ways to increase your capacity!

Jan 4, 2017, 00:1001/04/17
Jan 4, 2017, 00:13(edited)

misotisa said:

With port lvl 21 harbor lvl 20 and 500 GPs used on galleys capacity upgrade  your max capacity can be 41000 without dominion on. 

Which means you still need to upgrade harbor to lvl 21 to have 100k raids,

With port at level 22 (harbor at level 20), 450 GPs and dominion level 8 activated, you can do 100K raids. If you are dominion level 7, then an extra 50 GPs will get you to 100K raids. Dominion level 10 active means you only need 350 GPs.

If you are doing LOTS of raiding, there aren't many scenarios I can think of where not having dominion always active makes sense.

It costs less drachmas to upgrade your port to 22 from 20, while leaving the harbor at 20, then it does to upgrade both port and harbor to level 21.

And if you are level 6 or lower wanting to do 100K raids, do what you need to do to get to at least level 7 or otherwise it seems kind of pointless. Besides, there are many other benefits to higher dominion level.

Jan 14, 2019, 04:1201/14/19
How much is the BASE galley capacity, and how much exactly does each upgrade for 50 GPS grant in additional capacity per galley? Thank you. 
Jan 17, 2019, 10:4601/17/19
Я новенькая.
Jan 20, 2019, 00:2401/20/19
Lucifer HBG said:

How much is the BASE galley capacity, and how much exactly does each upgrade for 50 GPS grant in additional capacity per galley? Thank you. 
So I just purchased the upgrade with 50 GPs and only received an additional 40 per galley, which would imply the Base galleys are 400?