I thought this was the game discussion forum!?!? I am still not getting any replies. I know that the system of weakening multiple low level positions then killing a high level one to get a "better" payout is no longer valid, but i have been told several conflicting things from different hegemony members. First I was told that it doesn't matter if u send small waves or large waves because it takes a set amount of resource value to defeat a position. So whether you send 100 swordsman or 25 spartan hoplites it works out the same. but then someone else told me that if you send larger waves you lose fewer units and that the idea was to send a "scouting" party to assess position strength and then attack with about one and a half times the positions strength. Which is right.
Also does position strength refer to amount of troops or the defense/offense totals??? I have tried to track my losses and payouts but I can't seem to figure if the small payouts (e.g. - 12 swordman from a lv 13 position) affect the loan payback from the last large one (e.g. - +47 Spartan Hoplites)
Please someone help clear this up I feel I am wasting units that I spent hours and hours training!!!!
ok for one I never use the one bar effect on levels I play how I feel is accordingly and keep track what I start with and what I finish after I banked on losses here's is a sample on one of my hits to show u the results .