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When Is The Acropolis Is Going Away?

When Is The Acropolis Is Going Away?

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Oct 17, 2016, 09:2310/17/16

When Is The Acropolis Is Going Away?

When will plarium be taking the Acropolis away?

There are a few people running around who state "this is the next big change". (Given your past statements regarding Agreement Levels "We do not have any plans to increase agreement levels")

Will the Towers be upgraded to level 20, 30, 50, 100..150...200..500?

Would we be able to purchase upgrade sketches in 50's, 100's, 1000's?

This change would mean troops out in the city and those with huge armies like wallet players will get their wish to attack at will and such..

What will Plarium do for the little guys then?...will they be able to upgrade  towers to repel a certain size army?...or do they need to borrow money to stay in the game to compete with the "big developers..oops...sorry..I meant "big players who spend money?

I mean really, I mean no disrespect but we need the little guys to prey on don't we?

It would be a great have no Acropolis-just think of all the money Plarium would make..all the Tower upgrades...all the troop revivals.....all the battles would be going on non-stop!!

I just can't wait!

So?..when is the Acropolis being taken away?

Oct 17, 2016, 09:2510/17/16
Removing the acrop would be single worst thing Plarium could ever do to this game would probably ruin the game atleast for me anyway.
Oct 17, 2016, 09:5310/17/16

Littlebiscuitz said:

Removing the acrop would be single worst thing Plarium could ever do to this game would probably ruin the game atleast for me anyway.

You really wouldn't need the Acropolis-the new agreements work like in this manner:

Defensive troops now have a an increase in offensive value

Offensive troops now have an increase in defensive value.

Your Amphitheatre now has the capability to increase troop production and resources as well.

So?..After you get your agreements leveled up-the next level would be towers-I have Lvl 5 towers-but when I hover my mouse over one-it states

Tower Lvl 5 (Lvl 1)

So that means I could level my towers up to Lvl 20, 30, 50, 100.

So you really wouldn't need your Acropolis-you would be fighting (and rebuilding) at a constant pace. Save your drachs from Tourny'

Oct 17, 2016, 10:2610/17/16
Oct 17, 2016, 11:19(edited)

I f you checked out the stats on level 32 Agema, it's still a 10:1 ration offense/defense so  it would be catastrophic to remove the acropolis. Fior those that need better clarification.  100 million in offense strength agema at level 32 agreement will have a defenseive value of 10 million.  

The new level agreements don't affect anything really.

Watch your words.

Oct 18, 2016, 05:4310/18/16
I dont agree at all. The new agreements affect the game in first off making coin armies much stronger (by many times) when compared to free players and light coiners. This steeply changes the game dynamic by population by imparting said advantage to a small section of the total populaion of players.
Oct 18, 2016, 06:3210/18/16

RIX said:

I f you checked out the stats on level 32 Agema, it's still a 10:1 ration offense/defense so  it would be catastrophic to remove the acropolis. Fior those that need better clarification.  100 million in offense strength agema at level 32 agreement will have a defenseive value of 10 million.  

The new level agreements don't affect anything really.

I think so too..

Offensive units; they kill a bit more, they die a lot less.

Defensive units; they die a bit less, they kill a lot more.

Final result = 0

But then again I might have it all wrong.. lol  

Oct 18, 2016, 08:5310/18/16
if they would remove the acropolis the game would be destroyed for good.
Oct 18, 2016, 10:2510/18/16
Oct 18, 2016, 10:25(edited)

lol i think next change they will put dragons on the towers to scare the legados attacking, probably buy them in daily ratios with real money like the 50%.

Oct 18, 2016, 11:1910/18/16
Oct 18, 2016, 11:21(edited)

Kakos said:

RIX said:

I f you checked out the stats on level 32 Agema, it's still a 10:1 ration offense/defense so  it would be catastrophic to remove the acropolis. Fior those that need better clarification.  100 million in offense strength agema at level 32 agreement will have a defenseive value of 10 million.  

The new level agreements don't affect anything really.

I think so too..

Offensive units; they kill a bit more, they die a lot less.

Defensive units; they die a bit less, they kill a lot more.

Final result = 0

But then again I might have it all wrong.. lol  

It's already been tested. Level 32 Agema agreement yields a 10:1 offense/defense ratio. 

Level 20 Agema Agreement yields a 9:1 offense/defense ratio.
Oct 18, 2016, 11:3010/18/16
Removing the Acropolis would be the end for me too. I have defended the new changes as I don't see them as being that drastic but removing the acropolis will see me leave the game. everyone sitting out in the open and just blasting each other is not my idea of fun
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Oct 18, 2016, 12:2610/18/16
We won't take the Acropolis away, guys.
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