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making cities of archons who have died an unraidable memorialmaking cities of archons who have died an unraidable memorial

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making cities of archons who have died an unraidable memorial

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Oct 14, 2016, 22:2010/14/16

making cities of archons who have died an unraidable memorial

I was checking on a coalition's diplomacy before raiding a member when i saw that they had lost a member. The difference with this member leaving was that they said "R.I.P.".

The game is fun, and we all become friends with some members so this type of loss becomes personal. Just like everyone else we need to grieve and in some way say that we miss that person.

Is it possible for the game's technical support staff to make those cities, after being notified by the Hegemon or if not in a coalition another player, a  city, like Lenodias' city, that cannot be raided, but can be visited.

This is an opportunity to show that we are a larger family that cares for each other!
Oct 15, 2016, 17:0710/15/16
Thank you
Dec 6, 2016, 23:1712/06/16
Drag-Theseus said:

Yes we can do it and we are doing this.. We can put city of person who is not with us anymore on this world under protection.

You just need to post it here on forum and Administrator will do it or just send message to Administrator (like Alyona), give them coords and server and player will be under protection.
it is good idea,but its imposibile to send msg to Alyona
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Dec 7, 2016, 10:5912/07/16

Tonaya said:

Drag-Theseus said:

Yes we can do it and we are doing this.. We can put city of person who is not with us anymore on this world under protection.

You just need to post it here on forum and Administrator will do it or just send message to Administrator (like Alyona), give them coords and server and player will be under protection.
it is good idea,but its imposibile to send msg to Alyona

We have Leonidas who can be contacted in PM anytime.

As for me, my PM is open atm, but I don't answer players there. It's only for emergency cases.
Dec 14, 2016, 11:2312/14/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Tonaya said:

Drag-Theseus said:

Yes we can do it and we are doing this.. We can put city of person who is not with us anymore on this world under protection.

You just need to post it here on forum and Administrator will do it or just send message to Administrator (like Alyona), give them coords and server and player will be under protection.
it is good idea,but its imposibile to send msg to Alyona

We have Leonidas who can be contacted in PM anytime.

As for me, my PM is open atm, but I don't answer players there. It's only for emergency cases.

i would like so much if i could talk with you Alyona on private msg ^^ and not only that you can send me msg and i cant reply to you,it is not fair :(

Dec 14, 2016, 15:1712/14/16

Tonaya said:

you can send me msg and i cant reply to you,it is not fair :(


Just put Alyona on block, then you are on equal terms!

As for topic, I think memorial cities are a good idea, but dunno how plarium are able to manage it.  I remember topic about deleting accounts, where plarium said it was not possible within game mechanics for players to delete their accounts properly, as where they're non functioning and would be unable to be attacked.  If it can be done for memorial, then the ability is there to do it for all deleted accounts if player so wishes.

Dec 15, 2016, 04:3112/15/16

Greed oft o'er reaches itself said:

Tonaya said:

you can send me msg and i cant reply to you,it is not fair :(


Just put Alyona on block, then you are on equal terms!

As for topic, I think memorial cities are a good idea, but dunno how plarium are able to manage it.  I remember topic about deleting accounts, where plarium said it was not possible within game mechanics for players to delete their accounts properly, as where they're non functioning and would be unable to be attacked.  If it can be done for memorial, then the ability is there to do it for all deleted accounts if player so wishes.

i enjoy to argue with Alyona,even its not fair because she have power to delete my post,to msg me,i cant reply,to warn me that i am violator,and idk what i violate...its more fun then game after changes 

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Dec 15, 2016, 12:1812/15/16
Tonaya said:

i enjoy to argue with Alyona

Why me, Tonaya? 
Dec 16, 2016, 23:2312/16/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Tonaya said:

i enjoy to argue with Alyona

Why me, Tonaya? 

because,you are the one from the other side,who declining my suggestions,deleting my posts,i ask you refuse...even when i'm wright,you convince me that i'm are allmighty Alyona and i'm persistent Tonaya 

Dec 16, 2016, 23:2812/16/16
Tonaya said:

because,you are the one from the other side,who declining my suggestions,deleting my posts,i ask you refuse...even when i'm wright,you convince me that i'm are allmighty Alyona and i'm persistent Tonaya 

Someone's got a crush methinks..  
Dec 17, 2016, 04:3312/17/16

Kakos said:

Tonaya said:

because,you are the one from the other side,who declining my suggestions,deleting my posts,i ask you refuse...even when i'm wright,you convince me that i'm are allmighty Alyona and i'm persistent Tonaya 

Someone's got a crush methinks..  

i assume its Stockholm syndrome,she molest me on forum for a long time and i am giving her my love :)


Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Dec 19, 2016, 12:3012/19/16

I'm always happy to see your feedback on Forum and pass it to devs. I always enjoy reading player suggestions and pass them too. 

However, we have a topic called "Which Suggestions we (do not) accept". Please read it carefully before posting your ideas. It is an instruction that wasn't invented by me. It was given to us by the devs. When I check player suggestions, I always follow the rules described there. 

It always makes me feel sad when I have to decline player suggestions, however, it is necessary. And I would be really happy if our players left more Suggestions that we accept rather than the ones that we do not accept :)
Dec 20, 2016, 03:4812/20/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

I'm always happy to see your feedback on Forum and pass it to devs. I always enjoy reading player suggestions and pass them too. 

However, we have a topic called "Which Suggestions we (do not) accept". Please read it carefully before posting your ideas. It is an instruction that wasn't invented by me. It was given to us by the devs. When I check player suggestions, I always follow the rules described there. 

It always makes me feel sad when I have to decline player suggestions, however, it is necessary. And I would be really happy if our players left more Suggestions that we accept rather than the ones that we do not accept :)

i am happy too if my post makes you happy and give you joy :)

Mar 28, 2019, 18:3703/28/19

i have an old account with different old email at server 1 -1194 -1095 

how can i contact support to claim it back 

answers from players are welcomed