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how to contact support ticket system not workinghow to contact support ticket system not working

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how to contact support ticket system not working

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Oct 12, 2016, 21:2510/12/16

how to contact support ticket system not working

I tried to contact the support and used the correct form, but it never let's me send my ticked because it always tells me that the UID field is empty which is not the case. I tried to fill in my UID in different formats(only the first part, all 3 parts, with and without spaces, fill in an extremly short and long version) . It never works. Problem occurs in different browsers. I even tried different language (german/french/english) settings. (btw the english page auto redirects to the german version (maybe because my game is set to german)

How are you supposed to contact the game support if their ticket system is bugged. lol

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Oct 13, 2016, 10:1810/13/16
Gue Deu said:

I tried to contact the support and used the correct form, but it never let's me send my ticked because it always tells me that the UID field is empty which is not the case. I tried to fill in my UID in different formats(only the first part, all 3 parts, with and without spaces, fill in an extremly short and long version) . It never works. Problem occurs in different browsers. I even tried different language (german/french/english) settings. (btw the english page auto redirects to the german version (maybe because my game is set to german)

How are you supposed to contact the game support if their ticket system is bugged. lol

Please try submitting a ticket with your coordinates or copy the game ID from the game guide.
Dec 3, 2020, 13:4712/03/20

I tried to contact support and it never lets me.