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Troop Build times are beyond outdated

Troop Build times are beyond outdated

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Sep 3, 2016, 12:3009/03/16

Troop Build times are beyond outdated

It is time for Plarium to make good for ruining Persian Positions.  Troop build times are so antiquated, they may be the only in the game that hasn't been updated since the beginning.  This game has progressed to a level where players can't wait weeks and weeks for troops to bake in the oven.  We need realistic times like when you reduced travel times from 24 hours to a few hours.

This change needs to be done without costing money!  Every new feature costs money and Plarium games are the highest Cost per Play games on the web.

Sep 3, 2016, 15:5309/03/16
Sep 3, 2016, 15:54(edited)
Of course everyone likes that. Hopefully even plarium.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Sep 5, 2016, 08:5209/05/16

It's very complicated, guys. Let's imagine a situation: You've lost all Units on PPs, and now you need 2 months to rebuild to raid another PP. 

Even if we cut training time by 50%, you will still need 1 month to rebuild. Which is still too long. It's not 1 day as most of you would like to. And players would still be dissatisfied.

Moreover, if you build faster, it means that your rivals also build faster. So you can't take over and get an advantage of it - all players will rebuild as fast as you, and you will need to build more and more Units to compete with them. Which results in more time.

If we drastically change building time, it would be fair to change the price of Units as Drachmas are mostly designed to save your time. So if you need to spend twice less time, it would be fair to spend less Drachmas for it, right? 

And it would allow some players to buy even more Units than they can buy now. 

What does this mean for you? Even longer to build to compete with them. It's called inflation. Your Units will cost less in a fight. If you need 1 mil. now, you will need 2 mil after changes. Which still results in the same building time.

As you can see, it's not our devs who don't want you to build Units faster. It's about keeping our game balance which is not so easy as it seems to be.

Feel free to debate, maybe you will find some points which I could use to convince our devs 

Sep 5, 2016, 12:5809/05/16
Sep 5, 2016, 12:58(edited)
i fully support the suggested. game progress is so slow that people get bored and quit because of that...
Sep 5, 2016, 14:2509/05/16
So why would new players even start this game? 
Sep 5, 2016, 16:5209/05/16
Sep 5, 2016, 16:56(edited)

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

It's very complicated, guys. Let's imagine a situation: You've lost all Units on PPs, and now you need 2 months to rebuild to raid another PP. 

Even if we cut training time by 50%, you will still need 1 month to rebuild. Which is still too long. It's not 1 day as most of you would like to. And players would still be dissatisfied.

I have to admit that you are really good in your job..

Moreover, if you build faster, it means that your rivals also build faster. So you can't take over and get an advantage of it - all players will rebuild as fast as you, and you will need to build more and more Units to compete with them. Which results in more time.

Is that true? not really..

With current speed if someone wants to build 24/7 he needs 15-20m resources per month=> if you double the speed 30-35m/month

I don't think that many guys can raid 30m per month.. Why don't you let us find it out?

If we drastically change building time, it would be fair to change the price of Units as Drachmas are mostly designed to save your time. So if you need to spend twice less time, it would be fair to spend less Drachmas for it, right? 

Again not sure..

If i am not mistaken, troops values are not connected to build times:

for example 10.000 swords cost 3m res and need 1 month time

cost= 4.000 for resources and 39600 for boost = 43.600 for building and 70.000 if we could buy them

but 210 agema cost 5m res and 1 month time

cost = 6.800 for res and 39600 for boosts = 46.400 for building and 35.070 for buying them.. (17.500 for reviving them  )

So your game is designed to give a big advantage to spenders, and not only buy them time..

if you double the speed,  the resource cost will double and the boost cost will stay the same. The cost of "building" 420  Agema Horses (a new months build) will be 53.200 and to buy them 70.000 drachmas and reviving them 35.000 drachmas.

In my perspective, this is balance.. Buy them should cost more, building them even with usage of boosts should cost less and reviving them should be a pain, not a walk on the park. Don't be mistaken here.. The easy revival of units, compared to building them, makes the huge difference..

So yes it will affect the game balance, it will make it affordable for all, and it will close the handicap between those who spend much and those who want to enjoy a game and spend only few money.. It also rewards activity, raiding and accomplishing personal and coalitions missions which award boosts, would worth something.

Your problem is that you say all the time that money save time and you have believed it in the end..

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

As you can see, it's not our devs who don't want you to build Units faster. It's about keeping our game balance which is not so easy as it seems to be.

Now yes, i understand your point.. It is very hard to keep a such a balance.. Now, you can see why so many people leave the game, after one and only lost fight..

ps. The max power that a player can build in this game is a little over 2 millions power per month.. This is hardly enough for anything.. Especially when armies of 300+million exists. it would mean that i need more than 10 years to get there 

So making it 5 years is a good start..

Sep 5, 2016, 22:2809/05/16
Look let's be clear. Those who want to spend will beat the s... out of us who don't want to invest in online gaming. I was virtually annihilated by someone who had amassed a huge army in a very short space of time. That's fair but we wont stay if it continues. Maybe it might be good to have two versions. One for big spenders and another for us poor people that could have pop up ads to compensate? 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Sep 6, 2016, 11:0009/06/16

Good points, Who!

Actually many things can be debated and reconsidered here. And our devs do know about training time issue. And as Drag-Theseus reminded, they are working on some features which will increase training speed. But not as drastically as you would wish. 


You're right, there are some people who buy Drachmas and have huge armies. They use them to take over, to dominate and annihilate those who have less Units. But isn't that a thing you all do in the game? Let's be honest, there are very few players who wouldn't attack a weak enemy, or his neighbour with Offense outside, etc. It's not about the opportunity itself, it's about which side you're on. While you're dominating, you don't have any issues. But the other guy has...
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