Sep 3, 2016, 00:5709/03/16
I see that submitting a ticket has become more difficult than the last time I did one, so because of that difficulty I will relate it here. I only report it because it is something in nearly two years of playing I have not seen before. A player was able to raid an ally's city four times today and take resources of 50k on two of them and 47k on the other. The funny thing was that the report showed the raider taking zero resources on the first raid. The four raids occurred about 3-4 minutes apart. Now, seeing as how each player is limited to 50k per city, per week, I would be very much interested in knowing how this was accomplished as it seems to be in direct violation of that rule. Oh, one other thing that may or may not have a bearing on this is that the city was first spied and after the four raids spied again. Perhaps a new "galley" type trick for raiding.