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Get Sparta: War Of Empires

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Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Aug 17, 2016, 14:2308/17/16

Reports page

Sparta, Pirates and Stormfall all have the same problem with the reports page. When many reports are arriving quickly, the time cycle does not have a lock down feature so that when you click on the report it jumps to the next report and applies the action you wanted to the wrong report....i end up deleting new reports that i havent read yet. Please fix this so we dont loose reports....maybe even a recover report feature so you can get the last report that got deleted or a lock down feature that interrupts the clock cycle until you release the button on the click

Mar 29, 2018, 11:2903/29/18

For the new changes it would be good to include the power to suppress the reports of reinforcements in the configuration of reports. And so avoid those who bother by sending reinforcements 90 times a day.

Apr 9, 2020, 13:1004/09/20
Apr 9, 2020, 13:11(edited)

hi, x 56- v 822 coordinat players, 43 millions point, but me new player, he is attack me and all killed my soldiers and took my silver, preventing me from improving in the game...player name is Tiberius scandlious..please help.
