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Etiquette for playing

Etiquette for playing

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Jul 4, 2016, 21:1107/04/16

Etiquette for playing

Recently, I have been receiving raids into my city for reasons that seem trivial. Just a few moments ago, for example, I received a raid from a guy in retaliation for "raiding his siege without scouting first". Or people who came to raid since I attacked an emporium, and such. I really consider attacking other player's cities as the maximum form of retaliation, and with that in mind, it seems to that such reactions are disproportionate to the antecedent. 

Since conflict is well into the nature of the game, I understand I'll be unable to avoid the ocassional skirmish.  But then, what I am asking is if there is a corpora or manual to etiquette and polite manners in the game? Or some on-hands guidance to public relations?

Jul 5, 2016, 10:1407/05/16
I myself scout before raiding farms/beseiges but just recently i did just that and the player in question sent massive amounts of troops and wiped out mine all for protecting a level 45, this kind of tactic is petty and annoying especially since he would have lost 1 troop from me getting resources. In regards to people raiding you after you attack an emporium thats just strange emporiums by nature are supposed to be contested and left and that, overspill such as raiding cities is again petty.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jul 5, 2016, 11:5007/05/16
Chilango Chilaquil said:

Recently, I have been receiving raids into my city for reasons that seem trivial. Just a few moments ago, for example, I received a raid from a guy in retaliation for "raiding his siege without scouting first". Or people who came to raid since I attacked an emporium, and such. I really consider attacking other player's cities as the maximum form of retaliation, and with that in mind, it seems to that such reactions are disproportionate to the antecedent. 

Since conflict is well into the nature of the game, I understand I'll be unable to avoid the ocassional skirmish.  But then, what I am asking is if there is a corpora or manual to etiquette and polite manners in the game? Or some on-hands guidance to public relations?

There are no manners or etiquette in hardcore strategy games, Archon. Communication and negotiation are two most important things in the game. 
Jul 9, 2016, 14:1507/09/16

I am the Hegemon of The Sword Of Christ. My policy is my members are not to raid ANY CITY OR SIEGE with a Coalition Standard, UNLESS, one the siege city was sieged and it was one of there farms and the siegeing refuses to leave the city. Two, a city attacks them, they may as I call RETURN THE FAVOR. Other words DO NOT THROW THE FIRST PUNCH. We do attack cities during PVP Time, BUT, a city if it is attack can request thru me, the Coalition Commander, I perfer, (Hegemon) to be put on a NO RAID REQUEST. This request is put out upon request by the city requesting it. If this rule is BROKEN, then come to me, alot of times another city strikes first, oops I mess up, this city is stronger than me. We try hard to be fair.

Coalition Commander Lewter,PWFJC

God Bless

Jul 10, 2016, 09:1907/10/16

Yes, but it's difficult to stand, as all the farms are permanently held under siege now.

Maybe you're lucky so it's not the case in your area, but the centre of the map is crowded.

Anyway, it doesn't mean you can't ask and create good relationships with your neighbors.

And if you can't, then, well, as Alyona said, it's also a war game. ^^

Jul 10, 2016, 09:2807/10/16
my take on it is that sieges are open, if you stack a siege then thanks for the PvP :P
Jul 10, 2016, 11:4607/10/16

I'm using a fixed list that's been built over time and allows me to use farms less often than once a week, leaving plenty of time for anybody to use them.

However, people coming from nowhere, besieging them and pretending they own them is absurd. I'll always need to crop them for resources, so they have to be prepared about it.

When I can scout before raiding and I notice they have forgotten offense there, I message them to warn them.

If I don't scout first, then as you said, too bad for them. ^^

Aug 3, 2016, 10:2008/03/16

i personaly cosnider all bots/farms as common property. So if bot is full i raid it either siedged or not siedged. So do others to mine siedges.

Emoprias on the other hand i dont attack without pvp tourney active. No pvp means emporias farming time.

Ofcourse there is always some i*diot who dont apply to theese common rules :)

Aug 4, 2016, 07:5608/04/16

For me its simple.

All my bots/sieges you can raid.

I do want people to scout first for reasons also mentioned above.

furthermore i don't like it when i have 5 sieges and 1 player attacks them all....

1 a day from me is more then enough...

if you dont scout first you can expect a pa, raid or siege to your city.

You don't like this ? then stay away from my sieges..

i think its a fair way off dealing with this and i know this is the way we at TherSites all work with our sieges.
Aug 27, 2016, 22:3808/27/16

Firstly, you free to raid any of my sieges, with my blessing, but you will scout them first to make sure they full and worth raiding. Nothing worse than some idiot raiding a siege  of a city that you just placed after emptying it. Just wasting my time and energy. Inconsiderate and lazy in my opinion.  So keep doing it, but dont complain when I stomp your raids and deal with you further if you continue in this way.

Emporia, open season during pvp and emporia events, out of this its for farming and raiding is a no go.
Jul 9, 2016, 15:1007/09/16

I am the Hegemon of The Sword Of Christ. My policy is my members are not to raid ANY CITY OR SIEGE with a Coalition Standard, UNLESS, one the siege city was sieged and it was one of there farms and the siegeing refuses to leave the city. Two, a city attacks them, they may as I call RETURN THE FAVOR. Other words DO NOT THROW THE FIRST PUNCH. We do attack cities during PVP Time, BUT, a city if it is attack can request thru me, the Coalition Commander, I perfer, (Hegemon) to be put on a NO RAID REQUEST. This request is put out upon request by the city requesting it. If this rule is BROKEN, then come to me, alot of times another city strikes first, oops I mess up, this city is stronger than me. We try hard to be fair.

Coalition Commander Lewter,PWFJC

God Bless

These are fantastic ethics and I commend them. If more coalitions played this way, strategy would be more important than individual strength.
Jul 5, 2016, 12:3807/05/16
Jul 5, 2016, 12:43(edited)

Littlebiscuitz said:

In regards to people raiding you after you attack an emporium thats just strange emporiums by nature are supposed to be contested and left and that, overspill such as raiding cities is again petty.

Of course not.

They're resources collecting points by nature.

The fact that, as opposed to colonies (and abandonned cities sieges, where one jav is enough), you're now forced to garrison large amounts of defense there, means your losses are massive, not even talking about the spilled denarii and drachmas.

People will certainly not let you go away with killing their troops, nor wasting their time and precious drachmas and denarii.

You're certainly free to aggress people like that if you like, but you then won't come whinning when your due punishment will fall on your head.

If there's any etiquette there, it's about playing like ancient Greeks would probably act when it comes to war : declare war first, then fight once you're aknowledged as ennemies, instead of sneaking like traitors and cowards.

There's a reason why people have different status towards each other : ennemies, friends an neutral. There's also a reason why there's an embassy inside every city.

You're still free to make new ennemies by the dozen, but you won't come complaining once you've got too much of them to cope with, and your coalition will probably refuse to help you if you're starting wars everywhere, as they've got diplomacy concerns for lots of reasons, starting with the community's troops stored inside your capital and pantheons, that are an easy target for a revenge.

Now in a general way, about etiquette, it's untrue to say it's just a chaotic mayhem.

Well, of course, the game doesn't impose rules there, as Alyona recalled : etiquette here is only a free social addition between players.

It's first of all a social game where dialogue and agreements have a lot of importance.

For instance, about sieges, it's common for allies to share free access to them, but people usually don't like outsider to use them without warning, as good farms are sometimes rare enough so they try to preserve them for known friends.

However, sensible people will siege them with just one jav and will generally not mind if you raid them.

But I know some lunatics who become mad and bomb you for a full week for just one raid, so maybe you should still ask first.

After all, politeness won't kill you, and it's still the best way to make friends on the game, wich is by far, anyway, its most interesting feature.

Some people will also protect some specific sieges with lots of troops and attacking them without warning may result in heavy losses for both parties, so it's sometimes just elementary caution.

In any cases, the reason why many people prefer you to scout first is :

- You'll avoid useless raids and kills when the city is actually empty

- He'll be warned, so he'll be able to collect resources and eventually recall offense or any excess troops he might have forgotten there (for both his and your sake)

Of course, messaging is even better, unless you have an agreement with the guy already (else it's the perfect time to make one). ;)

In short, try to play as civilized people, not beasts...

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