MODS: Why not?
Hello people,
So, I believe mods can help alot in this game, so I suggest to the game developers to allow the use of mods, saved in cloud, and promote them, like an app. This will probably adapt the game for the different kind of players. The modifications below can be aplied to the game even.
Mods suggested:
- zoom in and out on the map.
- the distance from the city should appear in every report, (and the direction??). even if is a spy report, the option to dispatch scouts should be there.
- pre-defined army sets button to help in position take over (just an example) and/or the option to select all offensive or defensive units easier.
- personilize the way how you can organize your reports or vizualize them, like search for a player, save special reports or share them with others.
This is some modifications that I thought. Off corse there is many others that people will discover. Some mods can be bought to help with the cloud costs.
That's all folks, see ya!