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Disgust at Plariums utter contempt for its customers

Disgust at Plariums utter contempt for its customers

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May 6, 2016, 16:3005/06/16

Disgust at Plariums utter contempt for its customers

Above is a link to what Plarium feels is adequate compensation to over 24 hours of this game being down. I for one feel it is pathetic especially considering the amount of time people spent trying to log in over and over again. This coupled with the complete disrespect to their loyal customers and treating them like mushrooms for the first 12 hours of the game being down and then when they finally do it is just lip service and trying to blame other companies for their obvious incompetence.

Plarium should be held to account for their complete botch of this and only you can make them do so.

Now considering the draconian way in which Plarium acts i suspect this thread will fast be taken down so get in quick.

Flood their support with tickets of disgust bring it up all over their forum and don't let up til they more adequately compensate you for their incompetance. 

May 6, 2016, 16:5705/06/16

actually in most cases these software companies don't have to give u anything. It's like software you are buying you don't own, you just purchasing license to be able to use it's copy. Likewise its similar with games, you have very little rights, that's why you have usually hefty bulk of pages in terms and conditions.

yes companies usually give something to back to customers after they fail at their end, but it's not because they have to, but because they try to get customers back to their side and few virtual items are good way to do it, cost nothing also:)

if you lost army due to this issue, for all means they should give it back, but for lost time not being able to connect, i think you are out of luck.

May 6, 2016, 17:3705/06/16
Rob thanks for that very true but obvious and rather pointless response. There has been outrage and dismay all over the place over Plariums complete disregard for its customers over a problem that was avoidable if it had been managed in a competent manner. There company FB page posted a disingenuous apology very quickly followed by them boasting about spending loads of the money archons spend on employing Megan Fox. Giving all their punters a substantial bonus which should be in drac so they can choose what to use it on rather than the pathetic 'reward' they did would go along way to keeping players loyal and as you said it costs them nothing
May 6, 2016, 17:4505/06/16

sorry didn't want to upset you, understand it is frustrating, for myself as well could at least enjoy doing other things, than sit in front of this game for change:)

but sadly that's how it is, all you get some in-game items, useless and people will forget about it in few days, that's how it is done in all games, but more transparency from their side would be helpful to their customers(yes customers as it is not free game)

but trust me they are more upset about game being down than us players, because of lost revenue.

May 6, 2016, 17:5505/06/16
May 6, 2016, 17:57(edited)

Quote from Basileus Leonidas, since no replies allowed on his actual thread! ...

"We have restored the Spartan Allegiance progress for all of our players who could not log in on May 4. For example, if you were at Day 89 on May 3 and could not log in on May 4, we have set your Spartan Allegiance at Day 2 and given you the rewards for the day you could not log in and for Day 1"

Plarium...So what happens if u were on day 60-something in the 90 day cycle?  I couldnt login on may 4 & may 5, only today was it working. I'm back to day 1, what of all those lost days rewards from where I was, till day one again? Do you mean you only restore the rewards for the missing days offline, and still everyone remains shunted back to the beginning?

May 6, 2016, 18:3305/06/16
May 8, 2016, 09:32(edited)
Rob May said:

sorry didn't want to upset you, understand it is frustrating, for myself as well could at least enjoy doing other things, than sit in front of this game for change:)

but sadly that's how it is, all you get some in-game items, useless and people will forget about it in few days, that's how it is done in all games, but more transparency from their side would be helpful to their customers(yes customers as it is not free game)

but trust me they are more upset about game being down than us players, because of lost revenue.

May 6, 2016, 18:4805/06/16
May 8, 2016, 09:32(edited)

Rob May said:

'sorry didn't want to upset you, understand it is frustrating, for myself as well could at least enjoy doing other things, than sit in front of this game for change:)'

No upset involved it just felt a bit pointless pointing that out Rob

'but sadly that's how it is, all you get some in-game items, useless and people will forget about it in few days, that's how it is done in all games, but more transparency from their side would be helpful to their customers(yes customers as it is not free game)'

Actually this is the only company I have ever come across in 15 years+ of online gaming that treats their customers like they are just a wallet to take money from. If you are lucky enough to get a response from support it is only to blame someone else for the problem. It has been my experience that when most professional gaming companies have a problem of their or only partially their doing they compensate using game currency and items if applicable.

May 7, 2016, 20:0205/07/16

Necab, Couldn't you log in at all on May 5th ? Most of us could so I guess it was fixed, so our allegiance wasn't lost but if you couldn't on the 5th either yea you lost it :/

Sorry for you dude..

Lastsplatter, you said: "I for one feel it is pathetic especially considering the amount of time people spent trying to log in over and over again", but that only shows you're a bit addicted... :p

May 7, 2016, 21:3705/07/16
May 7, 2016, 21:40(edited)


Whether or not it was fixed earlier for others(some locations e.g. french, german were fixed earlier, which was stupid, as they could attack cities who were not able to be online) the problem(caused by plarium) made it so I could not access site for 2 days.

If it ended up as a DNS issue(caused by plarium, not me) which my ISP took longer to renew, was beside the point. My location and website down checking sites could not even access plarium site using plarium's IP, not host name(so why would changing to public DNS make any difference).

Quite simple if, my spartan allegiance is not restored, I will not quit, but boycott tournaments and any spending and just keep acc open so Im not farmed.  I'll do very little just grow troop, to protect city and troll around with if needed so I can get on with other things instead. Every cloud has silver lining, game down for 2 days, you realise what better things there is to do and wonder why you continue to play.  

Plarium have not even had the good grace to explain what the problem was and I'm not on facebook anymore to see their dumb ' everyone alter your config to public DNS, because of our mistake' facebook post.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 10, 2016, 09:5705/10/16

necab15-games said:

Quote from Basileus Leonidas, since no replies allowed on his actual thread! ...

"We have restored the Spartan Allegiance progress for all of our players who could not log in on May 4. For example, if you were at Day 89 on May 3 and could not log in on May 4, we have set your Spartan Allegiance at Day 2 and given you the rewards for the day you could not log in and for Day 1"

Plarium...So what happens if u were on day 60-something in the 90 day cycle?  I couldnt login on may 4 & may 5, only today was it working. I'm back to day 1, what of all those lost days rewards from where I was, till day one again? Do you mean you only restore the rewards for the missing days offline, and still everyone remains shunted back to the beginning?

Greetings. Unfortunately, we restore the Loyalty progress only for the downtime which was on our side - May 4. On May 5 there were no issues on our side, only the DNS issues for some of our players. So we cannot compensate losses which occurred this day. 

May 10, 2016, 10:1505/10/16
May 10, 2016, 10:17(edited)

Well then ok, but no more cash from me and I boycott tournaments.  

Your problem caused it, so you are responsible. Plus how do I see your post on changing DNS if community section was not accessable either.  TBH, I don't think you should be asking players to change their config to obtain quicker access, for a problem you caused. Your argument would never stand up legally.  

May 10, 2016, 14:3605/10/16

Thank you for that ALYONA KOLOMIITSEVA..........................................
...............................looking...................still looking..................................
....................................found one...damn its used...................................................
...................Sorry rummaging through my pockets for a tissue as that mess on your nose is unsightly.

Plarium made changes on server access and needed to let the rest of the tech world know they shifted their service but they didn't and only notified the rest of the world  to do so after the fact. This is a simple process and can be instigated days, weeks, MONTHS before hand. They didn't because ooooohhhhh guess what they are money grabbing useless #@&!!!:::~~~~£££$$$!!@:.

I really want to turn the air blue but i won't. They created a problem. They made their loyal, though not so if you have seen how many user deleted accounts have cropped up since this, customers suffer. They didn't fix it they asked us to. They didn't act for hours. They didn't inform us for hours. Defend that!!!!

Lets face it Alyona you don't work for Plarium. No one here does because it is so much cheaper for them to get suckers to do their job for them than actually work themselves

May 10, 2016, 15:5905/10/16

Your last paragraph, you are right lastsplatter, plariums customer support, part of cloudfare...

Though, some of them will still play the game... nuno/ admin Basileus Leonidas/Andrew from support/Community manager wifey here, prob all the same person, I'd hazard a guess.

May 10, 2016, 17:4005/10/16
you have to also consider that even if game was not accessible for just 1hour on particular day, that person might have just that 1hour to play and lost their daily login, not everyone is retired or without job who can try and keep loging-in every 15-30minutes until it works
May 10, 2016, 18:3005/10/16

necab15-games said:

Your last paragraph, you are right lastsplatter, plariums customer support, part of cloudfare...

Though, some of them will still play the game... nuno/ admin Basileus Leonidas/Andrew from support/Community manager wifey here, prob all the same person, I'd hazard a guess.

I can confirm they are all different people 

when you consider just how many players there are across 3 different servers which were all affected by the outage and will have sent support requests in surely you realise it will take them a fair amount of time to clear the back log! Then if their other games were also affected (I only play Sparta) the backlog is going to be even bigger!

Be Patient, send your support ticket in and then chase if hasnt been addressed after a week would be my suggestion, they will potentially have THOUSANDS to deal with 
May 10, 2016, 18:3005/10/16
and yes I also have a support ticket in and yes I am still waiting for a response but having worked in customer service I know just how hard it is to clear a back log 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 11, 2016, 12:0705/11/16

lastsplatter said:

Lets face it Alyona you don't work for Plarium. No one here does because it is so much cheaper for them to get suckers to do their job for them than actually work themselves

I really DO work for Plarium. And our Support Team is not a part of the third-party service. Yes, we use the Kayako functionality, but our Support Agents are our employees, and they also work for Plarium.

As Morteeee has stated, they will give you the reply. Please be patient and don't forget to check your Spam folder.

May 11, 2016, 16:3805/11/16

morteeee said:

necab15-games said:

Your last paragraph, you are right lastsplatter, plariums customer support, part of cloudfare...

Though, some of them will still play the game... nuno/ admin Basileus Leonidas/Andrew from support/Community manager wifey here, prob all the same person, I'd hazard a guess.

I can confirm they are all different people 

when you consider just how many players there are across 3 different servers which were all affected by the outage and will have sent support requests in surely you realise it will take them a fair amount of time to clear the back log! Then if their other games were also affected (I only play Sparta) the backlog is going to be even bigger!

Be Patient, send your support ticket in and then chase if hasnt been addressed after a week would be my suggestion, they will potentially have THOUSANDS to deal with 

It wasn't possible to send support tickets from those of us affected by the 'outage' because we couldn't access the plarium sites. A lot of us tried to do it via the various FB pages but we just got lip service and attempts to blame it on other people. when it was pointed out that many of us knew what plarium had done to create the problem those little threads were deleted. How strange.

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