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silver caduceus

silver caduceus

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Apr 23, 2016, 16:1704/23/16

silver caduceus

I have 11 silver caduceus which have built up during the course of the game, but most of my elixirs are over level 8. This renders the caduceus unusable. Could you make it so that the unusable silver caduceus  can be cashed-in for drachmas. They cost 2,500 drachmas to buy, so even 50% of the purchase price would provide some monetary reimbursement to buy other items from the market. You could do the same for other boosts, pools etc. in fact anything that can be purchased should have a cash-in value. this way players could "juggle" items they own in the market for items they could use.Please reply with your thoughts on the matter.
Apr 24, 2016, 15:3304/24/16

I totally agree with you... if you cannot sell an item back to Plarium, you cannot use it and you cannot donate or trade it to other players then there is something wrong with the mechanics.

I have not experienced this issue with the Caduceus yet as my elixirs are only level 7 & 8 at this point but I have with other items which I believe should be sell able/trade able.  Unused articles are somewhat in the same boat as Plarium offers very little for them but at least you can send them to other players free. I have a bunch of PP renewals that I will NEVER use because since level 35 I have been unable to clear the PP board. I guess those items were intended for early levels when PP are a significant part of your daily game and you easily clear all of them.

I wonder if Plarium could offer customized value packs where instead of getting 800% in bonus items with the Drachmas you could choose 400% but get to pick what you want.  I sit around forever and wait for packs that are more useful some are loaded with "junk". If I want Dominion Activators, Champions, Boosters and Relocation pools... Why do I need to get a bunch of unwanted items?
Apr 24, 2016, 19:4004/24/16

they come as "free" extra items :))) so you technical don't pay for these extra useless items which comes with packs. But in reality u pay top dollar for them :)

good idea to sell back item, usually games does it for 1/4 price or so, half would be great

my position about elixir stand thought, remove caducei all together or reduce price 10 fold.

Apr 25, 2016, 08:1604/25/16
I agree, some sort of change to the Elixir system would be great and bring them back into the game as a lot dont bother with them for this very reason 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 25, 2016, 12:1104/25/16
Thank you for this suggestion. I will pass it to our developers.
Apr 26, 2016, 12:0304/26/16

Suggestion : add the ability to mix, for instance, 10 silver caducei to change them into 1 golden caduceus ?

Also, I agree unused (or accidentally bought, since there's still no confirmation) items should be refundable for half their price (or even less, but at least some drachmas). At least the ones from the "Special" tab in the "Misc." section, please.

Apr 26, 2016, 14:3804/26/16
ThatBloke said:

Suggestion : add the ability to mix, for instance, 10 silver caducei to change them into 1 golden caduceus ?

Yes, that will be really great!!
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 27, 2016, 09:0404/27/16
I have passed this suggestion to our developers. I hope they will accept it :)
May 13, 2016, 17:0605/13/16
Jul 13, 2019, 12:05(edited)
I agree that we should be able to trade the silvers for the golds. But a 10:1 ratio is extreme. Since a Gold caduceus costs 5k drachma, and a silver 2.5k, the relative value is 2:1, not 10:1.  So, in the Sanctum of Asclepius, whenever a Gold is required, there should be the option to use 1 Gold or 2 Silver. AND we should ALSO have the option to send Cadusei and Elixers to other coalition members. After all, we can already send them troops and resources that we win together in coalition missions.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 16, 2016, 10:2805/16/16
I proposed 1:2 rate in my suggestion to our developers. 
May 19, 2016, 12:1905/19/16

It was just a suggestion, but the rate can still be debated. :)

You have to consider it's a gift feature, so the higher the rate, the higher the chance they may consider the question. ^^

Maybe a 1:5 rate or something like that should still be better than nothing ! :p

The existing "Amphora Chamber" tab could be used, so the modifications would stay as slight as possible. Since the caducei are displayed there already, the only change would consist into allowing to select them (and of course perform the merging). :)

May 26, 2016, 11:4905/26/16

Could trade dominion points as well   

The reason why they don't allow us to sell stuff is that they know pertinently that their value is far below their price...

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