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Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Mar 7, 2016, 17:4703/07/16



i ask a lot time and no answer, WHY WE CANT RAID ONE CITY AND GO TO OTHER, LIKE ONE TOUR,? now we must raid and return home, if we take army couple milions is not problem to raid ant take ress . if all conqueror's and kings if returned home from battle, nobody will go so far, 

Alexander the Great, Cesar... all attack one city and go to another, Alexander never go to India if return home after all battle, or Cesar and other.

that must change, , i like when i attack u, next to u also to attack, not losing time toi return, and again same route  and again home, is so stupid
Mar 7, 2016, 23:4303/07/16
Mar 7, 2016, 23:44(edited)

All these history and football etc. comparisons you're making are quite silly.. 

Is really surprising that you still play the game.. you don't sim to like or agree with much in it.. lol 

Mar 8, 2016, 09:4903/08/16
Mar 8, 2016, 11:45(edited)

KAKOS, i see u dont know nothing from history,and no one king when go in mission to conquer the world no return after all battle, 

why i still play? to learn some bully like u.

its my right to play or not, 

and comparasion is ok, but only stupid cant understand

Mar 8, 2016, 18:5703/08/16

gentlemen please do not cross the line, we all have the right to have opinion, let's respect it...

thank you
Mar 8, 2016, 19:4003/08/16

Okay - spats aside - I think the question from the op is fair. When in a challenge or war; there will usually be a couple of enemy cities which are close to each other but both of them a long way from you. So, to hit one & have to return before you can hit another is a bit tedious. Okay if you have enough offense to send multiple raids on big targets but not all of us can.

Of course, the cynic in me says that Plarium will be happy with the current set-up. Why - well, if you want rapid, back to back raids then you need to burn hidden paths and boosted returns.

Just my view.
Mar 8, 2016, 23:3903/08/16


u are righ, plarium make this only to use path and bosts, 30 min bost is 55 drahma, thats mean 1000 pvp points and more, 

in all war army must go from city to city no to return home

is all for money , bost and path, 25% path 400 drahma, and what u will have from pvp reward?

but some cant we change, is maded for money, 
Mar 8, 2016, 23:4703/08/16
Mar 9, 2016, 06:17(edited)

There is no spat from my part and I would have no problem if Plarium implements multiple attacks.

Is the silly comparisons of history and football players etc. with a GAME and about changing some many things in that GAME to the point that is not the same GAME anymore.

Everyone has the right to HAVE an opinion, that doesn't mean that every opinion ought to be respected.

Mar 9, 2016, 07:4503/09/16

some times in life u will makae comparision with life and game, wit pets and game, all if is good, is ok to have more thinking, but is same, is stupid to back from 1 attack, when u can make campaign with 1 tour to kick 5 cityes, 

and yes is not same game like before 6 month now is buyer game, is all created to buy , before was only fridday pvp and all we prepared army for froday, now all come in sunday from weekend, spend money, nuy army and is good fighters, but with that method i lost maqny friends who hate buyers, and after few month only buyers will play. nobody stupid to fight agains 1000 champs
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 9, 2016, 10:3603/09/16

Kakos said:

There is no spat from my part and I would have no problem if Plarium implements multiple attacks.

Is the silly comparisons of history and football players etc. with a GAME and about changing some many things in that GAME to the point that is not the same GAME anymore.

Everyone has the right to HAVE an opinion, that doesn't mean that every opinion ought to be respected.

The game is constantly evolving. Unfortunately, it won't stay the same forever. 

But imagine if it was. Would you be interested to play the game with no updates, no new features, no new levels and options? I think you would desparately want for the updates in that case.
Mar 9, 2016, 11:2803/09/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

The game is constantly evolving. Unfortunately, it won't stay the same forever. 

But imagine if it was. Would you be interested to play the game with no updates, no new features, no new levels and options? I think you would desparately want for the updates in that case.

Of course all games need updates and new content etc. to keep the players interest, there is no doubt about that.

What I don't understand is players asking for changes to be made based on "historical" or other obscure reasons to the point where the game will become unrecognizable!

There also have been changes made because a lot of players asked for them and I am sure this will continue.
Mar 9, 2016, 11:5203/09/16


if is SPARTA, then must be basicly on historic themes, i see that here is all shaked, sun with 16 rays is macedonian sin\mbol, and he have Achille when was Troyan war, also have elephant,, who is used when Alexander The Great attack India, cathaeact i first see it, no one in history, so if u made game with historic theme must be identical, 

about news and updates, u see that how much have updates , so much leave players? i watch rating on  plarium fall like never before, because all news cost a lot of mponey, is good to spend 5-10-20-30 dollars, but to spend 1000, bcs only sketch to buy for 1 infirmary is about 7-8k drahma, and 5 forge and 5 lumb, and port, farm... that cost a lot, so people like to play , to be players not buyers, 

again will told what say one pole , if continue with this price for few month will play few players, i played e-sim, and spend 300 eur, but his offers was 1,5 eur, and u lie yourself now 10, after some time u need  u say what is 1,5 eur again... and e-sim have ibn that time 500.000 players, one server, now have 5 servers, but he increase and new stuf cost a lot, i open only main page and see no one server have more than 5-7 000 players and 70% mostly fakes.

so in all news i didnt see some new and free without paying, then i will told he think for us
Mar 9, 2016, 12:2203/09/16


This game is called SPARTA and loosely based on a Spartan theme and almost nothing about it is historical.

About news and updates, speaking for myself only, I don't really care what Plarium does.. if I like something I buy it or I just ignore it, that's all.

About spending money on the game -again, speaking for myself only- I am a coiner and I spend money on it because I choose to and I don't complain because is MY choice to spend or not. Why this costs so much, the other costs even more and blah blah.. I don't really care!

Bottom line; if Plarium changes the game so much that I don't enjoy it anymore I'll go play something else, that's how I see it!

Mar 10, 2016, 02:1103/10/16


your choice and i spend in game but if is real price, not pvp lose 500 k, thats is aboy 20 k drahma and u take 480 drahma 3 agema, ,   30 min bost 55 drahma, 1 hour 110, so we lose milions for 1 bbost

and if is not historical, cant be named sparta, he can use other name, not sparta , bcs is atracte and historycal, 
Mar 10, 2016, 04:0303/10/16
Mar 11, 2016, 06:43(edited)

Well, if it was Sparta, to start with, there would be no silly teleporters nor energy shields, right ?

Then the whole game is based on your own city as a starting point. This is where your troops are built, and where you hide them when you're offline.

Allowing for troops to go from a city to another would mean their ranks would grow thinner and thinner after each battle until you've lost all of them.

I'm not saying it couldn't still be done, but I like to be able to send my reinforcements along.

Now we have been discussing recently about the opportunity to send troops directly from another city where they could be garrisonned (either defending after you sent reinforcements or liberated it, or besieging, for instance).

Tactically, I agree it could be interesting to send troops to a distant city, then attack a target from there. Of course it's not implemented, but at least it has been discussed and globally considered as an interesting idea.

Now what's the difference with your own idea ? Well, it's in the word "garrisonned".

What you're asking is they fly from city to city like a brood of crickets.

But when you've raiding a city, your troops are always automatically returning you the goods they have plundered, that's why your next raid can only start from your city.

This is because your troops never stay garrisonned there when you're raiding. Obviously, historically speaking, I can't see how your victims would acclaim their bullies to stay defending them...

That's the reason why we thought the army would have to garrisonned somewhere first, before being able to eventually, if the game was changed, be sent elsewhere. :)

Now you have to know this already exists in the game. :)

It's called coalition attack and can only be peformed towards collective targets (i.e. pantheons).

You first have to send your troops to the attack leader (usually the closer to the target), then he can lead an attack using up to 3 people's troops together to the target.

Now to try and finish studying every aspect of your question, I fear Plarium has already introduced a way to do what you're asking : city teleportation.

Now you can teleport close to each of your targets in turn, doing exactly what you asked for.

The problem is I personnally think it has more to do with Star Trek than ancient Sparta... :p

Mar 10, 2016, 22:3403/10/16

Nuno Paiva said:

gentlemen please do not cross the line, we all have the right to have opinion, let's respect it...

thank you

Do Unicorns have rights

If so, they think you have the right to remain silent

Dumbness is just Dumb

You can quote me on that
Mar 10, 2016, 23:1403/10/16
keep it civil please 
Mar 11, 2016, 00:1903/11/16

ThatBloke said:

The problem is I personnally think it has more to do with Star Trek than ancient Sparta... :p

"Beam me up Scotty"

"Captain, I dina hhhave the powerrr!!"

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