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Plarium customer care

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Mar 20, 2019, 20:3203/20/19

Plarium customer care

I think if calling the arms for Dragma buying boycott is the ONLY way to get Plarium attention, we are in the dying phase of the game

and when Plarium Start to Ban ELDER players  for pointing up serious ISSUES, that mean they dont have intention to fix them , just riding with the capital of player they still have  and silent / Ban  the few who try to speak up the truth.

WEB_GL was a disaster, what compensationplayers got ? nothing

APP have caused so many crashes, serious financial loses to the players  and plarium avoid by any means necessary to shut down any  rebellion-

Is  Saddam  still alive ?

Mar 21, 2019, 16:3503/21/19
I Support Lacaz ( no money ) said:

I think if calling the arms for Dragma buying boycott is the ONLY way to get Plarium attention, we are in the dying phase of the game

and when Plarium Start to Ban ELDER players  for pointing up serious ISSUES, that mean they dont have intention to fix them , just riding with the capital of player they still have  and silent / Ban  the few who try to speak up the truth.

WEB_GL was a disaster, what compensationplayers got ? nothing

APP have caused so many crashes, serious financial loses to the players  and plarium avoid by any means necessary to shut down any  rebellion-

Is  Saddam  still alive ?

Why are you still playing inspite of all this? base on your registry, you've been playing since 2015 and you know better than me how this game is, but still you are playing. I still remember 2 years back when some players did a dracs boycott, what happened? plarium still standing, you know why? Beacause its free to play. :-)
Mar 23, 2019, 19:1403/23/19

Lorena said:

I Support Lacaz ( no money ) said:

I think if calling the arms for Dragma buying boycott is the ONLY way to get Plarium attention, we are in the dying phase of the game

and when Plarium Start to Ban ELDER players  for pointing up serious ISSUES, that mean they dont have intention to fix them , just riding with the capital of player they still have  and silent / Ban  the few who try to speak up the truth.

WEB_GL was a disaster, what compensationplayers got ? nothing

APP have caused so many crashes, serious financial loses to the players  and plarium avoid by any means necessary to shut down any  rebellion-

Is  Saddam  still alive ?

Why are you still playing inspite of all this? base on your registry, you've been playing since 2015 and you know better than me how this game is, but still you are playing. I still remember 2 years back when some players did a dracs boycott, what happened? plarium still standing, you know why? Beacause its free to play. :-)

well,well,well....there is not only one salt :)

Oct 27, 2019, 03:3610/27/19
funny that most of the messages been deleted