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Attention! Forum thread "Migration to WebGL" will be closed. Attention! Forum thread "Migration to WebGL" will be closed.

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Attention! Forum thread "Migration to WebGL" will be closed.

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Nov 28, 2018, 16:0511/28/18

Attention! Forum thread "Migration to WebGL" will be closed.

Dear Archons!

As you know, server has been transferred to the new platform - WebGL. This process has been realized within several stages. The first stage was in the form of a beta test for a small group of players. And we have created an individual thread on the forum to divide WebGL feedback and Bug reports from the Flash ones.

Since early October, all players on have been moved to the WebGL platform, and activity in the forum thread related to the migration has decreased. Due to this fact, we have decided to close this thread and remove it afterwards.

It does not mean we won’t consider bug reports and feedback posts related to the WebGL platform. Now, if you want to report a bug, please use the Bug Reports section. We will gladly consider your feedback in the Game Discussion thread.

Our devs are constantly working on the game optimization. We appreciate your reports and suggestions. They help us make the game more convenient for you.

In case you have reported the bug in the WebGL thread and the Forum Administrators/Community Managers have not replied to it, please leave a new post in it. This will allow us to review the topic and move it to the appropriate category.

Thank you for your help in making the game better!

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