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OMG!! What just happened??OMG!! What just happened??

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OMG!! What just happened??

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Oct 4, 2018, 14:4310/04/18

OMG!! What just happened??

Tried to load game. Saw some message changed to webgl.  

Google -latest version for 32 bit os - spend 6 min to load . No joke. Start screen spinning gold icons, no buildings.  Clicked guardian icon. Tried to use guardians for guardian points, screen so slow cant send guardians, stops.  cant refresh browser - 'did not respond'.

Opera - latest version 32 os - game cant load - guardian screen stopped , cant move up or down, cant do tournament for points. screen locked.  refresh does not work.

Play app-  anti-virus blocked it - said at download  'warning-potential threat detected'  did not open on this computer.

WHAT HAPPENED??  If Plarium planned to change the game, how can update be worse than our  old game?? Before, I  played today - flash internet explorer - no problem. Now i cant do anything.  

Game was fine before. Now looks very broken. So disappointed.

Oct 4, 2018, 14:5510/04/18

They force you to download the app. Thats it. This lag is intentionel.

Oct 4, 2018, 20:1410/04/18
Oct 4, 2018, 20:22(edited)
I do not like this new version, my mom and I use same comp. she plays all 3 servers plus facebook so she is using the plarium play for the the servers outside of facebook and she stays logged in so I use my regular browser and it looks bad now plus no way to check  server 2 where I also play. I have to ask her to log out if I want to collect free gifts or change server. Is there anyway to make it so we can have 2 plarium play on her comp. like having more than one tab open on browsers so she does not have to log out and I could still come on and play 
Oct 5, 2018, 11:0710/05/18
Oct 5, 2018, 11:25(edited)


1- I tried a public computer - same problems. 32 bit os cant run a 64 bit browser. Game is too slow., stops in 32bit mode..

  Play app had some loading problem. I guess app is 64 bit, not 32 bit.

2- I tried my friend's computer -using now - it has 64 bit os, First tested Chrome browser - same problem. Slow to load, play.

Then I tested Plarium play app - no problem! Then I tried Chrome again - now it works for 64 bit os.

 Maybe Plarium did an update or Chrome updated automatically? Maybe we must download app before browser will work?

Conclusion -If computer has 64bit os, the app - Chrome browser - can work.

If computer has 32 bit os,  just read admin suggestion - put mouse over play app download button, right click 'copy link address', paste address into empty url space, change '64' to '32'  at the end of the link address, then press enter to download 32 bit play app.

Oct 5, 2018, 23:4810/05/18
Oct 5, 2018, 23:51(edited)

I've played every single day for like over 2 years and have spent real $$$   Today, I can't log in.  It appears to me that only Windows users can play Sparta now!!!  I can't download the desktop app (which is for windows only) and I can't log in any other way on my MAC.  

I have uninstalled and reinstalled chrome.  I've tried it with flash enabled and disabled.  I've cleared cache and cookies, I've tried another browser.  No luck.


IF not, please tell me how to log on.  

running OSX 10.9.5 1.3 Ghz processor, Intel Core i5. 


HELP ME! (and please be kind, I'm not a tech whiz).

DeletedTechnical Support
Oct 23, 2018, 11:0310/23/18

Hello, Archons!

Please refer to this thread to lear more about the changes. There you will find list of requirements for WebGL platform.  

Those who experience issues with installing Plarium Play app. Please check this post and try downloaded the app via the link in the post.

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