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Firefox faster then chrome

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Oct 4, 2018, 14:3910/04/18

Firefox faster then chrome

Dear guys from Plarium,

Firefox is now faster then chrome, less laggs.

while you say  firefox will be gone

and can you please turns this ugly cityface thing for the webbrowsers back to normal

thank you.
Oct 4, 2018, 20:2710/04/18
My  game on  Sparta  war  of  empires  on  google  chrome looks  horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It  makes  no  sense  for  it  to downgrade because  you  made a  downloadable  version.  I  want  my  game  back  the   way  it  looked before  the  migration  ,  not  this  old  outdated look  with  so much  lag.  Its  ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plarium  needs  to  figure  it  out  and  fast!!  Also, you  can  not see  chat messages  with  friends,  friend  requests, or notifications  on  the  new  down load!  Get  it  fixed, thank  you!!! !  am  very disappointed  in  plarium  at  this  time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feeling  very  annoyed!!!!!  Grrrrrr 
Oct 5, 2018, 10:1910/05/18
Oct 5, 2018, 18:48(edited)

and the tab key in the map on browsers + enter dont work either

my friends are gone too
DeletedTechnical Support
Oct 23, 2018, 10:4510/23/18

Dear Archons!

Please refer to this thread to lear more about the changes. There you will find list of requirements for WebGL platform. 

If you find a bug in the game that can be tested and reproduced, then please create an individual topic and describe the issue in detail. 

This topic will be closed. 

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