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Message error

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Aug 14, 2018, 23:2908/14/18

Message error

I have a new message that I cannot see or read, when I delete all messages the game crashes and I am sent to an almost blank page saying out of memory, try reloading or navigate to another page to continue. I have refreshed, rebooted, deleted the cashe but every time I log back in I end up in the same situation with all of all of my old messages and 1 that I still cannot see, read or delete etc, any ideas ?
Aug 15, 2018, 06:2308/15/18

Hello Archon, 


Are you on the WebGL engine when this problem appears ?

Aug 15, 2018, 18:5408/15/18
yes, I'm on the web GL server, after the overnight refresh the spurious message is still here and is still crashing my machine each time I try to delete it.
Aug 16, 2018, 06:4708/16/18
Aug 16, 2018, 06:50(edited)

I'll move your subject in the "Migration to WebGL" thread in the future. 


Without being sure that it will work, you should try to use Plarium Play app who can potentially prevent you from leaving your game.

If that doesn't work, the best thing you can do while waiting for this problem to be more deeply analyzed is to not delete your private messages.

I know there are invisible messages like Drag said, but I didn't think they could sometimes get you out of the game.

Sorry for the inconvenience.