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Feedback - please design to reduce time to do tasksFeedback - please design to reduce time to do tasks

Get Sparta: War Of Empires

Feedback - please design to reduce time to do tasks

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Aug 8, 2018, 20:4408/08/18

Feedback - please design to reduce time to do tasks

One of the major issues for me playing Sparta is the amount of time the games takes up.

I would strongly suggest Plarium looks at ways to reduce time involved in do game tasks.

As an example - Upgrading Guardians: For each attack you have to; Select Guardian; select attack; read attack power; scroll down and select warlord to attack. When a tourney is on you do this action 100's of times

Why not select Guardian and then 'attack' and guardian attacks appropriate warlord?

If this is too radical an idea, then at least make the warlord icons MUCH MUCH smaller so you can see them all without scrolling.

There are many areas in the game that could be simplified in this way - getting rid of the silly aether battle is another example!

Grim Reaper

1875 -150
