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Coalition Chests Are Here Now Coalition Chests Are Here Now

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Coalition Chests Are Here Now

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Aug 7, 2018, 13:2508/07/18

Coalition Chests Are Here Now

Coalition Chests Are Here Now

Treasures For Your Whole Coalition


Coalition Chests have arrived in Hellas. This new feature is exclusive to Special Offers at the Bank. Chests are available in scaling rarities: Basic, Standard, Superior, Exquisite, and Legendary. The rarer the Chest, the more valuable its contents.

When you get a Coalition Chest, each of your Coalition Members will receive one of the same rarity. The contents will not be the same but will be of equal value.

In the “Goods” tab of your Inbox you can find your Coalition Chests and Coalition Reward Packs. The Reward Packs have moved from the Market in this update.

Coalition Chests all have their own expiry timers, so check the “Goods” tab of your Inbox often. Once one has expired, you won’t be able to claim its contents. You can remove expired Chests from your “Goods” tab by clicking “Remove all expired goods”.

Share the riches with your Coalition and you will all be stronger.

Basileus Leonidas
