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Smooth migration to the new WebGL game engine.Smooth migration to the new WebGL game engine.

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Smooth migration to the new WebGL game engine.

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Aug 2, 2018, 09:0908/02/18

Smooth migration to the new WebGL game engine.

Greetings, Archons!

We’re still working on ensuring Sparta’s smooth migration to the new WebGL game engine. What does it mean for you and what can you expect? Let us review the most significant changes.

Since the majority of browsers will case their support of Adobe Flash Player, the migration from Flash Player to WebGL is the only way for Sparta: War of Empires to remain playable. And furthermore, the new platform will allow us to make a number of improvements:

  • Features that up until now were only available on our Facebook servers will appear on as well.
  • Many of the UI elements will be retouched to improve their overall look.
  • WebGL is much more stable as an engine and will increase the performance of the game. You should no longer face random lag spikes and frame drops.
  • And last but not least, the game will run much better on our Plarium App, as the app itself has been designed to work with WebGL as the primary game engine.

Hold that line, Archons! Changes are coming to Sparta and your war against Xerxes and his hordes is far from over!

AndriiTechnical Support
Aug 3, 2018, 15:3708/03/18
Sep 24, 2018, 15:24(edited)

How to switch from 32-bit to 64-bit browser

The 64-bit version of your browser provides better speed, performance, and stability than the 32-bit version. To prevent lagging or game freezes, please use the following links to download 64-bit version or update your browser: